Legend of Love


Simply feel the love out of box


"If being a girl's first love is pure luck............

                        being the last love of a man is mistery"



When the girl we all know become teenage girl, chasing her dream and met the prince charming of her dream, what will be the fate waiting ahead.

I translated the fanfic of my friend Nicole Hada aka Lee Haru's eomma-wanna-be's Myanmar version. So, I do not own these characters and fanfics. Plz blame her if u found any unsatisfaction or annoyance. XD


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Please update!!!!
Chapter 1: Me too.....fangirling with jiyongXharu...thought i was crazy...especially those steal glances from baby haru....and the way jiyong looks at our haru....a new otp was born....yayy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Please update author-nim....yuyuyu ㅜ.ㅜ
ee. . me still ship them too. .
criz2587 #4
Chapter 4: Keep goig i still ship them
Chapter 4: Owwww!!!! Yedam, our next Bang! <3 Thanks so much for the update. Take care!
Chapter 3: Update when you can but remember to update this!
Chapter 3: OMO, please tell me Taeyang or Bang!!! please, update soon! Authornims, YG stans, YG family and Lee Haru FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 1: Please, please continue it!!! I fangirl Haru too, with GD, Taebae, Bobby, Hanbin, Mino... Of course as a grown teenager! ^~^ i can't wait for her debut! ^~^
lady_shizuka #9
Chapter 1: aww it's so cute , I'm also a big fan of lil haru . I'm having a blast with your story