SHOSHI babies

it was just another day at SM daycare, ms.song had the perfect day planned for the shoshi babies, first thing first was to let the others who didn't get to show there drawing do it today.

"okay who would like to go first?" ms.song smiled at the toddlers.

"me pwease" baby hyoyeon said eagerly waving her little hands in the air.

"okay Hyo you can go first"

baby hyoyeon walks to the front showing the other toddlers her picture, it was of her , a clown, a treehouse, guns and a huge tube with something green in it.



hyoyeon walks into her huge tree house with the dancing clown that had just came over.

"dancing clown on you thirsty?" hyoyeon asked once the clown sat on the candy cane chair.

"im very thirsty," he said while fanning himself.

hyoyeon put on gloves and went got the green liquid from the bath tube and hands it to the thirsty dancing clown.

"geez thanks, Hyo" he happily takes it and starts to drink it quickly "i needed that"

hyoyeon pulls out her ray gun and points it to the clown" freeze purple villain!" she yelled making the dancing clown dance in fright.

"oh no you've caught me yet again super hyo," he said with a pout before changing into his true form from drinking the green liquid.

alien police walk out of a portal and handcuffs the dancing clown "you've done it yet again super Hyo, you saved the earth"

hyoyeon high fives the alien police before waving goodbye as they leave back in there portal "another dancing clown in space jail" she said before walking on top of the tree house to see all the space ships fly pass her.


all the soshi babies clapped in amazement, ms.song was also impressed even though she couldn't understand why all the toddlers seemed to love space or superheroes a lot.

"me next" baby Jessica walks in front with her picture "this is me and yuri" she said pointing at the two circles on the page with z's over there heads.


Jessica walks in her and Yuri's house with two pillows.

"yuri me home!" she yelled out.

"welcome," Yuri said happily before kissing her girlfriend on the cheek.

"i have new pillows" Jessica happily showed them off.

"should we use them?" yuri asked and Jessica smiled and nodded.

the two put there pillows on the floor and went to sleep for 50 years.


the shoshi babies clap even though baby yuri looks like she was going to cry before she actually did.

"Yuri-ah what's wrong sweetie?" ms.song asked whiles she tried to comfort the crying toddler.

"me no want to sweep for 50 years" baby yuri continued to cry making baby jessica cry too.

"Jessica what's the matter honey?" ms.song went up to try and calm the other crying toddler.

"Yuri don't want to sweep wiif jessica" she cried even louder.

baby Tiffany started to cry as well and ms.song runs to comfort her.

"fany what's a wrong baby girl?" ms.song worriedly ask the crying toddler.

"me didnt show drawing" she whined while wiping her eyes with her picture she made.

baby taeyeon started to also cry making ms.song rush to her side to see if the toddler was okay.

"are you alright tae? what's the matter ?" ms.song was running out of breath the way she had to keep going around the room checking on crying toddlers.

"taetae sad becwase tippini is sad" she cried .

the rest of the shoshi babies joined in and ms.song now had a room full of crying toddlers who had already had a nap before they got here. an hour later and ms.song finally got the shoshi babies to calm down baby Tiffany was all ready to show off her drawing.

"ok me ready" baby tiffany's picture showed all of them and ms. song 


Tiffany walked around the daycare with taeyeon and laid on the playmat "is taetae Tiffanys forever?" Tiffany asked the shorter girl who kissed her nose.

"taetae is always tippini's, forever" tiffany eye smiled and kissed Taeyeon's cheek.

sooyoung and yoona sat on the other side of the mat trading each other snacks while ignoring Seohyun who kept repeating they were going to get fat and die.

hyoyeon was dancing on the other part of the mat before stopping to fly around the room with her new wings.

Jessica started to chase yuri around the room with her shoe because Yuri tried to kiss her cheek with a cucumber in and Jessica smelled the cucumber because she had superpowers.

sunny sat in the corner watching everyone while reading her book.

"okay shoshi girls, time for a story" all the older shoshi kids rush to sit in front of ms.song who started to read them a story, and they all lived forever with ms.song and each other. 


baby taeyeon was the first to clap and rushed over to hug baby tiffany, ms. song wipes her tears even though most of what baby tiffany said were impossible it still warmed her heart to know that the toddler wanted her around forever.

"oh gosh,who is next?" ms.song asked still wiping her tears.

"us" baby yoona and baby Seohyun walks up holding a drawing they both help make "me and yoongie share" baby seo smiled.

there picture had them, yoona eating junk food and robots.


yoona was eating her super healthy cotton candy when Seohyun walks into the room with there pet robot.

"yoongie our robot wants to take over the world" Seohyun pouted while looking at there pet robot.

"but robots can do that if they want to" yoona replied while eating her chocolate apples.

"but robot wants to kill all humans" Seohyun whined before looking at there robot that started to draw up plans to destroy humans.

yoona walks to the robot and rubs it stomach the robot throws up the birthday cake with a candle in it.

"surprise" yoona smiled showing Seohyun the birthday cake with her name on it "merry birthday seo baby"

"but sweets kill you yoongie" Seohyun whined because she didn't want to die.

yoona frowned before getting an idea and running into there kitchen before returning with fruit and vegetables.

"it's healthy if you put fruit and veggies in the cake"yoona reasoned with a huge smile.

"thats so smart yoongie" Seohyun kiss Yoona's cheek and the two ate the birthday cake happily while there robot went outside destroying all humans.


the shoshi babies yet again happily clapped at the story just told but ms.song, on the other hand, looked completely confused on what she just heard the shoshi babies were an odd bunch.

the final toddler to show off there drawing was Sunny who's been silent the whole time.

"okay baby Sunny its your turn" ms.song smiled and clapped for the toddler to give her some encouragement.

sunny shows her picture and it was of her , a bird and a dark figure holding somthing in its hand and they were somewhere.


sunny sits next to her new best friend "death do we all have to die?" she asked the skeleton man.

"yes you do," he said in a deep dad voice.

sunny just nodded in understanding before her and death walked into a graveyard and sat next to the dead people dancing on there own graves.

"do they know there dead?" she wondered while she played with a bird she had just killed.

"yup and they are actually scared and want to run but i force them to dance," he said .

"cool so when i die where do me go?" she asked looking at the dead bird in her hand.

"if you're bad when you go to the bad place if good then good place," he said before walking off leaving sunny alone to play with the dead bird.


all the shoshi babies stare at baby sunny in horror they all had a new reason to cry.

"me no want to die" baby tae loudly cried out.

"death pwease don't take me" baby tiffany also cried.

"me going to a bad place for eating lots" baby sooyoung cries.

"no die me no die!" baby Jessica screamed like a dolphin.

"lif no matter" baby yuri whined.

"aaaaahh!" baby yoona cried out.

"evil wunnie" baby seo yelled through her tears while pointing at the confused baby sunny.

ms.song couldn't believe yet again what she heard, who told a toddler about death?.

"remind me to speak to your parents sunny" ms.song now had to figure out how she was going to calm a bunch of toddlers down from thinking about dying.

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_A1233 #1
Chapter 5: Poor Hyoyeon.
_A1233 #2
Chapter 5: YoonHyun’s so cute!
_A1233 #3
Chapter 5: ByunYul! Goodluck to Sica when they grow up!
_A1233 #4
Chapter 5: Can’t get over YulSic’s crying!
_A1233 #5
Chapter 5: Baby Sunny is scary.
_A1233 #6
Please continue! It’s really cute.
Chapter 6: Be careful what you wish for (•‾⌣‾•)
1131 streak #8
Chapter 6: Hahaha cant stop laughing at baby SooTae's convo and baby Young you got what you wanted... im sure Ms Song will miss the mischievous but adotable little babies for a week or two...
Chapter 7: Chapter 6&7 is just the same, author