
High School Drama

Victoria was glad that the school day ended, she was exhausted from all the works that pile up from last week, but she was happy that Krystal is coming over to help her do her work. "Come on Krystal let's go over to my house so you so help me wih my homework." 

Krystal remember the small house that she use to come over everyday to visit Victoria. It have been a long time since she last saw it, she missed seeing it the house. The house looks from the shape to the little details on it portrait Victoria's personality. She remember the days where both of them work hard to make the house look pretty and stand out compare to the other houses in the neighborhood. Stepping inside reminds her of the time she and Victoria spend together, she missed those days and hope for it to come back soon. 

Krystal walked into the kitchen, she saw Victoria was making two ham sandwiches and lemonade, that was Krystal favorite thing to eat. She loved eating ham sandwich made by it Victoria, it like a definition of perfection beside from when the two of them are pleasing each other. 

Victoria carry the food and drink to the table, she sat down and hand Krystal a sandwich and a glass of lemonade. "Gomawo", Krystal enjoy every bite of the sandwich, seeing that Victoria hand Krystal her sandwich instead of eating it. "No you eat it, it was for you I already have my shared." 

"It okay Krystal you can have it, it look like you really like my sandwiches that make me happy because someone is enjoying my cooking." Krystal was okay with it "You're going to make me fat, if you keep making such good food." 

After eating, Krystal and Victoria pull out heir homework and started working on it, Victoria was finish with all her math homework before Krystal could finish her math homework for today. Math isn't really Krystal favorite subject even though her sister is a math teacher, but to Victoria it was easy stuff, so she end up helping Krystal with her math homework. But it was the other way around when it comes to English. Victoria did not like English at all, it was hard to understand, she have to ask Krystal to help her a lots. Krystal actually didn't mind helping Victoria at all. She move closer to Victoria. Krystal could feel the closeness and skinship between the two of them, that just make her wanted to touch the girl so much. 

After they finally finish homework, they watch TV and Krystal cuddle up close to Victoria. She wanted to tease the girl a little so she started tickling Victoria. "Krystal! Stop... It... No it ticklish...." But she ignore the girl pleases. The next thing they knew was that Krystal was on top of Victoria now, she wanted to kiss Victoria and touch her, make love to her but she stop herself because Victoria look scare and she didn't want to hurt the girlfriend. Krystal got off Victoria, pack her stuff and left, he could feel that her face was blushing intensely. She got home and lock herself in her room to calm herself down and she didn't wanted to see Jessica right now.

Victoria was confuse, scare and at the same time having this weird feeling of attraction toward Krystal, she was wondering if Krystal was really her girlfriend. She wanted to gain back her memories soon so she wouldn't have this feeling of pushing Krystal away from her. Krystal was such a nice girl and she didn't want to see the girl hurt from Victoria rejecting her every time they were getting close. 

The next day at school it was quite awkward between the two and everyone could see it. Amber took this to her advantage as a time to make a move on Victoria. "Hey Victoria do you want to hang out with me today after school?" Krystal sent a deadly glare toward Amber, but she didn't really care. "Sure why not" Victoria answer, that makes Krystal sad but there is nothing she could do to stop them, to Victoria right now the relationship between Krystal and her doesn't exist. 

Once school was out, Amber and Victoria left first leaving Krystal by herself. Krystal was worry so she follows them, keeping her distance quite a way but still close enough to not lose them. Amber and Victoria went into a store to shop for clothes, Krystal decide to stay outside to wait for them to come out, she didn't wanted to go in there and taking a risk that they might see her. 

Around half an hour later Victoria and Amber walk out with only one shopping bag in Victoria hand. They headed to the next stop the ice cream shop near Victoria's house. Krystal love the ice cream at that shop, Victoria and her often went there to hang out after school before heading to Victoria's house. Stepping in the shop she choose a seat at the back corner, where she was close to the other two but they can't she her.

She could hear the laughter and enjoyment of the other two and that make her feels sad, angry and lonely. Finally the two stand up to go pay and left, Krystal not far behind the, but with the hold up at the counter made her almost missed the girls by a second. The girls then enter a jewelry store, Krystal can see from the outside they were picking out rings, couple rings for that matter of fact. "Oh they only hang out for a few hours and now they already bought couple items." Krystal whisper to herself. 

At last they reached Victoria's home. Krystal was hinding behind a bush near the girl, she could see them but couldn't make out what they were saying.It was dark so she couldn't see well what was really going on between the two girl but it look like they are kissing, they parted real fast and Amber look away, after a few more minute Amber left. Seeing that make Krystal both really sad and boiled with anger because she losing Victoria. She waited out until her angry subsided a bit and ran all the way home, tears were now running down her face smearing her make up, but she didn't really care anymore. 

Jessica and Tiffany hear the door open and shut really hard and then heavy foot step walking up the stair. Jessica got up from her seat and walk upstairs toward her sister room.

She knock on the door but there was no answer. She try opening the door but it was lock. "Soojung-ah, what wrong talk to me." Jessica could hear the sobbing of her sister through the door, she swore that she was going to beat up the person who make her sister cry. "Go away Unnie I don't want to see anybody right now." Hearing that make Jessica wanted to comfort her sister more, but she reluctantly leave the girl alone to calm down before trying to talk to her again. 

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Chapter 11: Thank you author I enjoyed reading this ch. and could you please update 'cause I really ship krytoria
sivi1992 #2
please update
Chapter 11: I hope you update this terrific story soon Much love author <3
Totogorote #4
Chapter 11: please update soon! <333
jelly101424 #5
Chapter 11: cant w8 for the update.
River1721 #6
Chapter 11: Sica why have them break up :(
Krytoria fighting!!
sicacouple #7
Please let it be krytoria. . I love them so much ...I want JeTi moments too hehehe
Thank you so much for liking my story. I'll try to update it soon. Yeah they will end up together b/c I'm ship Krytoria big time.
Chapter 8: Hi! I just wanted to say that I like your story, it's very good! I just wanted to say that I wish that Krystal and Victoria will end up together! Have a nice day author! :)