feelings being denied


"People used to hide or deny there feelings afraid of rejections."

"pushing people you love away makes you more weaker not stronger"

Joy and irene is the main character here and there's a lil bit yoonsic my indestructible otp kkkkk. Joy and irene used to hide there feelings despite of many reasons the same with yoonsic

What will happen if you keep on denying your own feelings!? Will you live happy or you will suffer and regret


"falling in love with the same girls like you is absolutely insane" irene muttered,leaning at her bed headboard while reading her book,she closed her book and directly look at joy before asking or questioning joy's question.

"so joy why did you asked If its bad or good thing falling in love with the same girl like you?" irene asked innocently ,waiting for joy's response."i ah i uh l-lo i-i mean nothing unnie it's just that it pop in my head"

joy answered stuttering due of nervous she felt in fact joy heart broke into million pieces hiring irene's statement,yes joy is broken because she fall in love with irene which is a straight girl who disagree at falling in love with same gender... On the oder side irene was also confused if it right or wrong falling with the same gender,irene have a secret crush on joy but despite of there age and ther gender plus there popularity she used to remove and deny her feelings and she's afraid of any rejections thinking that joy wouldn't love her back because joy is a girl straight girl indeed.


Irene's pov.

it's another bloomy day but same old routine happen , eat,pray,work,love,hope,deny,broken there's nothing new but Something new happen,i was about to go at Girls room when we are praticing but then i Saw joy talking to luhan ,she Keeps on giggling,and blushing.i felt Disappointment of what i see,i walked at The balcony,when i heard someone's Coming and i saw it's yoona unnie,coming Right here she sat beside me with her smile On her face which making me admire her too.

"it's really a good day for dating huh,seem's that Weather is with me" she said while looking at the sky."date? With whom? Lee seungi Oppa?" i asked her but before she answered She chuckle

"no hahaha ,we broke up already" She shook her head before she continue her Sentence

"i realize i don't really love him and I love someone else at firts i keep on denying My feelings for jessica unnie,but i end up confessing,i decided to confess my feelings for sica unnie today and ask her for a date if she say's yes,you know what the more you hide the more pain you can feel,the more you deny the more you make your life harder,if there's something you want to say,just say it,its way better than hiding it''

i frowned at her statement i mean i though yoona is a straight,i want to ask her if she's not afraid that sica unnie might reject her but then yoona unnie talk

"im not afraid of any rejections" Wow is she a mind reader? Haha ," why so unnie?" I asked her innocently

"rejections is not a big deal .she might reject me or somehow she can't love me back is not a valid reason of giving up ,i don't care how much pain can affect me,important is i can show how i love her and make her realize how i care for her" her words made me realize that denying my feelings and scared of rejection make me more loser and make my life more harder....but im still scared of any thing might happen so i used to hide it till the end. But one thing i promised is that i'll protect or stand as a loving and caring sister for joy......because i love her


oh yea chingu it's my second ff ,i know im not yet done with my firts fic but i can't just resist how cute joyrene is . Comments, would be nice and add up your thoughts or suggest any. thanks and take care. Mwah :*


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please update soon
jenggie20 #3
Update soon author jebal.
yoonsic4ever22 #4
Joyrene? Ohh looks great i think im gonna make them my red velvet otp.

Thank god theres YOONSIC in here
this sounds great please make yoonsic as main
Chracter joke.author
woaah looking forward for this.. update soon author-nim ❤❤❤