
Fact or Fiction?

"EXO Moonlight Luhan focus" .. She typed into the Youtube searchbar. Within seconds the familiar lyrics unfurled itself on her..

You constantly, stealthily invade
the breaks in my everyday life
Exiled to a dark dream,
your gentleness awakens me
Not in time to close the window,
you flee far away

 Yeah, that's what he does to her: invading into her life, her dreams, her memories. All she could remember was him; grades didn't matter, boyfriends never existed, parties were an illusion, classes were playground for her imagination...

"Uh, hello! Earth to Thalia!!" Her roommate May was shouting at her. "I really don't understand why you'd have to watch 100 different fancams in 1000 different angles of the same goddamn performance. Like, really, no. I don't understand." 

"You wouldn't get it even if I tell you." Thalia went on hyper-defensive mode.

"Well, try me." 

"Umm.. You know, I have a theory. I think there's something going on between Xiumin and Luhan. Well, see here (she pauses the video and points at the screen), he's looking at Minseok as he's getting down from the stage during this part. And it's not a vague, random look. Trust me one this."

"Thalia. Girl, I like you. I love you. But I've got to break it to you: You're delusional. Nothing more, nothing less. I mean, what difference does it make. It's not a sin to like a dude, nor should it matter to anybody else if they're in love. It's none of anybody's business, don't you think? And for heavens' sake every one of you think this way about each of those flowerboys you like. "Oppa loves men." Yeah, right. And Shakespeare loves Vatsyayana."

"Told you, you wouldn't get it. They are part of my life, May. I've spent over 2 years with them, May. I mean.. not "with" with them but still... I have my curiosities. Like how you read about...who was it...Ginsberg? Allen Ginsberg, right? How does it matter if he mentioned Walt Whitman or Garcia Lorca in his poetry and all that gay connection. It's all the same, right? Be a little more accomodative. Okay, no, just let me be." Thalia was on the verge of anger. And her weird hormones were ready to throw up through her eyes.
"Okay, listen, I'm sorry. But I just don't see why you have to waste your life in front of your laptop like this. And for your information, the Lorca business is purely academic. But this... Anyways, sorry. "
May walked out of their room: Room no. 8412, Anton Hill, University of Hephaestus. 
Maybe May was right: she was just another delusional fan of EXO; but what May doesn't understand is what EXO means to her. Will she ever be able to confess what was the real reason behind her "fangirlitism" to May? She really didn't know. And she didn't know if May would understand even then. 

Thalia closed her laptop and picked up her black custom-made tote bag with that EXO-concentric-hexagon-maze staring expectantly at her. First hour was Ancient Greek History: great! Exactly what she wanted. 




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DevilNextToYou #1
Will this be xiuhan or ocxluhan
920921_ #2
Looking forward on this~