Do you remember?

Dark Feathers ~[HIATUS]

I watched as his deep eyes searched me, their cool gaze pouring into me. The strands of his black hair glistened with the dim, artificial light that seeped through the Midnight Café – the only place guaranteed to be open at this time of night. I saw the features that embraced his face deepen with an elegant shadow as the already silent and, surprisingly darkened, moon creeped behind a nearby fluff of cloud that floated in the star-pricked sky outside the window of the café. Inside the café itself, the atmosphere seemed to replicate that of which was enhanced outside, deep into the night. I noticed the glint in his eyes seep into blackness as he dropped his gaze, letting his jaw-length hair sweep in front of his face. He was his thumb so lightly against my left hand as he held it in his sweet touch. For some reason my throat felt increasingly closed off as I watched him bite his lip, the nervousness evident in his gesture. My stomach suddenly became so filled with uncontrollable worry, anxious of the words that would soon fall out of his mouth. I simply wished I could reach over the table and kiss him, so passionately, so that I could make it all better – so that his soft lips would no longer feel poisoned. I wanted to kiss all the pain out of him.

 As I let my gaze wander over his pink lips, I watched as they began to move in the slightest movements. “Do you remember?” I heard his deep voice, filled with hurt, begin to form as they made their way into the air.

 “What?” I croaked, my eyes wavering nervously over his hidden facial features.

 I watched his head lift, revealing his pain filled eyes that had been hiding behind his black hair. I could only read the expression that was wiped over his face as one of hurt and of pleading. I wanted to cry then, my bottom lip beginning to wobble only slightly. How much I wanted him to hold me – for me to hold him, so that we could simply protect each other from everything.

 “When this all began?” he whispered, the soft, vulnerable voice seeping through his words.

 I felt my lips curl into a small, sad smile, and I let my eyes sweep away from his gaze. “Yes.” 


 *   *   *

"Aish! I seriously can't find it!!" Ae-Cha complained through the phone as I walked down the crowded streets of Seoul. Banners hung from each building, brightly lighting up the world. Each colour of the rainbow was mixed in a street of material, all swirling together as the soft breeze flowed all the commercial flags into one another.

"Ae-Cha," I reassured her through my mobile. Despite the fact she was in desperation, I still smiled up at all the colours that surrounded me. "Calm down. Did you check under your bed? You always keep things like tickets there, right?"

As I walked passed the bakery I smelt an irresistible smell of freshly baked bread flowing out of the building into the beautiful streets of the South Korean capital, where everyone could pass by and feel so brightened by the glorious smell.

"I've checked everywhere, I - hold on," Ae-Cha sounded suddenly surprised at the other end of the line. Even though I couldn't see her face I knew that her eyes had wandered over to her bed, and, knowing her, she had forced herself to lift the mattress and checked underneath.

"_______! You were right! It was there!" Ae-Cha chirped, excitedly through the phone. "Thank you!"

Dropping my eyes to the pavement for a short moment, I laughed, "No problem, Ae-Chee," I allowed the breeze sift through my hair, the sun glistening strands of it. "Now get off to that party!! You don't want him to wait, do you?"

"Aaah, noo," Ae-Cha squealed through the receiver. "Bye _____!"

I smiled down at my phone, hanging up on my best friend, stopping my feet for a moment. The air around me felt so cool as I let myself drift into the atmosphere of the busy street. Despite the fact the sounds of everyone bustling around was increasingly building up as more people scurried around, I felt so calm, just standing there. It was like I was one with the landmark itself - like another banner that made the area complete.

I suddenly felt a sudden weight crash into me. My eyes opened suddenly, my face in a state of shock, to see a man standing in front of me, his face equally shocked. His eyes, the feature of his smooth-rimmed face, were framed by his jaw-length, sleek hair that enhanced the colour of passionate darkness. As my gaze followed further down his body, I noticed how his neckline looked so masculine with the firmness of his adams apple and the veins that were soothing out slightly. His broad shoulders traced out to a pair of strong arms that were enhanced by the white, v-shaped t-shirt and black waist-coat he wore over the curves of his body. I felt something inside of me flip as I swooned over his figure.

Once he noticed my gaze, he bowed and apologized with a, "Sorry for my clumsiness."

I smiled at him as he lifted his body from his bowing position. I noticed the muscles in his neck tense up as I knew he was feeling anxious about his actions.

My lips curved slightly in awe as my eyes met his.

I slowly felt something slip through my clutch as my grip loosened, his eyes soothing me.

I heard a smacking on the pavement and as a sudden reaction I dropped my gaze, as did he, to see what had caused the sudden noise.

"Aaah, my phone!" I squirmed as I bent down to grab but it was slowly rolling to the grid that closed off the entrance to the sewers. I watched in horror as it slowly slipped through one of the slits and disappeared, leaving a small splash as it hit the dirty waters below. 

Okay, so first chapter... how did you find it? I hope it succeeds all of your expectations!! please comment and thank you to everyone who has done so already and for everyone who has subbed as well!! I really appreciate it!!

Hope you enjoyed and will continue to in future chapters ^_^ (yes I know it's cheesy LOL)


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update please
mirjoona #2
I looooove your writing style!! :D
heehee hi there =D<br />
<br />
i think this fic has definitely got potential. sorry if i'm not making a simple comment saying it's good and im waiting for more (which is true) but it's always difficult to find readers who will help improve writing (i say this in the most loving way)<br />
<br />
i think the tone is perfect for this type of fiction. its very descriptive and in depth, which is always a good fundamental for a piece. However, in both this chapter and your preview, i noticed one thing in particular. it's always tempting to use "i" because you're talking in first person and when you write, you don't really catch it. i have trouble with repetitiveness as well, but try to vary sentence structures, this will help you stray away from starting sentences with "i" and "my."<br />
<br />
hope this helps! can't wait for updates =]
loving_eida #4
not cheesy :lol: i love G.O . thanks for this fic !
hyeamazing #5
Wahooo!!!!! Finally a G.O story...I just loveeeee him! <3 I'll get to the first chapter ASAP! <3
Accidentally_in_love #6
thank you everybody for you awesome comments!! It makes me sooo happy ^_^
*mblaq*<br />
lmao typoo... -_-
gosh your writing style is awesome and cant wait to read^^<br />
btw i think i will fall for mblaw cuz of this story ;)<br />
update soon kimi^^
ChristalSJ #9
Woah! Nice! I like it! Please update more!~ <3 ^^
mblaqism #10
G.O looks soo hot in the poster haha<br />
really liking your story so far!<br />
waiting for your first chapter :)