The Downside of Perfection

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Jongwoon hates breaking the law. But he was left no other option when he and his little brother ended up living on the streets alone at a young age. His path crosses with Kyuhyun, the Prince of Salis, but not everything goes as expected.



→ Author Note

I haven't written in a long time. Please understand that this story will be nowhere as good as my previously written stories (If you thought those were bad, this will be even worse). I am writing this basically for fun, and to see if I still have the writing in me. I am posting this, because nothing makes writing more enjoyable than being supported by friends and fellow shippers. Please let me know what you think of this, what you think should be added, what you are missing etc. I will read all comments; and maybe, if a suggestion sounds amazing, I will add it in a future chapter!

- Author, SujuLoveNL

→ Story Information Details

Title: The Downside of Perfection
Characters: Kyuhyun, Jongwoon (Yesung), Sungmin, Henry, Jongjin (Yesung’s brother), Sungjin (Sungmin’s brother) (- more to be added)
Pairing(s): KyuSung/YeKyu

Rating: PG-13 (might change in the future as the story progresses)
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Angst


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Jahnavi2002 #1
Chapter 2: How come you write so well but still say it's rusty🤔🤔
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 2: Ohh I'll wait for this story too
400 streak #3
Chapter 2: comeback author-nim~
Kuroh_akuma #4
Chapter 2: I know a good story when I read one, and this is one of it! Hope you'll update soon!
Chapter 2: I am happy to see that you are writing again. :) I do hope that you continue to do so as your writing is quite fantastic.
The start of this sounds very interesting and I can't wait to see where it goes. <3
LalaLucky #6
Chapter 2: Yay!!! You're back! Although this chapter is lacking juuuust a little, you're writing is still pretty good! I remember how much I loved your stories and would reread them all the time <3 (still am actually, haha)
Keep up the good work! I've missed you T^T
dalung_pink0413 #7
Chapter 2: HOORAY! And here I was moping and sulking and you just revive me from the dead lol. This is a very good fic as always. As for your writing being rusty, fear noty dear because it's as lovely as ever. Or I am just bias haha. Lol. Thank you for this wonderful update.
Chapter 1: thinking about poor people in the streets while im here reading and sometimes crying on stupid matters makes me think that life is unfair and sometimes i hope someday all the people in pain would find their happiness . any way i love the plot it sound interesting , it is interesting , Looking forward to it ~
Chapter 1: poor them.....
wonder how and when will kyusung meet each others...

cannot wait for your next updates...v(^_^)v