Love is in the air

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When a handsome businessman meet a- well..traveler wannabe.

Love story on the airplane n_n


Pairing: Yesung, Siwon



“Do you need a hand?” asked that person to Yesung.

“Eh?” Yesung is back to the reality. Apparently Yesung is still standing there without doing anything.

“N-no.. I’m okay.” Yesung answered slowly.


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400 streak #1
Chapter 2: It's really a cute story! Love it! 🥰 Thank you for sharing a wonderful story to us babe! ❤️
400 streak #2
Chapter 1: Now I remember the story! ❤️
400 streak #3
Gonna reread this again ❤️
Chapter 2: So fluffy. So adorable. So beautiful. With just simple AU plot, but it brought a lot of emotions to me. Poor Yesung have to wait for Siwon that 1 month long without any clues. Of course, their relationship seems too fast and unreliable as they're together only 9 days. At first, I even thought that Yesung would dump the magazine in trash. Lolllll Finally, Siwon was there with that stupid-but-understandable excuses. Loll I love this couple so much. ♡♡♡
Chapter 2: OMG its cute... sweèeeeeeeet and adorable...
Chapter 2: Ok so... I like the plot. It was simple but sweet. Uncomplicated enough but very destiny-related.. Although still very natural and possible. I mean, that whole month of Siwon not being able to contact Ye at all, it made sense, what with Mouse _____ cafe to start with. And the name Ye gave was not his real name or something.. It was all realistic, in a way. I love it.
Chapter 1: I don't know why that simple and common line "can I ask for your number" made me squeal like a schoolgirl! Gaaaaaah.... Dammit! So freakinsweet all of this chapter is so sweet I love it! Even if it was real quick but it still felt natural
jongwoontrash #8
Chapter 1: Can I just say how much I love this chapter? It's just so cuuuuuute! Especially the ending. Kudos to Siwon there. Well, who can blame him for not resisting Yesungie? :)
Cenya14 #9
Love this story, I miss Yewon