Beautiful Goodbye


It's a little reminscent. I just thought it could be applied right now. 


It was in middle school. He was tall, lean, practically perfect. His hair wasn’t anywhere near as nice as it was in high school. We grew distant, well actually he pushed me away. Before I begin, I’ll let you know a bit of the background information:


Xia was a beauty to behold, I bet she still is. Curly hair, curves, and one of the nicest, selfless girls you’ll ever meet.


Lili, my best friend, she was there for it all and even when I was selfish, she supported me. The petite, adorable type that is quiet in midst of company. We’ve stayed in contact as best we could through all these years.

Me, I’ll remain nameless. I’d describe myself as the type who acts tough and is a complete klutz. Well, I’ll let you decide on how I am.


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Chapter 1: Wow... Like the comment below, this was just beautiful. It's a great reflection of the current kris situation! This legitimately made me cry so much. I loved it so much, yet hated at the sometime because it reminded me that kris is leaving exo and it's perhaps for the better. And I honestly refuse to believe that he's left; exo will never be the same without him.
Chapter 1: Wow...just wow...the massive connotations involved, as well as the paradoxical feel on the whole "current situation" implemented right now, truly gives a sort of "fantasy" to the bittersweet reality "we" are all such essence captured and to what may be the ending result, all I can say is...Thank You Kris...