Beast of the Matter chapter 5

Beast of the Matter chapter 1


Jaejoong's pov


The room is silent as Jaejoong turn's to look at his brothers.

Leeteuk and Sungmin are smiling. Changmin and Junsu have uncertainty on their faces, while Ryeowook and Eunhyuk looked liked someone just told them they where dying.




He has mixed emotions. One of them anxiety, the other, anger. Angry at what? The situation that the counsel has put all of them in. The first thought to come to mind was to separate the two breeds.


He has never went against the counsel. But, this one time, he was tempted to. Jaejoong felt his mind ripple a little.

Thinking it was Ryeowook, he didn't think on it too much.

 Then the door to the meeting room opened and Rain came back in.

 The counsel leader came to stand in front of the vampire leader, "I know what you are thinking, Jaejoong. You have always been a good leader. Always listening to the Elders. Do not go against the orders you were given tonight. You will keep all arrangements that were spoken of here."

Rain turned and addressed the rest of the men in the room, "Junki could, at anytime, come in and check on you. You don't know when, so make sure you stay with the person you are roomed with. We have our reasons for doing this. Everyone go home and try to get along."

Rain turned and gave Jae a meaningful look. The look, disobey me and suffer the consequences.

Jaejoong sighed as he watch the head counsel leave the room.

 He walk over to Junsu, "Lets all go home and wait for hell to erupt." Jaejoong muttered to the younger vampire.

 Jaejoong walked out of the room, then out of the house.

He bite his lip as he donned his gear and get back on his bike.


Jaejoong's anxiety and anger where warring with each other and he thought the anxiety was winning.

As he started the bike he could feel his hands shaking at the oncoming days spent with Yunho in his room, alone.


Riding through the city streets at one o'clock in the morning, Jae thinks back to the night when Yunho had captured him.


Jaejoong had been a young vampire at the time. He had walked down an alley that he had thought was empty, only to have two wolves jump out at him.
Jae was on the verge of gaining all his strength and was just, and he meant only just, was able to fight them off. The fight had ended up with him killing the two weres'.

 When Yunho had found him, he had been leaning over the bodies to make sure that they where dead. Yunho, had gone crazy, and had came at him.

 Jaejoong had been weak, having used all his energy to defeat the now dead ones and was no match for Yunho.

 Yunho had subdued Jaejoong easily and knocked him out. When Jae woke he was in a room on a bed, tied up.


Jaejoong fought against the ropes, but, they were made from a special material that wouldn't break, even with the extra strength that Jaejoong had been able to regain. At that time, Jaejoong knew he was dead. But, he didn't know the pain and humiliation he would endure before the death that he thought was coming.


That night Jaejoong had saw Yunho clearly for the first time. He was exceedingly handsome, but, he had noticed that in his beauty lay a hatred for him, and, Jaejoong for the first time showed fear.


Yunho saw this fear and advanced towards the bed.

"You, vampire, killed my parents. So, I'll kill you and avenge their death."

Jaejoong started fighting with the ropes, pulling and straining against them as the wolf bent down to him. Yunho's face is close to Jaejoong's as he looked at him. "Such a pity to have to kill someone as pretty as you. Even more the pity that you are a vampire and being this beautiful."


Jaejoong felt his hand come up and touch his face, and he jerked his head away and glared at him. Yunho laughed, then he stopped. Tilting his head to the side, he took another look at him, or he should say his body. Jaejoong knew then what was going through his mind. He started shivering as he see's lust come into the wolfs eyes, and it was mixed with the hate already there.


Jaejoong really couldn't recall how it happened. One second he's fully clothed and trying to get away and the next he's with a beast on top of him. The one thing Jaejoong does remember is the pain. The pain of Yunho's finger nails making deep groves into his back and shoulders; the pieces of flesh he bit out of his sides and chest. The pain, the agony of that night has lived with him for years. The itself wasn't much compared to the abuse being inflicted upon his body. But, when he had tried to become intimate the first time after that, he couldn't do it. Then later, Jaejoong found out that if he did the topping that he could enjoy again.


After Yunho was done with him, he'd left the room going outside. If it wasn't for the coven finding him, Jaejoong knew Yunho had every intention of killing him that night. Jaejoong would be dead now.

 It had taken him a few days to recover from the damage done to his body. The only scar was in his memories of that night.

 end FB


 Jaejoong arrived home a little before five in the morning.

Parking his bike in the garage, he sat on it for a few minutes, stalling for some time before going in to meet the tormentor of his nightmares. Finally realizing that he couldn't stay out there all night, Jae climbed off the bike and went into the house, taking his helmet off along the way.

Jaejoong walked into the living room to see his coven of brothers on one side of the room and the pack on the other side of the room.

Jaejoong knew what the coven was thinking, because he was thinking the same thing, how were they going to get through this night with them.

The vampire leader slipped off his jacket and gloves and walked over to Junsu.
"Are they already settled in?" Jaejoong asked him.

Junsu looked up at him, "Yeah, but those bastards are scaring the younger vampires."
At that the clock at the end of the hallway upstairs rang out. It was time for bed. Junsu and Jaejoong looked at each other. This was awkward for us.

 Jaejoong watched as Sungmin rose from the couch and heads upstairs with Yesung behind him. The next to go was Leeteuk and Kangin.

Jaejoong could hear Changmin ask the guy he was rooming with, "Your not going to try anything are you?" Changmin didn't reallylook scared, just curious. Kibum laughed, "Not unless you want me to." Changmin smiled and led him up to his room.

 The only ones left now where the ones who didn't want to share rooms. Jaejoong walked over to Yunho, standing a bit from him, "Yunho, could you please tell your guys not to molest or my brothers?"

 Yunho smirked at him, "I have no control over their love life. If they want to attempt to have with the vampires then that's up to them."

 Jaejoong felt anger surge through him, "You can't control them! You are their leader. They should listen to you!"

 Yunho glared down at him, "They do when it comes to important things."

 Jaejoong looked over to Ryeowook and Eunhyuk, they didn't show as much fear as earlier, just acceptance.

"No, please, tell them not to do anything to them."

 Jaejoong was trying to be nice to him now, for his friends benefit. He felt Yunho's eyes on him, and he turned to face him,

 "Why should I do this, they want those boys?" Yunho muttered down to him.

"They don't have the strength to fight them off." Jaejoong whispered to him.

Jae see's him nod, "Well then I guess they might get ed tonight, huh."

Jaejoong narrowed his eyes at the wolf showing his hate for him, then turned and walked off.

He couldn't do anything, Yunho wouldn't listen to him.



Jaejoong walk into his bedroom and gathered his things to take a shower.




Yunho's pov


Jaejoong walked out of the room, going upstairs to his room. The vampires words ringing in his ears, "They don't have the strength to fight them off."


Yunho knew where those words were coming from, and he also knew Jaejoong wanted to spare the young boys the same fate that he had.


Yunho turned as Donghae, Hankyung and Yoochun who were leaving the room.

"Don't touch the vampires unless they want you to."

Yunho knew the guys were not going to be happy with him intruding in their private lives. The pack leader never got involved, and always gave them all the freedom that he could give them.


Donghae came up to him, "What do you mean by 'unless they want it'? I could have him my name in five minutes."

 Yunho gathered what little patience he had and explained, "That means, unless they want you touch them, hands off. They have to say it's ok. If not, then, well, no touching."

 Donghae frowned as he looked over to the cute boy standing on the other side of the room. He smiled at him, and Eunhyuk turned his head away, blushing.


 Hankyung walked over to Ryeowook and cupped his chin in his hand, making him look up at him, "You want me don't you?"


Ryeowook, glanced up at Hankyung's lips and swallowed hard. Ryeowook let his mind enter the wolves and grimaced.


The wolf will take him with his permission or not. The small guy started trembling and nodded his head yes. Might as well give him what he wants or he would get violent and take him by force. It was there in his mind for him to read.

 Hankyung lifted the corner of his mouth in a half smile, "Glad to see we're in agreement."

 Hankyung turned to Yunho, "See, he's all for us being together tonight. So there's no need to worry here." Hankyung grabbed the shaking boys hand and dragged him from the living room to his bedroom, upstairs.


Yunho turned from the staircase to Yoochun who was teasing the only coven member left in the room. "Yoochun, that goes for you too. No deflowering s tonight unless he wants it."

Yoochun laughed and said, " I don't think that's a problem, he wants to me, but, I might just decide to him first tonight."

 Junsu stepped back from Yoochun, "I don't think so dog, and, I'm not a ."


 Junsu turned and walked out of the room, not going upstairs, but to the kitchen for nourishment in the form of refrigerated bagged blood. Not as tasty, even though it did quench the thirst his body put upon him, as he slapped the bag to his elongated canines. the bag dry in seconds, he reached for another.






Yoochun laughed again, as he headed up to Junsu's bedroom to wait for him. Yunho tilted his head and looked at the ceiling. Time to go up and see if he and Jaejoong could keep from killing each other in their sleep.


Entering Jaejoong's room, Yunho was surprised to see the cleanliness and the sparseness of the space. The colors black and beige. The walls the only thing in the room beige. Everything else, from the carpet to the bed was black. With no windows it made for a very dark room. A very intimate room.

Noticing that Jaejoong wasn't in the room, Yunho walked over and layed down on the bed. Yes a bed, not a coffin. He thought vampires slept in coffins. Hummm. And a very comfortable bed too. Yunho laid there until he saw Jae walk out of what he assumed was the bathroom, considering that the vampire was wet with a towel wrapped around his hips.

Yunho stared at him as he walked over to his dresser and removed his night clothes from one of the drawers and then turns and walks back into the bathroom.

God, he's hot! Yes, that's all that was on his mind as he watched that immortal being walk away from the room.


He comes back a few minutes later and goes over to the Armour to remove a pillow and a blanket. Turning he walks over to the couch opposite of the bed, "You can have the bed. I'll sleep on the couch."


Yunho get's up from the bed and walked over to him, "So, what your saying is that your afraid to sleep in the same bed as me."

 Jaejoong glared at him, "Yes, I am."

 Yunho didn't expect Jaejoong to admit he was afraid of him, so it knocked him off balance for a minute. "There's nothing to be afraid of, I won't do anything to you." Yunho smirked and was sure that Jae could see the lie in his sentence.

 Jae smirked back, "I'm afraid if I'm in the same bed with you I wouldn't be able to hold in the
urge to kill you while you sleep."

 Yunho walked over closer to him, and as he got closer he noticed that Jaejoong would back up further, until his back hit a wall.
"Are you sure that's what it is? We could make this pleasant for both of us. We could make these long days be more...enjoyable, if you know what I mean." Yunho lifted his hand and touched Jaejoong's cheek. it until he came to the mans, soft plump lips.

Jaejoong shocked Yunho again by parting his lips, his tongue coming out lightly touching Yunho's finger while at the same time moistening his lips.

"We could get over this hate for each other long enough to find the release we both seek. I want to be inside you so bad it hurts. I can already feel you tightening around me."
Yunho lowered his head and placed his lips on Jaejoong's. Their mouths sealing as the kiss heats up, Yunho's tongue finding it's way into Jae's hot mouth. Jae lifted his hands and rubbed them up Yunho's chest, settling on his shoulders,

Jaejoong lifts his head eyes boring into Yunho's, "The only thing is, I don't get ed, I do the ing."

And with that Jae pushed Yunho away from him and walked over to the bed climbing in between the sheets.

"You can have the couch." Being called over his shoulder.

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fantasy705 #1
I am so glad I am able to find you!! I think of this story all the time!!! I have a request, once you are done editing this story, is it possible to email me a copy? I love it so much and I fear I will have no access to it if anything happen to this site as well. Pretty, pretty please!!!
I read this on Winglin years before, but I just wanted to come here and reminensence over it, lol. This story is still one of my favorites ever :) I recommend this to a lot of people tbh XD
Ashe1001 #3
I really like this so far. Please update soon!
Love your fanfic !! One of my favorite <3
scorpio9151 #5
Please update more!! v(^o^)/
update soon please!!!!!!<br />
nightstar01: hey there *waves8 happy you found me here also!<br />
<br />
ummm...i'm doing a little editing to this fic, changing pov's, but everything else is staying the same, i hope you like it!
priscilla019: i'm so happy to know that you like this fic, took me a very long time to finish it lol<br />
<br />
i'm editing it as I go, changing the pov from 1st person to 3rd person,but it's still the same.<br />
<br />
i hope you like this version also.
nightstar01 #9
hi, i really love this story. i followed you on winglin for a while. i also have a livejournal account with the same user name. i think i may have befriended you there as well. i just wanted to say hi.