
Broken Promise
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(Dara POV)


Here we are, sprawled over my bed, after a hard day. Me, my Omma and Seunghyun.


I had no energy to chuckle at the scene. Seunghyun had put our baby in his cradle to sleep in after everyone had left.


“Congratulations, Sandara.” My Omma smiled as she patted my leg.

“Kamsahmida Omma.” I thanked her quietly.

“Dara, have we thought of what to name him?” Seunghyun asked, his voice getting huskier.


Come to think of it, we never really seriously discussed the matter.


“I actually had a dream about this some time ago.” I admitted. “I think I suggested Yoonjae!” I giggled.

“That sounds too common!” My Omma commented.

“Why not Siwoo?” Seunghyun suggested.

“That doesn’t sound bad.” I told him. I was not a massive fan of the name though. “We can name him after Seven! Dongwook! He is Choi Dongwook too!” I joked.

“ANDAEE! There is no way I am naming my first son after him, without confirmation he will name his son after me!” Seunghyun protested, toying with the idea.

“Yah! He is a very dear friend who supports us!” I argued.

“But still, who knows if he will have a child!” Seunghyun,

“Yah, don’t say that. One can never know these things.  You do know contraceptives are not 100%.” I stated.

“Arraso, but let’s agree that we are not naming him after people we know.” Seunghyun proposed.

“Deal.” I agreed.


We remained laid down, quietly thinking.


“Choi Kang-Dae?” Suggested my Omma.

“Sounds too much like Daesung’s name, Kang Daesung.” Seunghyun reasoned.

“Dae, that sounds very alike, mianhae.” I agreed with him.

“Won-Shik? Sounds very mighty!” Seunghyun suggested.

“I could consider it.” I let him know. “But it doesn’t spring out to me.”

“What about, Inbok?” My Omma suggested.

“Inbok, Choi Inbok.” Seunghyun pieced together.

"It means blessing, and well, he is a blessing." She reasoned.

“I love it! Kamsahmida Omma-nim!” Seunghyun thanked her.

“I like it too, Choi Inbok!” I smiled gratefully. "It describes him perfectly!"

"I agree, we are blessed to have a healthy son." Seunghyun stated.


I glanced over to the cradle that held my son, Choi Inbok.


Choi Inbok, I promise I will be there for you, my little baby son.


Seunghyun sighed. “Are you okay?” I asked him, worried that he was tired.

“It’s so surreal. But fantastic!” He chuckled. “I’m an Appa!”


I couldn’t help but laugh at him. My mother joined in laughing too.


The laughter slowly died down, “Isn’t it time that you two be getting married?”, my Omma suggested.

“Bwo?!” I shot up, as if my tiredness left me.

“Well you just had Inbok, not 3 hours ago!” She chuckled.

“I guess it would be sensible to register for our marriage too.” Seunghyun contemplated.

“I never really thought about it…” I admitted, sitting back down into my pillows.


Registering for marriage? Now that is another step… but didn’t we already pass that step? When we found out I was pregnant? Was it too late? I shook my head trying to get rid of these

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16 streak #1
I will start reading It today
Sure it will be a great story
yelram327 #2
Chapter 90: 💚
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #3
Chapter 90: Hi authornim! Didn't expect this update. But I want yo thank you for putting effort in thus AU. This thought of this chapter is very mature and very related to what had happened during that time. If in any case, salute to you for being bold in facing one of the darkest times of VIP and Blackjacks in 2016.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #4
Chapter 89: It's nice to have read another update!! my Tabisan heart!
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #5
Chapter 88: I'm getting ready for the upcoming sad chapters.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #6
Chapter 87: I am ready for the next chapters.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #7
Chapter 86: As usual you did your best on this chapter!! Nostalgic indeed.
Chapter 85: Thank u authornim
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #9
Chapter 84: Thank you for another update!!
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #10
Chapter 83: Loving this family vacation chapter. Yes, my 2nebang heart if full. From releasing a song including Tabi ( the ever gorgeous ), to winning in music shows, to getting as all PAKs and whatever and to 2ne1's Coachella performance. It's a win to us!!