The Diary of a Wonderful Life (pass the feeding bottles and diapers)
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Have you ever been confused of reality and fantasy? You know the feeling when consciously you know things are real because they’re arms reach and you can see it right before your eyes, at the same time, it feels unreal because sometimes what’s happening is just a scenario you used to make in your mind and play in your head as a daydream.

Whatever trance I’m on right now is so freakin’ great!

Alright. I know I should get a grip of myself and etch in my head that I’m living in reality and I’m not just sleeping in my bedroom in New York, dreaming of a life that I badly want to have. I AM LIVING THAT LIFE NOW AND IT’S SO WONDERFUL!

“Oh my gosh!” I am hearing someone not far but definitely not near. I can tell she’s shocked and I think I know why. “Gabby!” I frantically removed GD’s arm from my waist and sit up.

Our daughter is standing on the doorway, in her cute pink satin pajamas with her hair in a messy bun, while wearing a leopard print specs.

“Mum!” Still in a state of shock, she pointed at me, wide-eyed, and as I look down, I realized that I’m topless. “!” I muttered and forcefully pulled the duvet (that is stuck in between GD and I), and covered my bare chest. “Good Morning!” I smiled awkwardly as I feel my face going hot in shame.

Last night, I decided to sleep beside my husband already because…why not? As he said, there’s no point in having different rooms anymore since the reason why we did that is for me to not get too pressured and overwhelmed in being a “wife” to him (this includes giving him pleasure). With us starting to be intimate again, the awkwardness had disappeared, and though I still get overwhelmed from time to time, I can handle it better than before.

So yeah! Some action still happened last night before we go to bed even when we already had some in my office. This whole intimacy thing is fun. The whole night I felt like a queen. I don’t have a clue how to be one, but I felt so special and important, and well-taken care of and handled. Most of all, I felt extremely loved. GD’s sweet words in my ears are so good to hear, that I keep on replaying it in my head even after all the action is done. The only drag is, we forgot to lock the door when I asked him to double check it first before going to bed.

“Good…morning…Mum!” Gabby’s forced smile looked like she’s suffering from diarrhea. Her ears and cheeks are red too. “I just want to share something to you…but…” she paused when GD suddenly moved.

“mmm….” Eyes closed, he crawled to me and placed his head on my lap. “Go back to bed babe…it’s still early” he lazily said.

Oh my!

“I’m going to leave first…Mum” Gabby didn’t even wait for me to say anything and just hurried out.

This is insane! Our daughter, who I’m sure is aware of adult things now since she’s an adult herself, just saw her parents in the aftermath of a steamy night.

“Hey!” I shake GD by the shoulder but he didn’t budge. “HEY!” I spanked his so hard, it made a crisp sound.

“YAH!” he screamed.

“Seriously…we need to get our together already” my morning voice sounds funny this morning. It’s too airy that it kind of sounds like fart (gross, I know, I’m just saying).

“It’s still so early” he said upon checking the time on his phone.

I smirked, “Yeah. It is. Thing is…” I faced him fully, completely stealing the duvet that is covering half of his body, that I put back again after noticing that he’s not wearing anything below the waist, revealing his…yeah.

He burst out in laughter while I am still in shock by Gabby’s morning barge in. “I just flashed my daughter with my not-so-perky s just a few minutes ago”

He looked at me with an eyebrow raised. I rolled my eyes. “I woke up with her in the doorway. I sit up…totally forgetting that I’m …and since you’re hogging the duvet…I don’t have anything to cover myself” I sighed heavily, “Good thing you are all covered up or else she’s going to badly need a Psychiatrist for the trauma she’ll definitely have because of us”

All he did is laugh and here I am, all concerned and embarrassed. Just by thinking of it, I cannot help but feel bad for our daughter. I suddenly remembered the one time I walked in on my parents. It was Christmas Eve and I just got home from a party at Railey’s when I saw Mum and Dad dressed as Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus in the living room, on the carpet in front of the Christmas tree doing it. I’m telling you, it was such a bad sight to see. My holidays were ruined because of that.

“Santa Claus is never the same after that” I just told GD the whole story and he is laughing so hard, he can hardly breath.

“That was wild” he still cannot stop from laughing. He tried calming himself down by doing the ten seconds breathing exercise only to end up laughing again.

“I swear! I cannot take the sight of Santa Claus even from afar. I hate going to malls during the holidays because there are lots of him roaming around and it brings back my trauma”

“Aigoo” GD is rolling in bed, laughing, “Good thing you got over it. You used to make me dress up as Santa every Christmas morning when the kids were still little”

Oh gosh! Oh no!

“I did?” I am in disbelief. “I may have it up for the children. You know… Santa Claus is every kids’ joy during Christmas...I mean…I’m one of those kids…I even baked cookies for him to munch so that he doesn’t go hungry going house to house…dropping cool gifts” I sound so animated, “Then I grew…and he turned out to be a solid trauma to me”. Our room is filled with laughter after that.

What’s shocking is that, G-dragon knows nothing of this story as well. Odd, because it’s usually one of the first stories I share to people to make them comfortable with me, because admit it, it’s really funny. Why do I have a feeling that there are still so much stories and things about me that I haven’t shared with him?

“How was your sleep?” he finally gotten over Santa Claus and is now busy checking his emails. He is at his work desk with only his boxers on, while I’m still in bed, perfectly bundle up in our thick duvet.

I propped up, facing him, “I slept like a baby” I replied, making him smile, “I’m so tired last night…all that we did…they’re…”. Certain scenes flashed back to me, making me stop from talking.

“Aigoo” he wheeled his chair to the bed, “Are you having flashbacks?” he has thing teasing smile on his face that is both hot and annoying at the same time.

I hissed, “No” I lied, “I’m just spacing out” I smiled confidently and lay back to bed.

“Owww…GD that feels great!” He is suddenly mocking me. His randomness is kicking again. “Right there! Yeah! That’s the spot!” he continued, “Don’t stop! Slow down!” His imitation of me is right out crazy.

And because I’m in the mood to play around, I’m going to give him a dose of his own medicine. “You’re so hot babe! I missed you. I missed this. I love you!” As I’ve said, all that he whispered in my ear last night are saved in my mind. “You don’t know how wild you make me” – this made me go bananas (btw). And for my last blow, “I can do this until sunrise and do it again until the sun sets. Oh, I love everything about you” I comically said, and he just stared at me.

“Ha!” He clasped his hands, rubbed them together and got off the chair. “You are going to get it from me, miss” he scooped me up and even though he struggled carrying me for I’m double the weight with the heavy duvet, he powered through until we reached my walk-in closet.

“So what now? You want to dress me up?” I joked, making him chuckle.

He shakes his head, “No”, then gave out a sly grin, “I brought you here because I’ll make you scream your lungs out, which is not possible in our bedroom for they will hear you outside”. He is slowly removed the duvet away from me, “This room is sound proof, you know. You can be noisy all you want” he said with his y-manly voice that will you to insanity in a snap.

“I can moan all I want” I am playing again. He nodded. I nodded too. “Got it! I’ll be so loud…it’ll damage your eardrums”

And yeah…it was loud. I don’t know how long we are in the closet, but what I’m sure of is my whole being including my soul had fun. This whole intimacy thing is blowing my mind. I may not remember the “hot nights” we had in the past, but these new ones are wickedly good.

We finally started the day after taking a hot bath (no, not together). I get to relax my tired and used body. Thing is, I have to cover love bites by wearing a hideous looking turtle neck blouse that I don’t know what I was thinking when I bought it.

“Wow!” the moment I stepped out of the room, I saw the mess in the living room right away. There are a lot of blueprints on the center table (they’re DK’s for sure), as well as an idea board (Isabella’s for it says YG Teen Runway in bold letters), and an acoustic guitar is lying on the couch. The throw pillows that I puffed up and arranged before going to bed are all on the carpet together with a few dolls.

Where are these kids?

This is my first time seeing mess in this house, and it’s making me want to clean up. But first, I need to find the children to ask them to help. This is a parenting thing that I’ve read in one of my staple magazines. Get your child involved.

And the search for the Kwon children began. At first, I was still confident that I’ll be able to navigate well in this huge house, but I was wrong. I cannot trust my memory at all, because instead of going to Isabella’s room at the far end of the left wing, I landed at the cinema (yes, we have this cinema room that looks like the real one), and as I work my way out of the basement, I got lost even more, landing in the closed parking area.

I’m telling you, the cars in here are insane! All I know is that I personally bought three of them. One, I gifted to GD during our anniversary (it’s the Porsche), the other I bought for myself when he finally allowed me to drive, and the other is my dream car (the mini cooper), that I’ve been dying to have ever since I was a little girl. The rest are part of his collection, I doubt if he drives all of them.

Maybe you’re thinking, how big is their house that she gets lost in it? Well, it’s humongous and I’m not ting you, it really is. Railey and Daryl’s houses are the same as ours but theirs are not as complicated as this. Our house has so many ins and outs, and secret doors that will lead you to a mystery room every freakin’ time.

After what feels like forever, I was able to go out of the closed parking area to the front garden. If you only know how relieved I was to see the outside. I have to ask GD to sketch me a map of the house that I can bring with me every time so I won’t get lost anymore.

“Where have you been?” He is the one who opened the door for me. I even have to ring the doorbell because I cannot remember the code to the front doors as well.

I sighed heavily, “I got lost…AGAIN” I answered and he laughed.

“Seriously babe…”

I hit his chest, “Don’t laugh! I’m annoyed because of it” I walked in the house and went straight to the living room that is now clean. “Why do you have to make this house so complicated? Like seriously…I’ve been here with my rewound mind for weeks now and I’m still having a hard time navigating! I know…I’m the p

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Chapter 72: Aww that letter at the end
Lmao at miracle with the sharpie drawings
Chapter 71: Did she ever find out that her parents passed away? I’m not sure if I remember reading it if it was mentioned already.
I wanna see them bring maximo down
Chapter 71: What they have is so magical
Chapter 70: so much for going undercover when they noticed it was them right away XD
Chapter 70: Awww he can even feel her! What a sixth sense!
Chapter 69: i wonder if she'll ever get her memories back
what will happen when he reads the letter? o.o
Chapter 69: Wonder what’s Jiyong’s reaction. Would he even read it? Assuming it’s from a random fan?
Chapter 68: lmao the things they do XD
Chapter 68: Aren’t they so adorable?!!
Chapter 67: Oh that awkward moment of having her walk in on them XD