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“Don’t ing come near me.” Zhoumi warned, glaring at Kyuhyun with fierce animosity.

Laughing, Kyuhyun approached Zhoumi anyway, his hands raised in a symbol of peace. “Chill, Zhoumi. It’s not my fault!”

“It ing is! Now we’re ing stuck in the ing middle of ing nowhere. I hate you.” Zhoumi grumbled, wrapping his arms around himself tightly. A shiver ran up his spine as he glanced up at the night sky, the temperatures of the icy wind hitting his warm skin like knives.

It was completely Kyuhyun’s fault.

If Kyuhyun hadn’t been infuriating him in the first place, Zhoumi wouldn’t have gotten angry for so long, and Sungmin wouldn’t have deemed it necessary to trick them into a ‘hiking trip’ that turned out to be just the two of them in the middle of the woods. Luckily, Jongwoon had convinced his boyfriend to leave proper gear to ward off the cold, because otherwise they would be totally screwed.

He didn’t even know why he fell for it in the first place. He hated the outdoors; strenuous physical activity was never his thing, or Kyuhyun’s. He certainly hadn’t remembered Sungmin mentioning Kyuhyun would be attending. He vaguely recalled Sungmin promising him a shopping trip at his expense, which was probably why.

“Zhoumi, I’m sorry.” Kyuhyun tried, pouting in a way he thought was cute.

Zhoumi gave him a look. “Just ing set up the tent.”

“I don’t know how.”

Zhoumi groaned, tugging at his hair. “Must I do everything? Goddammit, just go sit over there.”

Zhoumi glanced at the jumble of metal poles scattered in a pile on the barren dirt before stealing a glimpse at Kyuhyun, who was watching him carefully. He blew air through his nose, straightening his back and grabbing two random pieces to put together confidently although he had no idea what he was doing. Grumbling, Zhoumi attempted to force the pieces together, but it would not fit.

He had never been camping; he had never wanted to go camping.

It took more than an hour to finally figure out how to fit all of metal together properly. It was completely frustrating and he hated Sungmin for not leaving the directions because there was really no way that he would know how to do it otherwise and he knew that Sungmin knew that.

The tent was standing proudly when the sun was beginning to set, and, even if it was a bit unstable, Zhoumi focused his attention on preparing something to eat instead.

In Jongwoon’s camping bundle, there were a few cans, bottles of water, and pans for cooking. Skimming through the labels of the packages, Zhoumi decided upon beans and tuna. Turning on the portable stove eagerly, he paused, eying the cans with confusion. He didn’t have a can opener.

Zhoumi kicked an empty pot, frustrated. “What the hell? I’m done. I’m so done.”

Kyuhyun placed a hand on his shoulder that he shook off instantaneously. “I’ll cook dinner, babe. Why don’t you go lay down while I do this?”

“Don’t call me babe.” Zhoumi snapped, although his heart was pounding faster at the familiar sentiment. Still, Zhoumi did as Kyuhyun had suggested and climbed into the rickety tent to rest his eyes.

Kyuhyun chuckled to himself as he sifted through Jongwoon's bag, discovering some packets of ramen that Zhoumi had not seen. He poured a few water bottles into the pot and waited for it to boil before dropping the dried ramen squares inside.

Zhoumi abruptly shrieked, gaudy and high-pitched. Kyuhyun turned to see Zhoumi stumbling out of the tent, nearly in tears as he tripped over the edge of the tent.

He rushed to Zhoumi's side immediately, hiding a smile. "What is it? What's wrong?"

It was a cockroach; Kyuhyun knew before Zhoumi had managed to sputter the words because he wa

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390 streak #1
Chapter 1: Wooow, never read about this pairing before

I love how Kyu called Mi 'babe' hahaha
Chapter 1: Awww... sweet ending.. mimi with a tantrum is quite cute hahahahaj