My Everything


Kim Junsu & Jang Riin



~ My Everything ~ Foreword~

(6th April 2009, a Celestine Blue story)


Harvard University had always been my dream and perhaps; it was only a dream of mine which will never come true. The moment I received the letter from them telling me that I have passed and may start my studies next intake, I thought I was still asleep in the dreamland but I was not. I really did get into the most prestigious university in the world. Nevertheless, everything changes the moment my father leaved me all alone, brother escaped from the debts our family facing and it became worst to see omma marrying another man two weeks right after appa’s funeral. What could have been worst, I thought. At all times, I have never believed in fairy tale. Marrying a rich man who owns a perfect yet cool looking will never happen as it will only appear in stories of fairy tale. That’s my thought but true enough, I met one. At that moment, I really thought fairy tale somehow exist. However, it lasted for not more than two years, this fragile dream shattered. If only I could be heartless enough to ignore my mother’s request or this nightmare would never begin.


“I do.”


That’s the words that stirred me up from the puzzlement. I tilted my head, not daring to have it brought up to face the man stood right beside me. By just sneaking a quick look, I could see him standing there as if a mannequin with a cold heart. It would definitely do the world the good if he said ‘No’ at that very minute, but my only hope shattered into pieces.


“Do you Jang Riin, take Kim Junsu as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?” the priest said it with a smile forming on his face.


The priest, he looks so nice and kind. It was the warm smile of his that made my heart throbs times slower than before. But at that moment, my lips were as if frozen I could hardly utter a word out as my body was telling me this would be the last chance to save you from stepping into a nightmare. I could hear whisperings filling the church. Murmurings of omma’s were reaching my ears.


Through that half minute silence, he did not even turn and have a look at me and that described how heartless he could be. Perhaps, deep inside, he was hoping for me to reject but I have no courage in doing it. That expression of omma’s, I know I can never go against her but only to conciliate with her each and every decision even it is to doom my life forever.


“I do.”


Through the priest who is in his late fifty, I could see his gazes on us, it was like sympathizing me. He turned over to Junsu before announcing “A moment ago, you both are only Kim Junsu and Jang Riin. From now on, you are Kim Junsu and Kim Riin. No matter how luxurious a wedding may be, but it will only last a day but marriage is forever. I wish you’ll live your life blissfully; happy ever after once you step your foot out here. You may kiss your bride.”




‘Forever’ does it even mean something to this marriage? From this day forth, they will call themselves husband wife, how could and how should they live their life under the same roof. It somehow makes her feel relieved upon knowing they will be living with the elders for the first month after the wedding. At the very least, she does not need to face this cold hearted person that early and have some time in adapting with the new surroundings.


Feeling his arm reaching for her shoulder, she could feel his harshness and that makes her turned to him. He gradually uncovered the veil that leads her to have a clearer picture of him. It does not make much difference. Having a step behind, it was out of her control and it happened in instinct. Forcefully he pecked on her lips which put an end to the wedding ceremony.


Living under the same roof with him, will she soon find herself fall for him or will he find himself can’t help but to forget his past and writes a new future with her?



{I have no idea to when you had became my all and everything…I may be uncertain with lot of things but one thing I’m sure of is that you’re someone I can’t bear losing…}



Kim Junsu (26)

Jang Riin (23)

Park Yoochun (27)

Park Heebon (25)


Minor (Junsu’s siblings):

Kim (Jung) Yunho – Eldest brother (28)

Kim (Shim) Changmin– Second brother (27)

Kim Jaejoong – Youngest brother (23)

Kim Jessica – Youngest sister (19)



Hankyung (27)

Choi Siwon (26)

Lee Eunhyuk (25)


Presented by Celestine Blue

//My everything//

^-^ 6th April 2009 ^-^


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Chapter 35: Re-reading this fic. Love it! It was really fun! I miss these 2 so much!
Ryughosh #2
Chapter 25: I m speechless....the lead is horrible not to mention the heroine being a wimp n a doormat...
2034 streak #3
Chapter 35: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I really loved this story... and Siwon as the villain of this fanfic was quite hilarious to be honest. Anyway, thank you for the lovely story :)
ayouth #4
Chapter 33: Just finished reading this story and it was so it ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 33: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story and it was so nice... So has the story ended with chapter? I hope you reply to this... :)
I've read this on winglin and I'm reading it again here xD I love this story so much. Amazing job ;)
nataleyoung #7
PLEASE LET HER BE OKAYYYY!!!!!! She waited so long for junsu to say ILU and he finally said it! author nim you must let her live!!! ^^";
heh heh :) update soon~ :D
nya_moe #8
still my fav story ever!
you are still my evil unnie XDXD
cassietriplekiss #9
yyaaayy !! updated !!:))