
If Only... [Revised]

So I requested a review from Strawberry Drops Review Shop and here it is! (I will just post the link here)

Review from Strawberry Drops


Thank you, thank you for the review Yul(Caramello1349) from Strawberry Drops! I really appreciate it! Also thank you for putting my story at the reccommendations. I am truly happy. Thank you again! :P (I keep saying thank you. haha)

Side Note: You're right using Eunhyuk as the dance master is very cliche now, and yeah not so original plot. Although I am grateful since you were able to enjoy it. :)



So I requested another review from Black Cat Review Shop this time, and here it is! I'll just post the link here. Review by HNsenpai.


Thank you for your honest review! I shall look at my mistakes carefully.



Yet another review from Inspiring Bunnies Review Shop, and here it is! I'll just post the link here. Review by MrsKpopForLife.


Thank you for your honest review! I shall be careful next time and think of a better original plot.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
jonginybear #3
Chapter 1: this is sooooo good!!
Dodoisthree #4
Dodoisthree #5
Dodoisthree #6
Wrlove #7
It's great
2026 streak #8
Chapter 2: Wow! Didn't know this would end kind of on an angsty note. Anyway, it was nice overall XD