Con Todo Mi Corazon


Title: Con Todo Mi Corazon (With All My Heart)

Paring: Koki Tanaka/Original Character Lolita Rodríguez

Genre: Romance/Family Drama

Author: UsagiGirl11

Disclaimer: Own none of the JE Idols or associated with them in any way (only in my own loopy mind.)

Summary: Lolita Rodriguez is an American Girl attempting to live the American Dream and to be honest she is not sure what that truly encompasses. Her current career that pays the bills is as a stylist for several local regional lifestyle magazines in the Miami-Dade County of Miami, Florida U.S.A. Out of the blue her agent offers her the chance of a lifetime to work for the mega idol producing company of Johnny’s Entertainment located in Tokyo, Japan. Unfortunately Japan is the last country in the world that Lolita wants to travel to, let alone work and live in. With the encouragement of her best friend, Tricia, Lolita dares to seize this chance of a lifetime and in the end must face the emotional and very personal demons that have haunted her entire life and in the process truly discover who she is and what she is made of and in the process experience a love she never anticipated.

A/N: Hopes this turns out as interesting and enjoyable as I really want it to be.



A/N: Lolita is pronounced "RORIITA" in Japanese.

A/N: Okay this is my first fan fiction. Totally think this Chapter (Track) could have been written better, but I will try really hard for the story to get better, as it goes along. I really want some character development to take place (listen to me trying to sound like a real writer, LOL). English is my native language but please excuse any errors or grammatical or otherwise. Please, please leave any comments and let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is always welcomed.


Arigato Minna-san!!


Con Todo Mi Corazon:

A Modern Day Love Story                                                    




Koki Tanaka


Age: 25

Hometown: Chiba, Tokyo,Japan

Born November 15, 1985

Entered JE in 1998 at age 12, Kat-tun formed in 2000

Koki Tanaka as Koki Tanaka

Koki is the third oldest of five boys, he is the one that his mother depends on the most; Because of that Haven (Koki’s mother) is jealous over his attention. His father abandoned the family when he was about 10 years old, leading to his mother submitting his application to Johnny’s entertainment.

Although he overcame his father’s abandonment, he takes betrayal of any kind in any form very hard.

His personality is warm and gentle in contrast to his outward appearance, which is very hip hop and bad boy. Is a total lover of animals.

Aaliyah as Kokoro Rodriguez

Lolita Rodriquez/Kokoro Rodriquez


Ethnicity: Puerto Rican

Age: 25

Hometown:Marquez, PR

Inspired by Aaliyah

Kokoro Rodriguez is a girl that has a lot of emotional baggage to deal with in relation to her mother; she doesn’t understand why her mother abandoned her nor is she sure that she wants to forgive her. yet, besides that she does love her mother very much although she tries very hard not to show it. She is a daddy’s girl, and due to her mother not being there, her father Noe spoiled her. Although for the majority of her life she was pampered she is not a spoiled brat. She was teased a lot as child and was treated cruelly by her peers, because of that she doesn’t make friends as quickly as other although she is able to be engaging when she communicates with others.

She is an animal lover but restrains herself to cats (her favorite) and small dogs.

Her dream as a small child was to follow her parents footsteps into the entertainment industry as a singer, composer, actress but due to a circumstances that happened in college she put that dream on hold and became a stylist.




Jessica Alba as Tricia Soledad

Tricia Soledad

Age:  27

Mexican American born and raised in Miami, Florida

Interesting Fact:Raised in a single parent household, influenced by her Mexican American heritage and Chinese and Japanese culture through her mother who is an Antique dealer in Asian artifacts and replicas. Extremely intelligent She is fluent in Four languages: Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and English, and she could fake her way through a little bit of Korean. She is a Computer Game Programmer and Avid Gamer

Charater is inspired by Jessica Alba

Tricia has an emotional scared past: Her parents divorced when she and her brother, Omar, where very young. Because of this she was bounced between her father’s home which was Mexico City and New York and her mother’s home which is Miami Florida. When she was visiting her father in New York when she was 17 she lost her father to 9-11. She was actually in one of the Twin Towers when the attack happened, trapped in an elevator.

Tricia’s personality when you first met her is very cold; she doesn’t make friends easily and is a loner.  Tricia doesn’t let people into her world very often. She is very, very beautiful and has had quite a few lovers but the relationships never last more than three months max (her rule).

Those who do manage to enter into her world discover a friend that will cherish you with everything inside her.

Junnosuke Taguchi

Junnosuke Taguchi

Hometown: Chiba-ken, Tokyo Japan

Interesting Facts: Taguchi joined Johnny’s Entertainment on May 16, 1999. The reason he sent in his audition is because he’s a fan of SMAP after watching their show “SMAPxSMAP” while he was in grade 6.

Junnosuke Taguchi as Junnosuke Taguchi

Taguchi’s famous for his beautiful, innocent laughing face; which is often called “Junno’s smile”. While he was in grade and middle school, he was so popular that he had a fan club of his own. He was scouted to work in a host club. His specialities are “dajaring” (a mix of “dajare” (pun) and “juggling”) and “tappuring” (a mix of “tap dance” – which he’s learnt since he was small – and “juggling”). This “tappuring” skill was presented a lot in KAT-TUN Live Kaizokuban, from year 2004 to 2005.





Victor Ross as Tobias Ahlen

Tobias Ahlen Reynolds

Nationality: American

Ethnicty: multi-racial

Age: 27

Hometown: San Bernardino, CA, USA

Interersting Fact: Is an Avid Surfer and beach guy and an all around all star soccer player.

Character inspired by male model Victor Ross

Tobias, who goes by his name Ahlen both professionally and personally, is a model and independent recording artist, that once collaborated with Kokoro on her independent album that she recorded while she attended the Columbia University. Is the opening act on Jin Akanishi's American Tour. Begins to have an attraction for Kokoro (Lolita)

Jin Akanishi as Jin Akanishi

Jin Akanishi

Nationality: Japanese

Age: 23

Hometown: Toudou-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Interesting Fact: After seeing Nishikido Ryo (Johnny Jr at the moment) singing in a TV show, Akanishi thought he’d want to be like him. Therefore, he sent the application form and went to the audition on Nov 8, 1998. He did not pass, but after the audition had ended, he went to return the number plate to a person who happened to be Johnny Kitagawa himself; and it was Johnny who told him to stay.

Jin Akanishi as Jin Akanishi

He’s best friend with Tomohisa Yamaa (NEWS), Shirota Yuu (D-Boys) and Nishikido Ryo (NEWS, Kanjani8). Just as he is in the spotlight he has narassictic tendencies, with his favorite to bully toys being Yuichi and Junnosuke. Loves American music and is actively prosueing his dream of being an international star.

Has only ever been in love once....Minzy Gong


Minzy Gong as Minzy Gong

Min-Ji Gong (Minzy)

Nationality: Korean

Ethnicity: Korean

Age: 21

Hometown: Seoul, Korea.

Interesting fact: Spent a year in Los Angelos around the same time that Jin Akanishi was in LA

Min-Jin (Minzy) Gong as Minzy

Dance, rap, sing, lyrics, compose, Chinese, Japanese. Youngest of her siblings. Granddaughter of one of Korean’s famous dancer, Gong Ok Jin.

Has a huge secret that is related to the Jin Akanishi...


Daddy Yankee as Noe Taylor Rodriguez Maldonado

Noé Taylor Rodríguez Maldonado

Stage name: Taylor Maldonado

Hometown: Marquez, Puerto Rico

Kokoro (Lolita) Rodriquez’s father and Lover of Rei Kitagawa, Died when Kokoro was 16 years old.

Inspired by Daddy Yankee

Interesting fact: at the age of 18 years old began his career as a Salsa singer. and when he met Rei when he was 27 he had a developed a modest career. Noe was a extremely y man and He fell deeply in love with Rei Kitagawa (who many times he said was his first love, his true love) during her time  at UCLA as a business grad student. Shortly after marrying her Rei became pregnaunt with Kokoro.

Noe has a gentle spirit, a really gentle. He came from a very rough neighborhood growing up and was influenced by Hip Hop which was infused in his music. He had a rough exterior but a soft interior. He only had three great loves in his life Rei, Kokoro, and his music.


Ki-Yong Lee as Rei Kitagawa

Rei Kitagawa

Daughter of Johnny Kitagawa

Hometown: Tokyo Japan

Mother to Kokoro Rodriquez

Ki-Yong Lee (Korean Actress) as Rei Kitagawa

Interesting fact: The youngest child and onlyt daughter of Johnny Kitagawa the media mogul behind Johnny's entertainment. Ever since she was was very young she wanted to follow in her Father and brother's footsteps in working within the company.

Being the only girl and the baby at that Rei was spoiled and pampered all her life. She was a true daddies girl. For most of her life the sun rose and set with her dad. He could do no wrong. Rei is extremely beautiful and many men have fallen in love with her, yet none had the ability to capture her heart...that is until she met Noe Rodriguez...

Eight years after Kokoro was born, on a chance meeting in New York she ran into her estranged husband Noe and after a night of passion concieved their son Ren Kitagawa (Ichinose) but never told Noe of his conception. Rei has been raising him all alone in Japan telling him always about his father Noe and older sister Kokoro.


Yuki Hanawa (best friends to Lolita and Tricia)

Hometown: Sendai, Japan

Age 27

Interesting fact: An inspiring Mangaka, once was married; Has a major fangirl crush on one Yuichi Nakamaru

Yuki's name means "Blessing" in Japanese.

Inspired by a Asian model

Yuki is a very young divorcee, she escaped a mentally and at times physically abusive relationship; due to a accident caused by her ex-husband she is unable to have children. Due to the 2 years of torment she has begin to doubt many things about herself and has given up on finding true happiness. One day dreams of self publishing a manga although right now she is in a severe slump.

Attends Todai University as an Graduate Student in the major of Environmental Studies. And is lover of nature and is inspired by all the natural phenomen that take place in the environment.


Yuichi Nakamaru as Yuichi


Yuichi Nakamaru ( Meaning of Yuichi is "Kind One")

Hometown: Sumida-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Age: 27

Yuichi Nakamaru as Yuichi Nakamaru

Interesting Fact: Nakamaru joined Johnny’s Entertainment on Nov 8, 1998. The reason he went to the audition was because some girls in his class saw him dance in the school cultural festival, they prepared the application form for him and said: “All you have to do is to sign here. So why don’t you give it a try?”

He’s very reserved and shy. Surrounded with his friends, he may be a chatterbox; but when he’s all alone or have to talk with a stranger, he would be fairly meek and quiet. Also, he’s voted to be the easiest to feel lonesome, and the most timid one by other members. Due to his good nature and suavity, he’s trusted by all KAT-TUN members and often acts as the lubricant among them. Thus, in one way or another, he can be considered as the leader of KAT-TUN. 3 times a week, he diligently updates his cellphone blog. He’s a good MC, but since he doesn’t feel easy acting in front of the camera, he can’t show his whole ability. Last thing to say, Nakamaru has belonephobia.

He’s best friends with Tanaka Koki and Ueda Tatsuya.

He likes the universe and the deep ocean. Recently, he’s even bought an antquarium NASA developed to study the life of the ant in the transparent gellatin (He named that ant Mohammed Ali).


Ren Ichinose aka Ren Kitagawa

Son of Noe Rodriguez and Rei Kitagawa ;Brother to Kokoro (Lolita) Rodriguez

Age:17 years old

Interesting Fact: Entered into JE when he was 13 years old even though his mother, Rei, was unsure she should let him. Deciding to let him see what it was all about and let him decide on his own whether he really wanted to presue this. Ren took to the company like a fish to water. Not wanting to come off as having favoritism Ren hides his connection to Johnny Kitagawa (grandfather) and his mother and instead entered under his grandmother's maiden name 'Ichinose'

It is while he is at JE that Ren and Juri Tanaka (Koki's younger brother) become best friends. It is only Juri that know the true hertiage of his best friend.

Ren is talented in singing, dancing, acting and writing music like his father and sister.  He has known all his life who his father and sister are and even though he has never meet then in person he loves them very dearly. Knowing the history between his father and mother marriage and subsequent divorce he hopes that one day that his mother and sister Kokoro will reconcile and they can all be a family finally.

Hello! I posted another chapter! It has been hard to get back into the groove but writing this was fun. For those sticking around thank you. I hope everyone is safe and enjoy your summer or winter if you are in Australia and New Zeland.


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750 streak #1
Chapter 29: Hi, I just started reading this story and I am really enjoying it so far. It would be awesome if you finish it at some point. Take care and good luck. I will definitely check out your other story as well.
Chapter 28: i spot new couple! heheehehehe fighting for next one! gambatte na
Chapter 26: thank you for updatein. its a good thing jin n minzy are kinda gettin along.
IsaSweetsin #4
Chapter 25: nsdfevkesbvsejgneskbgsb first time i log on in months and see this updated! YATTA!
thanx for the update.Ill wait patiently 4 jiminnzy.
@Kikyo670 Jin and Minzy will be interacting soon!
cant wait for minzy & jin interaction.update soon.
IsaSweetsin #9
ughh you don't update enough~ oh well, i love your fics anyways. (: message me! i miss talking to you~
Cute chapter. It makes me want to put Koki in a room full of cute animals. xD
I'm assuming that things are going to get awkward.