

Well, how should I explain this? 


Well first Jessica sings a sad song (almost)

Now Donghae composed a sad song :/ 

They are both about relationships :( what happened to HaeSica?!

I'm not sure if I'm just thinking to much though :/ 


But anyways, this is gonna be a short fic, so yeah. Also it'll probaby won't have a happy ending? I'm haven't thought about that yet :S 


"He obviously has forgotten about me" Jessica slouched down, hugging her knees 

"Sica! Donghae isn't like that" Tiffany tried to cheer up her best friend 

"We don't even talk anymore!" Jessica's voice was low "He's in love with Yoona" She told Tiffany as she burst into tears 

"Sica..." Tiffany said, she couldn't even deny Yoona and Donghae looked like a couple "Come here" She hugged her best friend 




"Stop doing this to me!" Jessica cried, as she continuously hit Donghae's chest 


"Doing what?" He asked, looking down on her 

"Stop making me fall you!" She confessed, still crying and hitting his chest "I'm trying my best to forget about you!" 





Can you tell me 

How can one miss, what she never had 

How could I reminisce, when there is no past 

How could I have memories of being happy with you boy 

Could someone tell me how can this be 

How could my mind pull up incidents 

Recall dates and times that never happened 

How could we celebrate a love that's too late

And how could I really mean the words I'm bout to say 

I miss the times that we almost shared 

I miss the love that was almost there 

I miss the times that we use to kiss

At least in my dreams

Just let me take my time and reminisce the times that we never had 

What happened to us we were almost there

Whoever said it's impossible to miss when you never had

Never almost had you

I cannot believe I let you go 

Or what should I say I should've grabbed you up and never let you go 

I should've went out with you 

I should've made you my boo boy

Yes that's one time I should've broke the rules 

I should've went on a date 

Should've found a way to escape 

Should've turned a almost into 

If it happened now it's to late

How could I celebrate a love that wasn't real 

And if it didn't happen why does my heart feel 

(I miss the times that we almost shared) yeah... 

I miss the love that was almost there 

I miss the times we use to kiss 

At least in my dreams

Just let me take my time and reminisces 

I miss the times that we never had 

What happened to us we were almost there 

Whoever said it's impossible to miss when you never had 

Never almost had you - So Nyuh Shi Dae Jessica Jung - Almost 



Looking at you (me)

Just (only) a smile

A smile immersed with shyness (yeah)

Your eyes looked sad when you looked at me

Perhaps that was when you were about to bid farewell (honey baby)


Repeating like everyday

My appearance

Missing you that it became restless


Will you forgive me?

Please think twice

Think again

I won't let go at this moment


Make you cry

Is because of my stupidness

Letting you go

Is because I am lacking in many ways

Please forgive me who wants to forget you

Please let me have a chance to breath again


Looking at you (me)

Tears (rolled down)

You turned me into a fool (yeah)

Perhaps when you change your mind

I will stand on the road where you used to travel back to me (baby)


Your leaving which had been known earlier

Has no difference from a pain which cause me almost dead to me right now

Time passes

I still can't let you go

Letting you go

I've did too much for you


Make you cry

Is because of my stupidness

Letting you go

Is because I am lacking in many ways

Please forgive me who wants to forget you

Please let me have a chance to breath again



Where can I start telling

When can I start telling

What can I tell

Those precious words had been forgotten (you will understand even if I don't tell)



Those moments we spent together

Minutes and seconds which we misses

The shimmering, beautiful smile

Has to be kept in your heart


I prayed while heart aching

If we can still meet when the rain stops

I am very miserable right now

Your leaving made the current me suffer


What matters me

I think of you every night

If there's one day I don't think about you

My heart will feel unsafe (girl)

You (no) Mmhm (no) Don't know anything right?

You are not familiar with this kind of me

If only you would think about me anytime

If you could come back by then

That would be great


The phrase I love you

The phrase from me that only you can listen to

The phrase I miss you

The phrase that says I wanted to hug you

The only one I want to protect you

Once again

For you

To be by my side again - Super Junior Y


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SuperGeneration131 #1
Chapter 10: UPDATE PLEASE!!!!!!!
ProudGoguma #2
Chapter 10: Hi Ilike your HaeSica Story. <3
pls updateeeeeee~
Qwenie #3
Chapter 10: AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
update soon please!!!!
Chapter 10: Update soon I wonder what place is donghae going to bring jessica
DarknessHatesLove #6
Chapter 9: update please!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: i'll wait for update ^^
Chapter 10: Oh yeah this is awesome....