first sight

Black Rose
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Octagon Nightclub
Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Friday 23rd October

“Babe. Come on, just listen okay. Babe can you wait, you’ll hurt yourself, you’re wearing heels!”

The raven-haired male grumbled as he stumbled, jogging to keep up with his girlfriend who had stormed out the club so sudden.

“Oh, hey look at that fox.”

“Hey baby, where you are going?” Ignoring the wolf whistles and rowdy group of guys and their females company watched the upset female storm out the club they laughed. The tall raven-haired male stormed after her having given the random group of men death glares.

The aromas of smoke, alcohol, puke and sewage was strong after the storm however that didn’t stop people from clubbing, getting wasted and enjoying themselves— on a school night. Tears and anger filled hazel orbs as Sunyoung struggled to proceed back towards her boyfriend’s car that was parked behind the club. A grunt escaped passed her cherry red lips, fumbling with the strapping on her laced heels, she may have sprained her ankle. Turning the corner, she saw the young man still following her grabbing his keys to his vehicle, now was the time to scramble.

“Ugh, stupid heels. I don’t believe you L.Joe!” She cried.

Looping her index finger through the straps she slung her shoes over her shoulder jogging bare footed towards the car and away from the taller male.

“Hey! Would you stop and listen to me? I swear you’re so stubborn sometimes.”

Running long, slender digits through his waxed hair, hazel hues glanced down at the female who looked like she had fallen through a paper shredder and whirlpool to get away from him. Now realising she was wet from the rain, L.Joe shuffled out of his jacket before throwing it round the girl’s bare shoulders to protect her from the chilly air, but Sunyoung shrugged it back off.

“What Byunghun? I do not want to hear your damn excuses again. What is it this time? She was just a friend?”

“Well, technically, yes she is.”

“You were kissing her! Or does that not look bad to you? I am your girlfriend not her! I can’t believe you would cheat on me again. Am I not good enough for you?”

“No… I mean yes! You are more than enough for me.”

Sunyoung sniffled on her tears, wiping away the black mascara that leaked down her cheeks. “Wow…”
Chewing on her lower lip smudging her lipstick, she lifted her shoulders indicating that the answer he gave was a waste. He stood there awkwardly pushing his finger into his palm, she knew him well.

“I don’t think I can do this anymore.”

“Come on, stop being a baby she was just a friend, Sunny.”

However, they both knew that wasn’t the case. It wasn’t the first time he had been caught cheating, and if he could remember to count this would have been more than ten times now he had cheated on Sunyoung, this always gave Sunny mixed emotions, was she really good enough? Did she make him unhappy? Her boyfriend of four years, and three months cheating on her every chance he had. Deep down she knew she was stupid to stay with him this long.

“What do you want me to say? Look I’m sorry, it didn’t mean anything.”

“Sorry? Okay, great and now let us all go back to normal and pretend this never happened.”

“You aren’t going to accept my apology?”

Sunyoung scoffed, twirling with the strapping on her heels, she watched L.Joe twirl his car keys on the tip of his finger and shook his head.

“Sorry doesn’t make it better, nor does it make it right. L.Joe I have given you more than enough chances to prove yourself and yet you continue to cheat on me. This relationship was great while it lasted but I’m done. It’s over.”

Smudging her make-up to dry her tears, she was thankful it was raining. She was surely going to catch a cold tomorrow. Stepping over her ex-boyfriend’s jacket she hugged her petite frame, pulling out her phone from her purse ignoring the shout backs she received from L.Joe.

“No! You can’t do this to me! Yah! Sunny-ah!”

Her fingers becoming numb from the cold as she fumbled to click on her contact book on her phone, searching up her brother’s number. Clicking dial she waited for an answer. After three rings Minho finally answered with a croaky voice.


“Brother…” She cried down the line.

“Sunny? Are you okay? What happened?”

“Sunyoung!” L.Joe shouted, which woke Minho up from his daze. Sunny heard a hissing sound and him flicking his lights on.

“Sunny? Where are you?!”

“Minho, please come get me. I’m at the Octagon. I really need you right now. I’m sorry it’s so late and…” She choked on her tears. “And I woke you up…” She was cut off when Minho replied with a gentle voice.

“Stop. I’m coming to get you, hang tight.”

Inhaling she sobbed into her hand feeling L.Joe grab her shoulders she spun round smacking her heels into his shoulder. Tossing her heels into the bush, she reached up to slap her hand across his cheek leaving a red mark. L.Joe growled extending his arms out to squeeze her wrists tightly.

“You ! I love you, just stop being so whiny and we could make this relationship work again.”  

L.Joe captured her chin in his palm, using his thumb to gently caress her cheek she looked up at him tears flowing out from her eyes. “Byunghun— please. I’ve had enough. Let me go!” Silence, until he broke it with a pained sigh. ‘Boy was this difficult.' L.Joe shook his head bringing his face closer to hers.

“No. I can’t let you go so easily, please.”

“Let me go!”

Struggling in his strong hold, Sunyoung slams her fisted hands into his chest, trying desperately to push out of his strong grasp. “Let me go! Let me go! Minho!”

“Yah!” Sunyoung gasped hearing her brother yell from his car, without turning off the engine she watches Minho run out his car and shove L.Joe off her. Ready to throw a punch if Byunghun tried anything.

The rain had gotten stronger as the droplets of water pelted down hard, water dripping from Minho’s face as he glared at L.Joe from where he stood beside Sunyoung.

“Minho! He isn’t worth it.”

“Get the hell off her!” Throwing his jacket off gently wraps it round his sister trying to cover her the best he could from the rain, the warm fabric draped over her bare, wet shoulders making her cling to the smell of her brother automatically feeling the comfort of his presences.

“She’s done with you. Get the out of here.”

Sunny sobbed into her hand trying to muffle the sound of her cries. L.Joe clicked his tongue against the bridge of his mouth walking back to his car and driving away without looking back. The rain getting heavy, Minho turns to his sister draping his arm over her shoulder in a warm hug. “Did he hurt you?”

Shaking her head, she buries her faces in the crook of Minho’s neck. Rubbing the back of her neck he caresses her in a comfort manner. “Hey, I’m here. Let’s get you home. Let that douche bag rot away with the trash.”

Wrapping his fingers round her delicate wrist he removed her hand away from her face so he could look at his sweet sister, wiping away the tears that had fallen down her cheek. Her limbs becoming gooey, body slouching over as she began to cry once again. Sighing sadly Minho wraps his arms round her small frame bringing her in for a tight embrace.

“I’m sorry sis.”

“Minho? Is there something wrong with me? Am I not pretty enough?”

Minho scowled shaking his head at her question.
“Why would you as me that? No there is nothing wrong with you, that’s his lose. Because you are amazing. Broken hearts heal Sunyoung. He won’t be your only love. There will be others. He’s a jock, I used to be one…”

With that over and done Minho guided his sister back to his car. Sudden sickness washed over her, feeling her surroundings spin caused the semi drunken female to stumble forward. Touching her temple, she coughed in her other hand she was about to throw up.

“Let it out Sunyoung, let it all out.”



Minho’s Apartment

When the siblings arrived back at Minho’s apartment Sunyoung had drifted to sleep on the car journey back to his, smiling Minho turns the engine of his car off. Flicking the light compartment on in his car he turns his attention to the sleeping beauty in the passenger seat. Sunyoung tightly clinging to her brother’s jacket, her cheek resting on her palm as she had curled into a ball position on the leather seat.

Minho chuckles, ruffling his damp hair. “Pabo-ya.” He whispers, laying his hand upon her head. The rain had finally calmed.
Quietly leaving the car and making an entrance inside his apartment he would come back for her after making sleeping arrangements.

Unlocking the door, slowly dragging his feet into the surprisingly quiet apartment he tossed his keys onto the table, shuffling out his wet hooded sweater and sneakers. He would dry himself later.

“Jonghyun?! Yo! I’m home!”

Groaning with irritation he dashes to his medical cabinet pulling out some medicine and running the cold tap to fill a glass of water for his sister. Setting them down on the table he calls out again for his best friend.

“Jonghyun hyung?!”

The man in question pops his head out from the dark corridor smiling brightly when he sees his friend. “Hey Buddy. Where did you run off to?”

“Oh, jeez. Put some pants on. Not everyone here wants to see that.”

Minho turns his back to his friend waiting for the shorter to vanish and return with clothes, preferably with pants on. Hearing bare feet tip tap along the wooden floor he greets his childhood friend once again, this time with an answer to his question.

“I went to retrieve Sunyoung, I think she and Byunghun broke up just now.”

Jonghyun scowls, he saw Sunyoung like a sister, he and Minho had been best friends since the day they were born, even though they were a few years apart in the age department they bonded on a spiritual level.

“That , I knew he would be trouble. Where is she? Did you drop her back home?”

Minho shook his head pointing to the front door indicating she was outside in his car. “She’s asleep in my car. I wanted to make her a bed before carrying her inside. I don’t think she should be alone tonight. Can you

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Hey! My beloved readers!
I am happy to announce I will be returning to continue this story ^^ yay
Please bare with me as I go through current chapters and make small tweaks. Thank you for all being patient x


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Really!? That's great
750 streak #3
Chapter 8: Ah, I can’t believe I got caught up already. I love this fic and hope you will go back to it. I’m waiting for Taemin to realize how much Sunny means to him.
whowhowho #4
love love love! new Taemin fic!!!
whowhowho #5
love love love! new Taemin fic!!!
Chapter 5: Oh finally I read this chapter. It was all good as usual. L.jeo is really annoying and this compliment same goes for Jennie. I'm sure Taemin must have his own reason behind changing his partner. Maybe he is a vampire or is it all a because of blood.
78 streak #8
Chapter 2: Oooh, what an interesting cast list. I can't wait to dive into this later when I'm finished with my work.
692 streak #9
Congrats on winning the bid! ^^
omgitsshineeeee #10
just reading the first chapters
I love this it's like korean twilight <3