5 Days

My Dirty Little Secret

Sorry this took so long. Anyways, a light chapter so prepare you for the road ahead! Enjoy!

                “With the way you’ve been acting Sunny. I’m starting to think you don’t belong”

                “Stop it Taeyeon.” Sunny said. The tears she held back were finally coming forth. “Ignore me, scream at me, and tell me that you hate me. Just please… don’t say that.”

                “And why not Sunny? It’s not as if it’s not true!” Taeyeon told her. “Didn’t you skip our Christmas dinner just last week?”

                “I’ve been trying!” Sunny screamed. “But it’s hard.” She said softly.

                “It’s hard?” Taeyeon scoffed. “Are you forgetting that you’re the one who broke my heart? Twice!” Taeyeon said harshly in whisper. “It’s hard for you? You completely destroyed my trust.” Taeyeon turned around. She wanted to cry. But she didn’t want to. Not in front of Sunny.

                “I know. And I’m so sorry Taeyeon. Don’t you think I regret it? Every single day. Every time I see you. It breaks my heart. I hate myself for it.” Sunny said as the tears painted her face. Sunny moved closer to Taeyeon. She held her arms out to give Taeyeon a back hug. But Taeyeon stopped her.

                “Please don’t Sunny.” Taeyeon said. Sunny knew she was crying. She clenched her teeth and dug her nails into her palm. She made Taeyeon cry again. “I… I’m going to sleep in Tiffany’s room tonight.” Taeyeon said.

                “No.” Sunny told her. “I’ll just go. Maybe you’re right.” Taeyeon looked up. Maybe I was right? Right about what? Taeyeon thought. She watched as Sunny moved towards the door and opened it. She looked back. Her heart stopped.

                “I still love you.” Sunny muttered before closing the door and leaving. Taeyeon cursed herself. It’s been a year. But why? Why does she still have that effect on me? Taeyeon thought. She calmed herself down and sat on Yoona’s bed. “Please Jessica. I just… I won’t wreck your car. Promise,” Taeyeon overheard Sunny saying.

                She heard the rapid footsteps approaching and quickly wiped her tears. “Taeyeon!” She heard Jessica scream. The door slammed open and Jessica stomped in, behind her Tiffany rolled in.

                “Jessi wait. Don’t!” Tiffany urged as she tried to pull her back.

                “No! I’m sick and tired of this,” Jessica told her. “Why do you keep pushing her away? This is the second time in the past month! What’s wrong with you?”

                “She deserves it. You saw what she did to Yoona and Sooyoung.” Taeyeon hissed. She walked hoping to avoid a fight with Jessica. But she failed. Jessica grabbed her arm and stopped her.

                “Don’t you think she regrets it Taeyeon? Don’t you know that she was crying all day today?” Jessica asked her. Taeyeon ignored it and pulled her arm back from Jessica and walked towards the door. “What if she doesn’t come back Kim Taeyeon?” Jessica asked.

                Taeyeon stopped in her tracks. “We have practice tomorrow Jessica.” Taeyeon told her before leaving the room and going into her own. She sat on top of her bed and pulled out the necklace hidden in her shirt. She looked at it and smiled. But soon enough tears came out. “Pabo.” She said softly.\

Next Day


                With one eye Taeyeon watched the girls in their practice room and with the other she was looking at the clock. She bit her lip. Sunny was late. She wasn’t here. “Unnie, shouldn’t we start practicing?” Yoona asked.

                “But Sunny unnie isn’t here yet,” Seohyun said.

                “Whatever. We can just sing her part too. We don’t need her.” Sooyoung said.

                “Yah!” Jessica said with a glare at Sooyoung who simply shrugged it off. “I’ve been calling her for hours and she hasn’t picked up once.” Jessica said to the rest of the girls. “Tiffany can you try?”

                “I did. But she didn’t pick up.” Tiffany told her. “Let’s just practice, Sunny looked like she knew her parts pretty well. Besides what’s worse, Sunny not knowing her part or everyone not knowing their part?” Tiffany asked her. “I’m sure she’ll show up. Let’s just start.”

                Taeyeon nodded her head in agreement. Her eyes met Jessica for a brief moment and she felt the accusing glare and Jessica’s words from last night popped up in the back of her head. What if Sunny doesn’t come back?

                Taeyeon shook her body and the voice away as she started the music and went to her spot. “Let’s go!” She sang.

                But as she sang those words memories from four years ago flooded back.


                “Let’s go!” Sunny said in hush tone excitedly as the two raced down the hallway of the SM building. Taeyeon couldn’t help but give off a small laugh. “Shhhh.”

                “Sunny. We shouldn’t be here.” Taeyeon said strictly but her smile betrayed her.

                “That’s why you should be quiet,” Sunny said. “I can’t help you if you get in trouble.”

                “What? And why won’t you be in trouble.” Taeyeon asked in shock, her smile disappearing. She was worried about getting caught or worse… getting reprimanded by the big boss on top.

                “Hello? Lee Sooman’s favored niece?” Sunny said. “Now come on, I’ll do my best to make sure you aren’t caught.” Sunny said with a wink. Taeyeon turned away to hide the smile that was forming. But it got worse. Sunny’s hand wrapped around hers and Taeyeon’s cheeks instantly turned crimson red, her heart started beating faster. At that instant she started to pray and pray hard that no matter what happens that her hands wouldn’t sweat.

                The two entered the staircase and took a deep breath. “Tell me again why we’re inside the SM building at night on a Christmas Eve?”

                “It’s a surprise,” Sunny said with a smile. “Now let’s get up these stairs.”

                “Wait! At least tell me where were going.” Taeyeon told her. “Yah! Sunny-ah,” Taeyeon said softly. But she was already being dragged up by Sunny. Eventually the two reached their practice floor.

                “Okay.” Sunny said as she pushed Taeyeon through the doors that lead out of the staircase. She moved behind Taeyeon and covered her eyes. “Come on.” 

                “Sunny! I can’t see.”

                “Aigoo. That’s the point.” Sunny told her. She let off a small giggle as she kept pushing Taeyeon forward. “Don’t be so scared. I’m not going to let you get hurt while you’re with me.”

                “Promise?” Taeyeon asked. Sunny spun Taeyeon around and held her face.

                “I promise… While you’re with me you’re never going to get hurt.” Sunny said as she held out her pinky. Taeyeon took it gladly as the two pinky promised. She turned around and closed her eyes. Sunny smiled as she continued to push Taeyeon to their practice room. “Open the door’s please?” Taeyeon did as she was asked and Sunny smiled as she saw the fruits of her labors clearly for the first time.

                She decorated it herself. Candles lit the room up. The floors were covered in rose petals and in the middle of the room was a small folding table. On top were two glasses, a bottle of wine and her special cupcakes. “Surprise!” Sunny yelled as she uncovered Taeyeon’s eyes.

                Taeyeon looked around her. She was speechless. It was beautiful. She looked around, she never thought that their practice room could ever be anything more. “Sunny… this… is beautiful.”

                “Merry Christmas!” Sunny told her.

                “Sunny. This… this is too much.” Taeyeon said as she engulfed Sunny in a hug. “Really.”

                “Aigoo. It’s not.” Sunny said shyly as she welcomed Taeyeon’s hug. As reluctant as she was she pulled back so she could look at Taeyeon’s face. “You’ve been really sad lately Taeng. Since you wouldn’t tell me what was wrong, this was the least I could do so I can see you smile again.”

                “Oh Sunny.” Taeyeon said as she pulled her back into a hug. It was true, the past few weeks she had been really sad. It was all because she was confused about her feelings for Sunny. She loved Sunny as a friend, but deep down she wanted more. She fought back those feelings by herself. But… “Sunny…” Taeyeon started.

                “Yes Taeng?”

                “To be honest… I love you a lot. You’re my best friend in the whole world.” Taeyeon told her.

                Sunny’s smiled faltered for a bit. She wasn’t expecting this. A good friend speech? Taeyeon saw and she laughed at Sunny. “What’s so funny?” Sunny asked with a frown.

                “You.” Taeyeon told her. “You don’t even wait till I’m finished. Like I was saying,” Taeyeon continued, “You’re my best friend in the whole world. But recently… I’ve started to develop feelings for you.”

                Sunny was stunned, the frown quickly turned into a smile. “Go on,” she urged. Taeyeon’s smile grew bigger, but with it she felt her cheeks blushing.

                “I’ve been worrying recently… because you’re a girl… and so am I.” She saw Sunny trying to say something but she placed her finger on Sunny’s lips. “And… to make my worries worse was that… you and I are in the same group… I thought… what if the other girls don’t approve? What if it gets out? Will I be able to protect you? Protect the others? Sunny, you don’t know how worried I’ve been. But. Seeing all this. It’s only made me realize how stupid I was for even thinking about those. That Sunny, I love you for you, girl or not I would still love you and only you. Whenever I see you, a stupid smile appears on my face. Whenever I think of you, I daydream happily about us together. Whenever you hold my hand, I feel like there’s nothing I can’t face.”


                “I love you Sunny… Will you be mine?” Taeyeon asked.

                Tears started to fall from Sunny’s eyes as she nodded her head yes.


                “Doing good so far girls,” their manager’s voice brought Taeyeon back to reality. She looked up and saw that 5 hours had passed.  She looked behind him and all around but no Sunny. “Is Sunny out taking a break? Someone should go get her, I’ve brought you guys food.” He said. “But Yoona and Seo, your food will be on the set so come along.”

                Taeyeon waved goodbye to the two youngest members and sat down to eat some food. “Well, no use practicing with 3 people gone.” Yuri said. “I need to go practice for some other stuff too, so I’m going to go once I finish my food.”

                Taeyeon sighed and nodded her head. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Good job today. We should be ready for the concert next week.”

                “Well, assuming we still have 9 members by next week.” Jessica said before standing up. “I’m going to go rest up back in the dorm and see if Sunny’s there. See you later.” She said as she left. Taeyeon sighed, they still haven’t made up. And probably won’t until Sunny would show up. She checked her phone. There was nothing.

 4 days later

                Taeyeon was extremely worried now. So were the other girls. The managers were clueless about Sunny’s disappearance and the girls were clueless as to where she is. “Unnie… not to say that I wasn’t worried before… but… I’m really worried now.” Seohyun said to Taeyeon. “Where has Sunny-unnie gone? I’ve called her probably a hundred times in the last 2 days but…”

                “I did too…” Tiffany and Yuri added.

                “But nothing,” finished Jessica.

                “Sunny can take care of herself. I’m sure she’s fine.”

                “Oppa comes tomorrow to arrange us for our concert in Bangkok.” Seohyun told everybody. Suddenly the gravity of the situation finally hit them. Unless they had a good excuse everybody had to show up. It was necessary. Taeyeon bit her lip. Where was Sunny? She never went this long without calling a single one of them. “Sunny unnie does belong with us.” Seohyun said softly. Taeyeon nodded her head. The last thing she needed was the maknae’s reminder as to why Sunny wasn’t here.

                “I should have apologized for that.” Taeyeon said to her. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean… for this to happen. The fight was supposed to be between her and me only…”

                Seohyun nodded. “Unnie… please never say those words again. Those were too harsh.” Taeyeon nodded her head. She felt everyone’s stares on her, waiting for her orders. “Let’s… just practice. I’m sure she’ll show up.” The others nodded and slowly got up.

                Just as they were about to practice the door opened and Sunny walked in. The girls stopped what they were doing when they saw her and the state she was in. Her eyes were swollen and red, her legs were shaking, her hair was a disheveled mess and it looked like she had been wearing the same clothes for days. She walked to Jessica and presented her with the keys and dangled it in the air. “Told you I wouldn’t wreck your car. I even refilled the gas as a thank you.” Sunny said. Jessica was frowning at Sunny for disappearing for 5 days, tearing up because she knew Sunny was safe, and now she was giggling because of what Sunny had said. She didn’t know what to do so instead she did all 3.

                Yuri walked up to her and looked her in the face. She was angry. Sunny raised a finger asking her to wait and she pulled out a small pocketbook. “Would this help you?” Sunny teased.

                “Yah!” Yuri screamed. But like Jessica, she couldn’t help but let off a small giggle. She hugged the shorter girl and soon everyone but Taeyeon had gone to her.

                “Unnie! How could you leave like that! I thought… I was so… Unnie!” Seohyun managed to say as she held Sunny tight, not wanting to share her with the others. “Don’t… ever do that again please… I thought you wouldn’t ever come back.”

                “Aish. Don’t we have to practice for our Bangkok tour tomorrow? I was planning to come then but when I saw that my beloved maknae left me two hundred voicemails I knew I had to come rushing.” Sunny said. “But now that I’m here, I don’t have to listen to them all right?” Sunny asked with a laugh.

                “Aish! Unnie! It’s your punishment for disappearing.” Seohyun told her. Sunny laughed some more before she agreed.

                Sooyoung and Yoona both waited for Seohyun to let her go. Sunny looked at them and took them both in for a hug. “I’m so sorry you two.” Sunny said. “I… I never meant to do what I did… I’m so sorry.”

                “No unnie. I’m sorry. I overreacted… Besides… Sones still love us. They even support us. Right Sooyoung?”

                Sooyoung nodded in agreement as the girls stayed together in silence. After yeas together, it was all that they needed.

                “All right girls. We need to practice. Now that we’re all here let’s do Mr. Mr. really quick before going through out concert list.” Taeyeon said. The girls wiped their tears and nodded.

                “But unnie… where did you go? I visited your parents after my rehearsals but… you weren’t there.” Seohyun asked. Taeyeon overheard the two and listened in.

                “Aigoo… Seohyun-ah. For now, it’s my little secret. Okay?”

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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 4: Oh goodness, at least Jessica seems to care enough to ask the real questions. I knew Sunny would feel like they were all ganging up on her. And no, don’t go for the pills! I hate that this story was never finished. This was great while it lasted…
Fire_trek 351 streak #2
Chapter 3: Seobaby she went to her secret hiding space! I’m glad she came back Taeyeon needs to understand that words carry weight to them and you should be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Also is no one going to comment on Sunny’s appearance? She was probably drunk or worse during her days missing.
Fire_trek 351 streak #3
Chapter 2: Oh snap! Sunny and Taeyeon used to be a item and Sunny let her fondness for alcohol get her in trouble with dispatch! I feel bad for my girl Sunny at least she has Jessica by her side, all the other girls seem to be done with her
Fire_trek 351 streak #4
Chapter 1: Oh, this is good. I’m glad Jessica said something to Sunny
Ok i see.you're not going to continue this fic,huh. How sad.
Multifandomlover #6
Chapter 4: Oh gosh that cliffhanger
Multifandomlover #7
Chapter 2: Oh no I'm scared for what's gonna happen
Snsdsunny12 #8
Chapter 4: Please update...
Chapter 4: Can you please continue to update this fic. It's 2017 already and I'm still waiting for you.
Chapter 4: What is happening to Sunny?? Yo author, please continue I want to know what's goin to happen next. Please I'm begging u