

From the couch of the living room, they transfer to their bedroom. Both of them are snuggling under the white thick blanket as they continue talking about the past. The history of their lives.


"And then i met  you  through tiffany and Sooyoung because I was helping them to organize the school paper." Hyoyeon said, looking down to Jessica. "I never had a chance to talk with you, even we were classmates. You were like avoiding people and you never attempt to make friends with others except for Tiffany and Yuri." Jessica nodded. "you never stepped out from your comfort zone."

"how did you know? what are you, a psychic?" Hyoyeon chuckled because of Jessica's weird statement.

"i heard a lot about you. They said tha---"

"they said that i'm an arrogant ice princess who never make friends with others, because i really hate people who judges other people and who are two-faced personality." Jessica cutted Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon can sense the  insecurities in every word that left to her Girlfriend's mouth. She hugged her tightly as she could and she kissed the top of Jessica's head.

"i was about to say that they said you are beautiful and very mysterious." Hyoyeon giggled.

"rumors were roaming around the campus about my attitude problems and everything. why did you still ask me to be your friend?" Jessica asked.

"Actually i'm interested in you."

"you like me?"

"no, not that kind of like. as i said, you were a mysterious,i see you as a puzzle back then."



Jessica's POV

Rumours about me and Yuri spread like a wildfire, others are talking behind my back, others are avoiding me, As if all the people turn their backs at me. The rumour about me breaking up with yul, and Yul disappeared because of me. Good thing Tiffany was there to support me and she knew everything. I'm always at the school garden every lunch. I always sends a message to Tiffany for her not to haunt me down.

"Hey, Sis, Kim Hyoyeon is so cool." A student said not away from my place. They were gathered as if they were having a picnic.

"why? what happened? Omg, I bumped her last week and OHGawd, she smells good." another student replied. I stare at them, their faces does have this shade of red.

"Kim Hyoyeon is Biual."



"Well there was a portion in the school news paper about her. And it was confirmed."

"Omg, a new hottie. She's the same with Yuri. OMG."  I saw them squealed like a creepy seals. A girl look at my direction and her eyebrows furrowed. "girls i think we need to shut our mouth, there IS SOMEONE who is eavesdropping" The other girls followed the lady's gaze. They look at me as if i have a disease. "come on girls. let's leave." i hung my head low. i sighed before i lay my back on the greeny grass and shut my eyes.



2 hours passed when the teachers dismissed the class. I was still at the campus, roaming around. i stopped and take a rest at the school garden. i really don't want to go home yet but i can't go to mall cause Krystal is out with her friends, i want to call Tiff but i shouldn't, cause i know, She and Taeyeon are having a date. I sat on the bench, i shut my eyes and letting the peacefulness  of the garden take my heart away from the world.


"excuse me, is this seat is taken?" A raspy and creepy voice asked.

"no" i answered with my shut and my face facing the sky, i moved a little to give space.

"Hi, what is your name? Oh wait, You're in my class, uhhhh wait..." the stranger starts talking.i open my eyes and stared at the orange sky "Jung Jessica." She said, as she clapped. "my name is Kim Hyoyeon. Nice meeting you."

"hi." I replied, I'm not really that much of a talker.

"would you like to be my friend?" She asked. I was taken aback  by her sudden question. I was a bout to ask her something when someone called her.




"Sorry 'bout that. i gotta go. See you around Sica." Sica. Sica. Sica.



" when i met you at the garden, i was scared.The way you looked at me was terrifying."Hyoyeon said. " I was actually following you"


"cause Tiffany said that you were alone again that time. And she was worried about you. Being a good friend to Tiffany and Taeyeon,  I volunteered to look for you and to be with you when Fany wasn't around."


Jessica's POV

Months has passed when Hyoyeon officially introduce me to her friends. and Rumours are starting again. Hyoyeon became more popular in school and i became more popular because of rumours. Nice. Hyoyeon keeps dragging me with Sooyoung wherever she goes. Of course people will look at us, specifically to Hyoyeon. Students are starting make a move to Hyoyeon, they give presents to her, confess their feelings. Just like the old times. With Yuri.

"Jung can you give Sunny a call? or atleast taeyeon or tiffany, or--" i get my phone out from my pocket and shove it to Sooyoung.

"you give them a call." Sooyoung just glared at me and started dialing.

"Sica, Do you want to come to my house?" Hyoyeon asked.

"i'm not sure about my schedule but i'll text you." i replied. "Soo please give my phone back"

"ok bunny,we'll wait for you here, the talking ice is mad. muaaack"

"ew.DID YOU JUST-- UGHHHH" I snatched my phone from Sooyoung's grip. The hell, she just kissed my phone!

I was about to slid my phone in my pocket when it rang. Yul. it says. I excitedly open my phone and answered it. "YUL!!!! I miss you!! where are you?!!"

"turn around" she said. i did. i saw her. i run towards her direction and gave her a big hug. "I missed you kwon Seobang"


"Yul came and you forgot about me and our friendship, i was so jealous. I was mad at you and i don't know why, that's why i didn't talk to you for weeks" Hyoyeon said.sadly. "we became so distant and every time we are together i feel awkward and tensed." Hyoyeon confessed.

"but why do you feel like that?" Jessica asked.

"Because for the days you were with her, alone,  Me and the gang  had an open forum and ---"

"and what?"

"and i knew that i fell inlove with you. They said that i was so dense to ignore my feelings to you and let yuri to win you back"


Jessica's POV

Weeks. i know there is something wrong between me and Hyoyeon. I don't know what happened but she was so distant. Every time i see her talking to others i feel like 'what the hell?'. Hyoyeon is my friend, they're not friends to Hyoyeon, why Hyoyeon is talking to them.I AM NOT JEALOUS. Its just, Seeing your friend talking to others but not talking to you. The feeling is bad, really really bad. I tried to talk to Hyoyeon but she always have this excuse. So weeks turned into months.


We were on the Same School but not classmates anymore. She was transfered in different section, She became closer to her new friends that she even forgot have a lunch with the gang.  until one day, Sooyoung asked the gang to stay at their house because her parents are leaving for a business trip. i said i can't go  because i will have my friendly bond with yuri, And Hyoyeon said she will go and clinged herself to Tiffany.

i am pissed.


i got home from the mall with Yuri and her new girlfriend Yoona. i was dead tired when i recieved a phone call from sooyoung.

"hello Soo--

"heyy! Stop wiping the floor!" a voice asked.

"uhhhhghhh." a grunt from unknown person on the other line.

I positioned myself as i listened to the conversation on the other line. i can hear some giggling, and 'awhh cute' . i feel jealous maybe i should come to Sooyoung's

"Sooyoung if you just want to make me feel envious about you having the party.... off." i said. i was about to end.

"so you like jessica?" me? like me? who likes me?

"j-jeshikka? whoo's jeshik?" wait is that Hyoyeon? awhhh how cuteeeee.

"you like her?"


"u-unnie i -i think we need to go, she's a sober now."

"nope not yet Hyunnie"

"unnie you can't expect something right now, Hyoyeon unnie don't know how to speak korean when she's drunk"

"just a few more minutes and we will bring her to the room i promise.."

What the hell are they doing? "yah  sooyoung!! i need to go to the shower call me late----"

"no just hang on. don't end the call, just bring you phone with you in the bathroom"

"you're weird." i did what i was told. i didnt hang up, and i can still hear giggles from the other line.

"uhhh she's cute!!"

"why is she standing on the chair??"

"Hyoyeon- unnie stop dancing on the chair"

"Come on Hyunnie, you're such a mother."

"Yeah let her be"

"Just let Hyoyeon -unnie sleep now...And stop taking a video of her."


"Hyoyeon -ahhh, do you like someone?"  I am sure that voice is from Tiffany

"Hyoyeon, do you like nicole?" That voice is from taeyeon. what the hell are they doing?

"no. no. no."

"ahhhhhh kyeoppppptaaa" tiffany. why are so loud.

"ok hyoyeon stop pouting and shooking your head, it will make you dizzy." Sunny said. Awhh i wish i'm with them.

"Hyoyeon do you like jessica?" Sooyoung said.WHATT?

"JESHIKKA? who is Jeshikka?khfefwufhwufhefca?? jjang!!"

"what did she said?"

"unnie she said that name sounds like Sica.Sooyoung- unnie."

"Hyo is sooo cuteee. Her vocubulary is limited."

The tub is ready so sat myself in. I lean my head on the bath tub. Ughhh, this is so refreshing. my body is and my mind was screaming for sleep and i was on the verge of giving up to stay midnight to listen on the party on the other line. i shut my eyes and ready to fall asleep.

"Hyoyeonnie, do you like Sica?"

"Shikka? Shoooyeon?????

"uh huh."


"Ahhhhh look at her!!! her face is soooo red"


"why didn't you tell me that you like me? Jessica asked

" I was afraid. Our friendship is at stake."

"did you know that i like you too?"

"yeaaa-- uhh no. i thought you like yuri."

"no, yuri was my past. i was just waiting for the right time to confess to you, good thing sooyoung did ME and YOU a favor." Jessica smiled.


Jessica's POV

"yes" Drunk Hyo said "Yes, i like her."

"why dont you confess it to her?"

"i am scared?"

"YAAAAH!!!" The call ended. what the hell was that.




I like you too. Hyoyeon-ah.



piz awt.






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Chapter 10: Huuummm...not that happy with the left the story in the most important part..
Chapter 10: I'm not really satisfied with your story. It cliffhanger, not the end yet right??? Why they made Hyo confess when she hangover.... hahahahaha

I almost thought that Jessica will run to Hyoyeon, and confess to but... you stop there. I want MOREEEEEE pleasEEEEEEE need HYOSICA!!!!!
Chapter 10: They are sweet and really good to each other. hahahahah I wonder what's next after a flashback of their past. Is there any big twist author-nim? looking forward to next chapter and more story. Fighting!!! ^_^
Chapter 10: please update soon
Chapter 10: please update soon
Chapter 9: please update soon
Chapter 9: Author-sshi plz update soon !!!
I miss hyosic too :)
Chapter 9: w0w! THANK YOU for this update author....... :)
HYOSICA! will save the day!