Cookies [YoonTaeSic Oneshot]


A cookie of friendship :)


A/N: This is a cute YoonTaeSic Oneshot :) 

I'm gonna thank my friend Hanuel_shi for helping me to finish this shot. creadits for her :)

have fun reading! :)







It was a hot sunny weather outside, and yes mother earth look extremely wonderful today.




The sound of the peeping birds were music to my ears, making me sighed in deep relief. It's a good thing I found some chocolate cookies at the convinient store near here, my favorite yum. Before the bus arrive I think I will feast this while waiting.




I neared my path slowly at a slightly tall tree with a crooked looking bench next to it, sitting only two persons. I examined the two occupants, it seems they were the same age as me. The girl on the right was a bleach blonded hair person, she looks like a walking barbie doll because of her beautiful pretty face. The other one on the left is a black locks girl, she has a cute and pretty childlike features smiling at the next person. They were snuggling each other amusingly like a sweet couple. What a cute couple I should say.




"Hi, can I have a sit?" I softly uttered smiling at them.

The bleach blonded girl tucked herself at the black hair girl alarmed at my presence,

cursing me to blink blamelessly in respond.


The black locks girl smiled at the blonde caressing her locks with care,

she then turned her head to mine nodding returning a warm smile.


"Gomawo.." I uttered slightly bowing.

And took a sit next to them, waiting for the bus to come.

A couple of minutes of silence past by, nobody seems to want to start a conversation here.




But I want too! Awkward scenarios like this makes me wanna die in boredom.

And I don't want that to happen to me since I'm the legendary Alligator Yoona

with the volumized and irritating voice power.




Okay, I don't call myself like that though, my friends do.

They said I got the most huge monstrous mouth they've ever seen,

and when I laugh they say it turns out to be the size of the alligator's mouth.


How ridiculous.


I took my gaze at the two occupants at my right,

they were smiling at each other amusingly making me curious though.



"Hey, are you two waiting for the bus too?" I asked beginning a conversation.

The bleach blonded hair girl snuggled herself shyly again to the person next to her,

burrying her face to the girl. The black locks girl tilted her gaze to me smiling warmly and nodding.


"Oh, my name is Yoona by the way" I held my right hand smiling,

the black hair girl just hold it in respond grinning back.

She then turned her gape to the blonde girl nodding slightly to her.

The bleach blonded girl pouted her lips cutely making the other girl chuckled with no sounds coming out of .

An innocent confuse look just flashed on my face cursing me to blink blamelessly.

The blonde just nod cutely shaking my hand in respond.


"You guys are cute" I sincerely remarked chucking heartfully, and they just smiled back.

"You guys look more like sisters are you twins?" the black hair girl nod.




Hm, a conversation with only me talking seems fun.

I dunno but I find these two so adorably cute though.




I took my chocolate chip cookies out of my bag and shared it with them.



"Here" I offered the bags of cookies, giving a warm smirks.

The black hair girl shook her head in disappoval just smiling back. The blonde hug her pouting cutely.




"Seems she wants one" I smiled slumping the bags of cookies on our center.

The girl sigh in defeat smiling back at me.

She then took one cookie and gave it to the blonde.

The girl smiled and slightly bowed shyly at me.

We then devoured ourselves to the chocolate cookies eating peacefully together.


The bus finally came cursing me to stood up of my feet.

I turned my glimpse to the two girls who was already on their feet. 


"Hey, c'mon the bus is here" I spoke. The black locks woman neared me passing me a paper.

"What's this?" I asked knowingly, she just smiled in respond.

"Aren't you guys coming? The bus will drive soon" she just shook her head grinning warmly.

The blonde neared us tucking her arms to the small person.

"Okay, bye then" I smiled back bowing and waving a hand, and they did the same too.

I step in the bus and found and an occupy sit.

Then I tilted my head to those girls waving at me and I waved back.

The bus soon drove it's journey rocking the road.


I open the piece of paper those cute girls just given to me.



Thank you for the wonderful cookies you've just shared to us.

My sister and I truely do appreciate it. My name is Taeyeon and my shy twin sister name is Jessica.

You have a kind heart Yoona. You did not judges us while you're talking to us.

I'm actually muted and my sister is deaf so it's very hard for us to communicate to other people.

Thank you for the kindness that you have showed. And those warm and gentle smiles you have just given to us.

You're such a kindhearted person. Thank you.


By just reading the piece of paper, an involuntary smile just curved on my lips,

making me tilted my head to the window, sighing in deep relief.

I gazed the vivid looking beautiful sky, admiring the view with a pleasant cheery face.






"This is such a wonderful day.."










Thank you for reading :) please comment? Gomawo! :)


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Bumella #1
Ohh wonderful fic.. even if taengsic are sisters here.. cute sisters