Stage 5


Dara wants to breakup, she wants space, she wants to move on. But there is a problem – she’s single.



No boyfriend since birth.

That’s me, Dara. I co-manage a photo studio with my friends, Chaerin, Minzy and Bom. Don’t get the idea that I’m into all that photography stuff. I’m not. That’s my friends’ thing. Chaerin is the photographer, Minzy, the photo editor, and Bom, the make-up artist and creative director of photo shoots. Me? My work is all around assistant of the three. Most of the time, I’m in charge of props and wardrobe. The bouquet of flowers in a debutante photo, the toga in a graduation photo, and the ceramic vase in the background of a family portrait – those are examples of my responsibility. But I love my work; my finishing touches are like the icing to the cake of every photo. One thing I hate though – engagement photo shoots and we seem to be always booked for such things! You see my problem is, I’ve been to enough engagement parties except my own. I’m not getting any younger. I wouldn’t reveal my real age but let’s just say I’m old enough to finally consider being an old maid.

I have read somewhere that there are five stages of relationship and I’ve never even been to stage one! But I’m ready to move on, to let go of any romantic relationship. Until Chaerin decided to get smart and tell me that I’m not really letting go of anything since I didn’t have it in the first place.

That’s when my friends struck a deal with the photographer from our rival photo studio across the street – Lee Donghae. He has to make me experience the 5 stages of a relationship in the course of 5 days and after that am I only allowed to decide if I’m really ready to give up on love.

5 stages.

5 days.




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corrine #1
Chapter 1: wowwww i want 2 more darahae for 2014
Crazy4dara #2
Chapter 1: Darahae!!!!! I love Donghae's expression in their picture!!!! kyahhhh.
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 1: okay darahae start.. :)
couchpotatolady #4
On board and ready! :))
msdeathstalker #5
can't wait to read it
ItsmeJazz #7
Looking forward to this fic.
darahae_fan #8
i cant wait :)
corrine #9
hahahaha i want more
Crazy4dara #10
Interesting! Can't wait for the First Stage.