Chapter 31 (FINAL)

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband

It was the next day after Chanyeol’s break down in his room with Jongin that Chanyeol found himself sitting at his parents’ living room. His face was blank as ever, his hands sagged in both of his side, and his fringe muddled. His outer condition was basically the definition of chaos, and don’t even get started with the condition inside of his head and heart.

Yura sat closely with him, trying to be there for her brother, at least physically. It was an extreme difficulty to get Chanyeol out from the apartment. The boy barely even left his room, let alone coming to his parents’ house. Yura spent the whole morning to bring him out because their father had forced Yura to get the youngest child to the house. Yura felt bad for Chanyeol, but what can she really do actually.

They came without knowing the reason they were called to be there. When they arrived, their parents only sat them down at the couch, and up until now, there was no single word had uttered between both parties.

Feeling sick with the thick tension, Yura decided to speak, “What’s your business for calling us here, Dad?”

Mr.Park looked rather startled by the sudden sound, but he quickly regained his composure in just a second. He took one glance at his static son, and focused on Yura again. “Let’s wait ten more minutes,” he said calmly.

“Why?” Yura immediately raised her eyebrows. “Wait for what?” she asked her father, but the elder man turned silent. She looked at her mother for the answer but Mrs.Park only shook her head impassively. It started to frustrate Yura. Not to mention her brother kept unmoving as if he didn’t have any interest in life.

Yura sighed before she finally give up, and leaned her back to the couch, trying to lessen her the stiffness on her back.

Minutes passed, and for the first time, Chanyeol tore his gaze from the floor, and moved his long limbs as he stood up from the comfortable sofa. “If really there’s nothing we’ll do here, I’m going home,” Chanyeol tonelessly.

In a fast pace, he left the living room, leaving his stunned sister and parents. But before he could go far, his father yelled, “Chanyeol! Come back here!”

Chanyeol stopped on his track, and gritted his teeth, slightly playing with his tongue, the habit that he usually did when he was extremely annoyed. Chanyeol turned around, “What?”

“Your attitude is the worst,” Mr.Park bluffed.

Chanyeol snorted, “guess from who I get it.”

“Chanyeol-ah,” Yura stepped up.

“No, really,” Chanyeol raised his hand, telling his sister to back up. “Really, Dad, I’m asking you if you know where do I get this attitude from,” Chanyeol challenged.

His father didn’t answer, and just stood firmly on his feet, staring at Chanyeol angrily with a blaze of fire in his eyes.

“I get it from you, Dad,” Chanyeol said with a plain smirk planted on his face.

“Stop it, Chanyeol,” his mother snapped, while Mr.Park remained cold.

The tension was unbearable, but Chanyeol had enough. He had reached the point that he didn’t care about anything happened surround him, or anyone at that matter, except for maybe his own sister and his best friends. However, he basically didn’t care about life in general. It hit him really bad, making him fall to the deepest hole, and he couldn’t come up again.

He lost his world the moment Baekhyun left him.

The silence was broken when the doorbell rang, sending the annoying loud sound throughout the house. Nobody moved for a second before Mrs.Park finally took the initiative to open the door. She walked fast through her husband, her daughter, and her son who were still engaged with the heated argument.

Chanyeol hadn’t tore his gaze from his father’s, watching his every move. But Chanyeol kept his ears open, listening to the sound of his mother opening the door, and there were muffled voices which he can’t really catch.

Some guests had come, Chanyeol supposed. He watched his father gradually move his stare from Chanyeol to the door behind his son. His eyes were expectance at first, but it turned wide in a split second, making Chanyeol confused at the sudden shift of expression of his dad.

Chanyeol turned around, and found his friends, Jongin and Namjoo standing at the door of his house, looking like they were being after by a buffalo. Without sparing any second, Chanyeol approached them, “What are you doing here?”

His friends hadn’t had the chance to answer Chanyeol’s question as Mr.Park interrupt them. “Namjoo, where’s your parents?”

Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows. Why did his father ask about Namjoo’s parents?

Namjoo stepped in when Mrs.Park made a way for them to get in the house. Jongin, too, came in but not approaching the ‘battle scene’.

“I’m sorry, Mr.Park. But my parents won’t come,” Namjoo stated when she took her place beside Chanyeol.

“Wait, what are you talking about?” Chanyeol interfered. “What about Namjoo’s parents?”

Namjoo huffed, “Don’t you know,Oppa? Today our parents were supposed to meet to arrange our marriage.”

Chanyeol’s jaws fell to the floor when he heard the answer, “What?”

“Why didn’t they come?” Mr.Park asked, and his face looked furious.

Just as Namjoo opened to reply, Chanyeol stomped his feet, taking one step closer to his father. Chanyeol was losing it, everyone knew. “What the hell, Dad. What arrangement? I told you I don’t want to marry Namjoo,” Chanyeol snapped.

Namjoo, being the closest with Chanyeol, tried to hold Chanyeol back. Chanyeol had lost his temper, and Namjoo was too small to hold him, so Jongin took over.

“Hyung, calm down,” Jongin held Chanyeol’s shoulder.

Chanyeol was nowhere to calm down. He was raging with anger throughout his body, and Jongin was having a lot of problem handling the big boy all by himself.

“You must marry Namjoo,” his father snapped.

“How many time should I tell you that I love Baekhyun,” Chanyeol screamed. “Can’t you understand? I love Baekhyun, and only him.”

“I only do what’s best for you.”

“That’s not even near what’s best for me,” Chanyeol growled, pulling his hair out in frustration. “You made me break up with my boyfriend, and you force me to get married with someone who I considered as my sister. Those are the worst things you can do to me.”

“I thought about your future Park Chanyeol,” his father argued. They were standing incredibly close right now that they could easily get into a fight. “You can’t be successful if you’re with that boy. Do you think you can be a famous musician when you’re dating a guy?”

“Yes, I can,” Chanyeol answered unwavering. “Your argument was so irrelevant. Do you even think I can be a musician when I don’t have him with me? He’s the music in me. Without him, I can’t even breathe.”

Mr.Park stood still, sinking in all of his son words. He eventually shook his head, “I want you to be successful, my son. You’re destroying your image if you date him.”

“Destroying my image? You mean, your image?” Chanyeol scoffed. “You, Park Jinyoung, the CEO of one of the big three music company in South Korea, is afraid that your image would be ruined if the public know that your son is dating a boy.”

“Son, that’s no what I-”

“Dad,” Chanyeol cut his father’s sentence off. He sighed warily as he lowered his gaze.

For a minute there was no one talking. Chanyeol was silent with his head hung low, Mr.Park was pressing his lips, Mrs.Park was fidgeting on her feet nervously, Yura’s eyes were filled with tears, Namjoo was staring at the two arguing male anxiously, and Jongin was holding Chanyeol to be able to keep him standing, because Chanyeol seemed he could fall anytime right now.

Chanyeol slowly raised his head. His eyes looked really tired, glistening with tears. “Dad, do you want me to be happy? Truly happy?”

Mr.Park kept silent for a while before he finally spoke, “Of course I want you to be happy, Son.”

“Then let me do something that make me happy. Let me be with someone who could bring the happiness to me,” Chanyeol begged with a crack on his voice. “I really love Baekhyun, Dad, and he gives me that happiness. Yes, he’s a boy. But do you think I’ll be anything near happy if I’m with a girl? No. I want him. I want him so much that if one day I should get married, then it’ll be with him.”

“I understand that you concern about my future,” Chanyeol continued. “But seriously, you don’t have to be worried about it because this is Baekhyun we’re talking about. He won’t let me fail.”

Chanyeol saw his father little by little turned soft. His eyes was no longer stiff, and his fists were no longer curled.

“Dad, do you remember when I was a kid, you told me that I have to marry someone who will always stay when everything’s gone wrong,” Chanyeol said with a little smile curled his lips. And he looked at his father in the eyes, “Baekhyun didn’t even flinch when everything turned hell. He stayed. He never gave up when I was falling apart.”

Chanyeol heard a sob coming from his sister. He could also sense that Namjoo was also crying beside him. His father remained quiet before Chanyeol heard the sound of his mother steps approaching him.

Mrs.Park put her hand on her son’s shoulder as she looked at her own husband with sad eyes. “Honey, don’t you think you have make our son miserable enough?” Mrs.Park asked matter-of-factly. “Look at him, he grows really thin in just a spare of one week being separated with Baekhyun. Do you think he could even survive his entire life without him?”

Chanyeol wanted to cry, and just hugged his mother. But he resisted the urge when he heard his father cleared his throat. Mr.Park looked away from Chanyeol, and he put his hands inside his pants pockets arrogantly.

Chanyeol was waiting for his reaction as his father’s eyes looked really full with doubts. But then Mr.Park finally clicked his tongue and faced Chanyeol again as he uttered one word that he had been waiting for.

“Go,” Mr.Park said.

Chanyeol’s eyes widened before he turned panic, “Dad, I- oh my God. Really, thank you, Dad,” Chanyeol spluttered the words out his mouth.

Chanyeol hugged his mother for a while before he looked at his sister with a big smile on his face. His sister was also smiling brightly, posing the two of her thumbs up to her little brother. Chanyeol also spared his father one last glance, sending the unspoken thank you once again to his father. He dashed to the door, head filled with the name of Byun Baekhyun spinning in it.

When he reached the door and almost got out of the house, Chanyeol felt someone was tugging his left wrist. He turned around, and saw Namjoo was the one who pulled him.

“I need to meet Baekhyun,” Chanyeol desperately said.

“Do you know where to find him?” Namjoo asked him.

Chanyeol’s brows furrowed, “his house?”

Jongin, who had joined them, shook his head. “No, Hyung. He’s not there anymore.”

“Yeah,” Namjoo nodded. “He’s probably on the way to airport right now.”

“Wh- what? What the hell are you talking about?” Chanyeol grew anxious. “Why is he going to the airport?”

“Baekhyun Hyung told Namjoo that he’s going to Japan today,” Jongin answered.

Chanyeol’s throat went dry.

“Yeah, his flight is on 2 PM, and now is 12AM. Do you want to come after him or- hey! Chanyeol Oppa!”

Namjoo didn’t have the time to finish her sentence as Chanyeol already flied out of the house.


Never did Chanyeol thought that he’ll experienced this kind of thing. Thing like chasing after the love of his life to the airport like some cliche chick-flick drama. But Chanyeol guessed that maybe it was cliche because it did happen in real life.

And Chanyeol experienced it right now. Sitting anxiously at the back of the taxi, Chanyeol kept craning his neck in order to see the road ahead of him. The road was getting really packed as it was the rush hour.

Chanyeol cursed under his breath. Why it should stuck at time like this.

“Uhm, Sir,” Chanyeol called the taxi driver. “Is it really stucked?”

“No, Sir. It’s just a traffic light,” the taxi driver answered.

Chanyeol nodded, and decided to sit back again, trying to calm his heart beat. He closed his eyes for a bit, remembering what Namjoo and Jongin had told him.

Does Baekhyun really go to Japan? What the hell is he thinking about? How could he left me behind? He has school and everything here. It totally doesn’t make sense

Chanyeol sighed deeply and opened his eyes. He saw the traffic light turn green, and the cars in front of him slowly moved forward again. Chanyeol rested his head to the glass beside him, and he looked at the side of his taxi.

What he didn’t expect is that there was a certain boy with a bright magenta hair sitting in the taxi right beside Chanyeol’s one, with a too familiar pretty face looking upfront to the road which gradually empty, and both of the taxis were moving forward.

“Holy, Baekhyun,” Chanyeol hissed when he finally suceeded to get out from his shock. The taxi carrying Baekhyun already moved forward, leaving Chanyeol’s taxi behind. “Sir, please, please, please, follow that taxi. That one.”

Fortunately the taxi driver could understand immediately, and he pushed the pedals hardly. They followed Baekhyun’s taxi with a great speed, overhauling some cars which blocked the way.

“Can you please make that taxi stop? Or maybe you can stop in front of that taxi, Sir?” Chanyeol pleaded with a nervous tone.

The taxi driver didn’t say anything and only focused on his driving, but Chanyeol could see that Baekhyun’s taxi was getting near, and thank Goodness, there was a traffic light again.

Baekhyun’s taxi stopped; followed by Chanyeol’s right behind it. Chanyeol hurriedly took out his money, and carelessly gave it to the driver. “Thank you so much, Sir. Please pray for me,” he said, and without giving the time for the driver to even say thanks, Chanyeol got out of the car.

 Not sparing a single second, Chanyeol ran to Baekhyun’s taxi. And as soon as he arrived at the side of Baekhyun, he mercilessly knocked on the thick glass.

“Baekhyun,” he called. “Byun Baekhyun, open the door.”

It was really Baekhyun, thankfully. The boy inside the taxi widened his eyes in surprise by the sight of Chanyeol frantically knocking the glass, and mouthing something like ‘get out’.

It didn’t take long until Baekhyun actually got out of the car, and Chanyeol didn’t take no time to pull the other boy into a bone-crushing hug.

“What- Chanyeol, what are you doing?” Baekhyun surprisedly gaped.

Chanyeol only tightened Baekhyun even more. He shook his head on the crook of Baekhyun’s neck, “Don’t go. Please, I beg you, don’t go.”

“Chanyeol, we’re in the middle of the road, and a hundred of cars.”

Chanyeol yanked Baekhyun’s out of his embrace, making the shorter boy shocked. “Why are you going to Japan? No, you can’t go. I won’t let you go.”


“Are you going to Japan to avoid me? The hell, Baek, God no. Do you want to kill me?” Chanyeol held Baekhyun’s upper hands firmly, afraid that the boy will run.

“No, I-”

“Baekhyun, Chanyeol, what’s wrong?” Mrs.Byun came out from the other side of the car, looking confused at the scene in front of her.

Chanyeol didn’t even realized that Mrs.Byun was in the car too. Was Baekhyun really going to move to Japan?”

“I’m sorry, Mrs.Byun. But Baek can’t go to Japan,” Chanyeol said to the elder woman.


“I love you,” Chanyeol cut him off. “I love you. I love you so much. I love everything about you. Just please, don’t leave me.”

Chanyeol realized that he was making a really huge scene, standing at the middle of the traffic like that. He could sense that most of people were watching them, putting out their heads out of the windows to be able to see better.

“I feel really lost without you. Like there’s nowhere or no one to go,” Chanyeol continued, face fixed on the small boy trapped in his arms. “I just don’t work without you. I turn dysfunctional.”

The light turned green, and the cars around them started to move, though there were some of the behind them were honking at them.

“Chanyeol, seriously-”

“You have the brightest smile,” Chanyeol continued. “You make me smile, Baek. You make me laugh. You’re so caring, sweet, and smart, and dammit you’re so beautiful and stunning. And hundreds of perfection you have that I can’t list one by one right now.”



Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun turned his head at the source of the call. Jongin and Namjoo were standing at the side of the road, waving at them and trying to cross the road.

“What are they doing here?” Baekhyun asked.

“Don’t mind them, and listen to me,” Chanyeol instructed him as he put both of his palms on both sides of Baekhyun’s cheeks . “Don’t you ever try to deny my feeling for you, Baek. My love for you is real, and you matter a lot to me. I know that you love me too, so please stop being stubborn because no matter how many time you push me away I’ll always come to you again.”

“Chanyeol, I really need to go,” Baekhyun stated.

“No,” Chanyeol shook his head. He put his forehead together with Baekhyun’s. Million of feelings ran through his chest as he got to take a look of the boy he loved a little closer. “Please, stay. Don’t go,” he whispered. “I experienced hell when you weren’t with me, Baek. I don’t even want to imagine what would happen with me if you’re moving to Japan.”

The traffic light turned red again, and cars started to line up again around them. But Chanyeol was just a little too careless right now to worry about that.  He was on the verge of tears, and he was preparing himself to beg on his knees if Baekhyun still wanted to go, but it was okay, as long as Baekhyun would stay.

“Chanyeol,” Baekhyun called him in a tiny whisper, and Chanyeol hummed. “Who says I’m moving to Japan?”

Chanyeol blinked and quickly pulled their foreheads away, “What?”

Baekhyun smiled, “I’m not moving. I’m only visiting my brother there.”

“Oh my God,” Chanyeol’s legs finally felt weak, and just like that, he felt on the asphalt, and sat on it. He was quickly followed by Baekhyun who was shocked by Chanyeol’s sudden falling. “Oh my God, Baek,” Chanyeol muttered while clutching his chest. “Oh my God, I thought you were leaving me.”

“I want to tell you, but you didn’t even let me speak,” Baekhyun said.

“Yeah, Oppa,” Namjoo said, already joining Baekhyun and Chanyeol in the middle of the road with Jongin. “You also didn’t let me and Jongin Oppa to explain to you,” both Namjoo and Jongin chuckled.

“Do you remember that my brother’s working in Japan? He got promoted, so my mom and I decided to visit him for only three days,” Baekhyun explained as he squatted in front of a seemingly drained Chanyeol.

“, Baek, you scared me to death,” Chanyeol’s chest heaved up and down. “I thought I’m going to lose you.”

The cars around them had started to move again. They really needed to move to the side if he didn’t want to get scolded by the police.

Instead, Baekhyun’s lips curled into a small smile as he put his palm on Chanyeol’s cheek, “I was planning to get back to you after I comeback from Japan.”

Chanyeol leaned in to the touch, “Comeback to me now. I can’t wait for three days, or else I’m gonna die.”

Baekhyun’s face immediately fell again, “But, Chanyeol, what about you and Namjoo?”

“We’ve cancelled it,” Chanyeol stated, earning a quick nod by Namjoo.

“What about your father?” Baekhyun asked again.

“He has agreed,” Chanyeol grinned.

“Seriously?” Baekhyun gaped. “He really allowed us to date again?”

Chanyeol tilted his head, contemplating, “Not explicitly, but he said I can go, so I supposed he allowed me to go to you.”

Baekhyun was looking right into Chanyeol’s eyes, trying to convey anything flased on the latter’s brown orbs. “Do you really love me?”

Chanyeol’s eyes turned soft. He could breathe normally now. “I do love you,” he said as he brushed a prick of tear in Baekhyun’s eye. “Do you love me, Baek?”

Baekhyun his dry lips, and nodded eagerly, “I love you. I love you, Yeol.”

Chanyeol immediately pulled Baekhyun closer, and pressed his lips on his. Baekhyun’s face was kind of freezing on his hand, and he realized that Baekhyun taste like chocolate milk, probably his breakfast, and Chanyeol felt like all of him shuddered into this sweet kiss, because now Baekhyun was in his hand, kissing him in the middle of busy road and a yellow taxi and his mother and Jongin and Namjoo. And Chanyeol thought that this was wonderful.

“Be mine, again?” Chanyeol asked in between their kiss with their lips still brushing together.

“I’ve always been yours.”

Baekhyun ended up sending off his mother to go alone to Japan since he was being kidnapped by his future husband.




Chanyeol was sure that times run really fast. He remembered like it was like yesterday that he woke up in the beginning of autumn in September last year. Jongin was bothering the hell out of him in his deep slumber on his last day of the summer break.

Chanyeol remembered how that very day brought him into an enormous turned of events in his life that he never imagined. His life was really boring as it can be, and it was amazing how a certain someone could turn it upside down.

That faithful day brought Chanyeol to this life, to this person who Chanyeol loved with every single breath he took, someone who Chanyeol loved with every atom in his being.

And this someone was now sitting beside him on the floor at the school rooftop, munching the cheap tteokpokki he bought at the school cafeteria. Chanyeol watched the boy, who could easily mistaken as a junior because of his baby face, puffing his cheeks into a really cute pout as he trying to swallow the rather spicy meal. Up until now, Chanyeol never stopped to feel grateful for having this man in his life.

Almost one year of dating, Chanyeol hardly believed that they were going to graduate next week. They had passed their bloody final exam. (Yes, it was bloody because Baekhyun once again had a nosebleed due to the exhaustion, though not as much as before). Their scores had come out, and Chanyeol felt like want to scream to the world that he passed! (Don’t ask about Baekhyun because of course he passed with outstanding scores). They also had had their university entrance exams, and surprise, both of them were accepted to the respective universities they wanted with music major. Baekhyun got Chung-Ang University, and Chanyeol got Dongguk University.

Everything was so perfect and in place, but Chanyeol knew one thing which had not gone right. And he planned to make it right, right now, at the very last day of their senior high school life.



Chanyeol shut his eyes until he saw white sparks from his closed eyelids, “I need to talk to you.”


Chanyeol opened his eyes, and stared to the blue bright sky one last time. Right, this is it. “About...something.”

“Yeah, what is it?” Baekhyun finally tore his concentration from his food.

“First, let me...” Chanyeol suddenly took away the box of tteokpokki from Baekhyun’s hand, and placed it aside on the floor.

“Wha- hey, that’s my lunch,” Baekhyun protested. His eyes fulled with curiosity when Chanyeol now was pulling out his phone from his pocket. “And why are you playing with your phone?”

Chanyeol didn’t give any respond as he kept tapping on his phone’s screen.

“Wait, why are you playing music? Is this- Are you seriously playing a classic music?” Baekhyun now couldn’t hide his curiosity.

Chanyeol put his phone on the floor, Mozart still playing loudly. He gulped his nervous lump before he finally got up, not forgetting to pull Baekhyun up with him.

“I’m sorry I don’t have enough money to hire a real orchestra for this occasion,” Chanyeol said with a low voice when they finally stood face to face.

Baekhyun shook his head, “I don’t understand.”

“Baek, I-” Chanyeol stopped mid air. He took a deep breath to calm his rapid heart beat. After it had slowed down, Chanyeol continued, “I’ve thought a lot about how I should I do this thing.”

Baekhyun tilted his head, “What thing?”

Chanyeol wrapped both of Baekhyun’s slender hands in his, “I had thought that maybe I should do it in front of the whole school, but then I remembered that I had asked you out in front of them. And once we also had kissed in the corridor. And we got back together after our break up in the middle of traffic,” Chanyeol chuckled. “We- I mean, I do love to make commotion, don’t I? But for this one,” Chanyeol looked deep into Baekhyun’s dark brown orbs. “I want this moment to be sacred, and only the two of us will witness it. So when in the future we look back to this day, this moment is ours, us two precious memory.”

Furrowing his eyebrows, Baekhyun shook his head, “Yeol, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Shut up, Baek. I’m not finished yet,” Chanyeol snapped due to the nervousness.

“Okay,” Baekhyun whispered.

Chanyeol took one deep breath again, “I also thought a lot where I should do this. Because place is also very important, you know. I had listed, like fancy restaurants, the top of Namsan Tower, in the ferris wheel, on the craft in the middle of the lake, or maybe even in front of your house. But then, I remembered that, ah the rooftop,” Chanyeol smiled fondly at the adorable confused Baekhyun in front of him. “This rooftop, the place where we shared our memorable moments. This is where we talked for the first time, where we did our first kiss on the school festival night, where we shared our lunch, where we shared out secrets, where we fought and argued,” Chanyeol paused. “And where we broke up. So I thought that the rooftop deserves one more priceless moment of ours.”

Chanyeol stopped for a while, catching his breath, while Baekhyun only waited as he bit his upper lip, making a cute pouty shape of his lips.

“Baek, we’ve been through a lot,” Chanyeol continued. “We’ve faced more problems than any other couples in a spare of only one year. Like, that bloody festival, literally. The third wheels, Namjoo and that Daehyun guy. You almost got brain damage after got beaten up. That leadersip camp, dammit long distance relationsip big time. My academic problem, Chung-Ang, and me ignoring you. And the most depressing days of my life so far when you were not mine. We’ve gone through them together. All that hardships, but you never left my side. Well, except for the last one.”

Baekhyun snickered, “you know I never really left. I’m always yours.”

“Right,” Chanyeol nodded. “That’s why, it would be really stupid of me if I ever let you go. You make me feel grateful that I was born. And you don’t know how much I want to thank Jongin for dragging me out of my house that day I met the fortune teller.” Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun closer, placing his hands gently around the smaller boy’s waist. “Because Baek, I never even read zodiac, let alone believing in things like future reading. But, the moment the fortune teller said that you’re my future husband, and I laid my eyes on you, deep down, I already knew that you’re the one, and will always be the one.”

Chanyeol watched Baekhyun look up at him dazzingly. The warm summer air were brushing the shorter’s male locks, which now no longer magenta, and had turned into its original color. Chanyeol seriously didn’t know which one was his favorite, magenta or black.

Chanyeol pulled away one of his hand from Baekhyun’s waist, and used it to get something on his back pocket. As soon as he touched the box, Chanyeol took his one last deep breath before he pulled away completely from Baekhyun, and kneeled down.

“Oh goodness God,” Baekhyun gasped when he realized that Chanyeol was kneeling down in front of him, with both of his hands raised, holding a small black box containing a beautiful silver ring.

“Byun Baekhyun, will you marry me?”

Baekhyun gaped his mouth open, with his eyes almost coming out from its sockets.

“I love you, Baek. I want you. I want you today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and the rest of my life,” Chanyeol continued. “I know we haven’t graduated, and you want to get married after graduate college. But to be perfectly honest, Baek, I can’t wait to make you mine, officialy. So, it’s okay if we still get married after college, but at least let this ring be the sign of you being truly mine, and me being truly yours.”

Baekhyun remained unmoving. His gaze was fixed on Chanyeol, burning a hole on him.

“Please say something,” Chanyeol pleaded, starting to feel anxious because of the static reaction from his boyfriend. “Yes? No? Get the hell out of here? I don’t want to see your face? Anything?”

There was no sound around them, or maybe Chanyeol just turned deaf because he could feel like all of his senses began to lose its function.

“Uhm...” Baekhyun finally reacted. He seemed contemplating as his eyes wandered around the rooftop, and he was playing with his fingers. “I think I’m gonna say no.”

Silence. And Chanyeol stopped breathing.


“I’m kidding,” Baekhyun cracked. “I’m kidding. Oh my God, yes. Yes, yes, yes. I’ll marry you, Park Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol gasped for air as soon as his throat was being untied, “Jesus Christ.”

“I’m sorry,” Baekhyun laughed. “I just really want to know your reaction if I said no.”

“God, Baek, you almost killed me, you little .”

Baekhyun stopped laughing, and raised his eyebrows, “Is that how you’re gonna call your fiance from now on?”

Chanyeol smirked, “I haven’t put the ring on your finger, so technically you’re still not my fiance.”

Baekhyun shrugged, “Well, I already said yes.”

Chanyeol’s smirk turned into a soft smile. He took Baekhyun’s left hand, and with a nod from Baekhyun, Chanyeol slipped the ring on Baekhyun’s ring finger. Both of them grinned widely as soon as it fit perfectly.

Chanyeol stood up, and quickly slipped his big hand in Baekhyun’s black locks, “Of course, I won’t call you like that. I promise it would be the last time.” Then Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun into a kiss, his other hand placed on Baekhyun’s back, urging them to press closer. They pulled away, and remained their faces to just inches apart. “Fiance matched you so much. I like that title on you, Baek. I can’t wait to change it into husband.”

Baekhyun laughed, sending a shiver run down Chanyeol’s spine. “It’s just a title,” Baekhyun said. “I’m yours, always been and always be yours only, whatever my title is.”

“Right. My fiance,” Chanyeol picked Baekhyun up a bit, so he can put a chaste kiss on the other rosy lips.



“Thank you. It’s the best proposal I could ever imagine. But now please turn off your classic music, because honestly, it’s kinda lame.”

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, “You’re ruining the mood,” he said as he put Baekhyun down, and turned off the music from his phone.

Baekhyun chuckled, “I’m being honest here, okay. Honesty is the key to a successful marriage, you know, along with trust, communication, and commitment.”

“Oh? I guess somebody already learned about marriage.”

“Please,Yeol it’s the basic,” Baekhyun scoffed. “But seriously,” Baekhyun threw his arms around the taller’s neck. “Thank you. I love you so much,” he said before he looked around the place. “This place has seen so much, hasn’t it?”

“Yeah, we should have our first here.”

Baekhyun hit Chanyeol playfully on the chest, “Yah, Park Chanyeol!”

“I’m kidding,” Chanyeol laughed, and he kissed Baekhyun's finger which wore the silver ring. “God, Byun Baekhyun, I love you so much.”

Baekhyun giggled, “I was proposed when school lunch break. What should I say to our children later?”

“Tell them I proposed to you in front of the Eiffel Tower.”

“I’m seriously getting married with this man,” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Come on, let’s clean our lunch, so we could tell the other guys.”

Chanyeol let Baekhyun go from his arms, and they tidied up the place before they finally came down the stairs. They were silent as they went down, hands clasped with each other, and Chanyeol could feel the cold from the ring on Baekhyun’s finger.

They turned around the last stairs when Baekhyun could see a flood of people, the students, waiting up at the end of the stairs.

“HE SAID YES!” Chanyeol beside him yelled as he brought Baekhyun’s arm to the air. “I’M GETTING MARRIED.”

“What the hell...” were the only words Baekhyun could utter because he basically watched the rest of the school was cheering for them. He could see Jongin, Kyungsoo, Kris, Namjoo, Jongdae, and Tao stood in the front and cheered the loudest.

Baekhyun should’ve expected this. Of course, Chanyeol, his future husband, will pull this kind of act, letting the whole school waiting until they came down to know the result of the proposal, though the result was kind of obvious, actually. There’s no way he proposed without telling it to the whole world. But in the end, Baekhyun smiled because, hey, he was wearing a ring that tied them up together.

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun with a pure delight all over his face and radiating throughout his body before he leaned down and whispered something which only Baekhyun could hear.

“I love you, my future husband.”










I DEDICATED THIS LAST CHAPTER TO THE BIRTHDAY DAY BOY, MY BABY BYUN BAEKHYUN! I struggled so much to finish this on your birthday fufufu

and of course, I dedicated this last chapter for all my lovely readers who stayed with me from the start, or from middle, or only at the end. I LOVE ALL OF YOU! I hope you guys enjoy the ride, and like this crappy last chapter  ;;~;;

I marked this as a complete because basically this story had completed, but still there's epilogue later. I hope you guys will look forward the epilogue because  ///SPOILERRRR/// and wedding kkkkkkkkk

for one last time, thank youuu. and don't forget to comment and upvote :)

as this story had finished, now I move on to my other Chanbaek fic, and finally could put my focus on it --> 911, Love Emergency. there's already a prologue on it maybe you guys could check it out?kkkkk

till next time~

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


Email: [email protected]
161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!