Chapter 3

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband

It was amazing how in one day everything could change. Yesterday Chanyeol woke up feeling crap because of his boring life. Today he still woke up feeling like crap, but with different reason. Absolutely different and not better.

He slept last night while praying that everything was just a dream. But who was he trying to fool here? The universe was mean, after all.

Like his morning couldn’t get any worse, his sister just have to barge in his room, “rise and shine, new groom!”

Chanyeol groaned. He didn’t need anyone to remind him about that. “Noona, please stop.” He said lifelessly.

“Today’s your first day of senior year. You can’t be late,” she walked to Chanyeol and pulled him up out of the bed. “Go shower. I made bacon and eggs. Your favorite,” she grinned.

Chanyeol just nodded and went to the bathroom. It was like yesterday. He didn’t know what he was doing for most of the time. It was almost like he was in autopilot mode. He took shower, get dressed, ate breakfast, said goodbye to his sister, and walked to school without really being there mentally.

Chanyeol was pulled out from his deep thoughts by Jongin’s loud voice right in his ear. “Yah Chanyeol hyung!”

Chanyeol jumped in surprise and covered his left ear who had become the victim of Jongin’s loud voice. “What the hell, Jongin!”

Jongin laughed a little and pulled Kyungsoo closer. Chanyeol just noticed there that Kyungsoo was also with them. The three of them was in front of the school gate. Other students were walking with a smile on their faces. Some were nervous. Maybe the freshmen. Everything looked really exciting.

“You looked dazed, hyung. Are you okay?” Jongin asked as he put his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulder.

The latter was showing his heart-shaped smile, “maybe he was just thinking about his future husb—”

“Kyungie!” Jongin cut him off.

Chanyeol’s eyes widened, “you told him?!”

“Hyung, it’s not like what you think. Kyungie, why did you say that? Hyung! Hyung!” Jongin was running after Chanyeol who had already left them behind. Chanyeol was fed up too much with this future husband . He didn’t need this in his life.

Or maybe he did.

“Hyung, I’m really sorry,” Jongin succedeed to caught Chanyeol and started blabbering his explanation, but Chanyeol couldn’t care less. It was up to his friend if they wanted to gossip about him.

Chanyeol walked towards the school building, thinking that maybe Jongin and Kyungsoo followed him behind. But then, Chanyeol noticed that Jongin was no longer shouting, or even talking. The eldest boy turned around and saw his best friend was stuck on his feet.

Jongin’s mouth gaped widely. His eyes were as big as Kyungsoo’s now. His boyfriend went to his side and poked his shoulder, “Jongin-ah, what’s wrong?” Kyungsoo asked.

In that second Chanyeol already turned around and walked to Jongin, curious as to what happened to him. “Yah, are you being possessed or something?” Chanyeol said jokingly and pinched Jongin’s cheek.

“Hy-hyung...” Jongin stuttered. He shakingly pointed something behind Chanyeol. “He—he’s behind you.”

Chanyeol turned his head around and looked for someone that Jongin pointed out, “who’re you talking about?”

And a second after that, Chanyeol’s world stopped as his eyes darted on a boy who had haunted him in his sleep last night. “What the ...”

It was the future-husband-boy. Who else could make Chanyeol lose his breath at this moment other than him? The boy was perfectly standing in front of the school building. Still with his beautiful, soft, and short magenta hair, still with his perfect white skin, and damn, that smile was literally dazzling that Chanyeol needed to squint. But, what was he doing in Chanyeol’s school? Wait, was he wearing his school uniform?

“Oh my ! Hyung!” Jongin hit Chanyeol’s arm, “he’s in our school, too?”

Chanyeol still can’t find his voice.

“Damn! Is this some kind of fate and serendipity? Hyung, this is crazy. I swear I’m going to pass out right now.”

“Who are you guys talking about? Seriously, I’m lost.” Kyungsoo walked closer at the two tall guys. “Jongin, what’s wrong with him?” Kyungsoo asked, noticing Chanyeol's weird behavior.

Jongin looked at Kyungsoo beside him with sparks and hearts in his eyes, “it’s Chanyeol hyung’s future husband!”

Chanyeol cringed at Jongin’s word.

“What?! Where, where??” Kyungsoo asked frantically.

Jongin once again pointed at him, “there, in front of the building, the small, magenta-haired boy.”

Kyungsoo let his eyes wander, searching for a figure that Jongin’s has described. When he spotted someone who's similar with Jongin’s description, his eyebrows immediately knot. “Jongin-ah, do you mean that one who’s holding a paper?”

“Yes, yes! That one!”

Kyungsoo shifted his stare from that boy to his boyfriend and Chanyeol, “Jongin-ah, Chanyeol-ah, it’s our student council president.”

Both Chanyeol and Jongin snapped their head and looked at Kyungsoo at the same time, “what?!” they shouted also at the same time.

A little startled by the shout, Kyungsoo answered hesitantly, “yeah, it’s our student council president, Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun.”

Both Chanyeol and Jongin were dumbfounded. But Chanyeol could feel a weird feeling inside his stomach when Kyungsoo mentioned the name. Finally he knew his name. Byun Baekhyun. God, even his name was perfect.

“He’s our president?” Jongin asked, taking over Chanyeol who was currently busy thinking about how fit their name will be if they get married; Park Baekhyun or Byun Chanyeol. Both of them were great.

Kyungsoo nodded with certainty, “Yeah, I’m sure. He was just elected before the summer break though. You guys seriously don’t know him?” The two tall guys remained silent. Kyungsoo turned his head to Chanyeol, “Chanyeol, he’s your husband?”

Kyungsoo’s question snapped Chanyeol out from his stupid thought. It wasn’t the time to imagine stupid things like that. He cannot and should not be imagining things. Any things. Because he didn’t believe it. Or he didn’t want to believe it.

But looking at the boy figure in front of him, all of his uncertainty yesterday, last night, and this morning was clearly washed over. It was gone and replaced by a sudden confusion and panic.

“Jongin-ah...” Chanyeol said weakly.

Noticing his best friend’s weak tone, Jongin quickly turned to him, “hyung, don’t panic.”

“I don’t. It’s just...” Yes, I’m panicking. “Oh God, I want to puke.”

“Don’t!” Jongin grabbed Chanyeol’s shoulder and made him stand straight. “No need to panic. Just go to him, and introduce yourself.”

Between his heavy breaths, Chanyeol managed to protest at his best friend’s idea, “why should I introduce myself? Do you actually think that he’s my husband?”

“Yes, I 100% believe it.”

"It's impossible" chanyeol said.

"What if it's true?"

"Those absurd things are not always true, Jongin."

"What if it's true?"

"I can't just believe that he's my future husband just because a fortune-teller said so."

"What if it's true?"

"My soulmate can't be decided by a fortune-teller"

"What if it's true?"

"What if it's wrong?" Chanyeol groaned.

"Chanyeol hyung,” Jongin gave him a serious look, “What if it's true?"


Chanyeol felt that his mind was covered with mist. The mist called Baekhyun.

After his little debate with Jongin, Chanyeol has been trying to open his mind to all those possibilities. Jongin was right. What if it was true that Baekhyun will become his future husband? But what if it was wrong? What if the fortune-teller only played a little joke on him, although it seems impossible for her to do that. An endless what ifs ran through Chanyeol’s mind that he couldn’t concentrate on what the school’s principal had said the whole time at the school’s auditorium.

Chanyeol sat with Jongin, Kyungsoo, Kris, and other Yeolshin students who gathered at the school’s auditorium for the annual ceremony after the summer break. It was never special, it was always opened by the school choir team, singing the school's anthem, continued by the principal saying ‘welcome’ to the freshmen and ‘fighting’ for the second and third year students, and it would be closed the student council president.

Oh, snap.

Before Chanyeol could even gasp in his realization, he could see the principal getting down from the platform and he heard the master of ceremony’s voice through the speaker.

“Thank you Principal Lee for the warm speech. Now’s the time for our school student council president to give his speech, please welcome, Byun Baekhyun.”

As numb as possible Chanyeol right now, he could still feel Jongin nudging his shoulder, “hyung!”

He didn’t need Jongin to elbow him because he can clearly see with his own eyes that Baekhyun was walking to the platform. Damn, Baekhyun in uniform was uber hot, yet cute. How someone could be so perfect.

Baekhyun tapped the mic twice before he smiled widely to the crowd in front of him.

Chanyeol choked.

“Hello, good morning everyone. I’m Byun Baekhyun.”

Chanyeol stopped breathing.

This was the very first time Chanyeol heard Baekhyun’s voice. And it was like drinking bubble tea in the hot day. It was sweet and refreshing. Chanyeol loved it so much to the point he wouldn’t mind to listen to a speech all day if it was Baekhyun’s. 

“We meet again after our wonderful summer break. Did you all enjoy the 2 months break?” He waited for the students to respond. When the hall filled with shouts of excitement, he smiled again. “I don’t have anything particular to say, and I’m not good at flowery words, so I just wanted to say that I really hope the summer spirit will be with us until the end of the year. Let’s study and play hard together through the rest of the year. Thank you so much!”

Baekhyun’s speech was like the highlight of the ceremony even though it was short. Every students was cheering for him and Chanyeol could see why Baekhyun became the student council president. He had a really friendly charm and everyone loved it.

Chanyeol didn’t miss a single move from the president and he adored his every moves. He didn’t know if this was fate or serendipity, but Chanyeol had developed a really strong feeling for the boy who was smiling proudly to the crowd. He didn’t care if this was make sense or not, logic or not, he just wanted to follow his instinct and heart right now. One day of full uncertainty was enough for him and he wouldn’t be able to handle it any longer.

As Baekhyun get off from the platform, smile still plastered on his face, and it just hit Chanyeol right there that he needed to this now.

He needed to confess.

Before he knew what he was doing, Chanyeol’s legs took him out from the chair and walked to where Baekhyun was standing.

“Chanyeol, where are you—“ Kris tried to grab his wrist but he missed it.

Chanyeol kept walking through the crowd of students who had started to walk out from the hall. He bumped into some students and earned some scoldings and judging looks, but all he could care about was the smaller boy. Good thing Chanyeol was a giant so he could see where Baekhyun was clearly. Baekhyun was at the front part of hall, while Chanyeol was still at the middle of the hall. He mentally cursed why he sat so far away at the back.

Chanyeol was really frustrated because the crowd looks like it was multiplied. It was already difficult for him to walk since he walked against the direction of other students.

He groaned and pulled his hair in frustration, and before his brain could process it, he was yelling, “Baekhyun!” his voice was drown by other voices. Next try, “Byun Baekhyun!” Still not loud enough. Last try, “BYUN BAEKHYUN!”

Chanyeol wasn’t actually aware that he was still in the middle of the hall with full of other students and Baekhyun was still really far away from him. He totally forgot. But at least he got what he wanted. Baekhyun heard him. And also the rest of the school. All of them.

But Chanyeol was too oblivious and numb to be aware that the whole school was looking at him right now. His eyes were only glued at Baekhyun who now also was looking at him. Chanyeol gulped his nervousness and tightened his fist, then he started to walk again towards Baekhyun awkwardly, didn’t notice that other students in front of him literally made a way for him.

The whole auditorium was quiet. Only the sound of Chanyeol’s steps were heard. But Chanyeol’s concentration was only at Baekhyun who kept getting closer and closer.

It was getting harder to breath because Chanyeol was now standing in front of Baekhyun. He could see that Baekhyun was looking at him with a cute confused look, and it took all of Chanyeol’s strength to not squish him.

But not enough strength to stop his mouth from speaking dumb words, “Hi...uhm...I’m Park Chanyeol.”

Baekhyun blinked a few times, his mouth slightly opened, then he just nodded.

Chanyeol took a deep breath, because the words he was about to say may be gone well, or definitely gone bad, “Baekhyun, I know this is so sudden and you might not know me at all, but....I’m your future husband.”

The hall fell into a deep silence.

Baekhyun’s jaws dropped, “Wh—what?”

And just like that, Chanyeol lost his control to close his mouth, “yes, I’m your husband. I mean...your future husband. A fortune-teller told me so.”


“It’s not that I'm proposing to you right now. No. But maybe we could just date first and...”

“Wait, wait...”

“... we could get married later after we graduate from college, so...”

“...I don’t understand...”

“ you want to go out with me?”

Chanyeol felt the whole students’ jaws were dropping.

Baekhyun, meanwhile, was still deep in his confusion. His mouth was repeatedly opened and closed. His eyebrows knit. At that moment Chanyeol really wanted to run out of the auditorium and hide from the rest of the world and for the rest of his life. But what made him stuck on his feet was that he could see that Baekhyun’s face gradually became normal and smiled to Chanyeol. “This is the most unique, weirdest, and craziest thing a person has ever did to me,” Baekhyun chuckled and smiled widely but still with a knit eyebrows. “But, I guess for now, my answer is yes.”

Now Chanyeol was the one whose jaws dropped. “Are you serious?”

Baekhyun pulled Chanyeol’s tie and made him came closer to him so he could whisper, “I don’t want to embarrass you in front of the school. We’ll talk about this later, okay?” he whispered quietly to Chanyeol’s ear then he let go of Chanyeol’s tie and he winked at him.

A second after that, Chanyeol could hear the whole auditorium turned into chaos because all of the students was whispering, talking, and shouting about and at them. “That was so sweet”, “Oh nooooo, the school’s president’s taken” “Congratulations, Chanyeol-ah!” “They're actually sorta cute together” “This is gonna be the headline of school’s newspaper tomorrow” “Great way to start the semester” “Way to go Chanyeol!” and other comments that Chanyeol couldn’t hear because now Baekhyun was smiling at him brightly.

Little did Chanyeol knew, his action there was going to be Yeolsin High School’s best confession in history.







I don't know why I made Chanyeol so dumb

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


Email: [email protected]
161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!