Chapter 24

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband


Chanyeol learned it the hard way that Baekhyun as a tutor was the definition of nightmare. Worse than a moody Baekhyun or a jealous Baekhyun. He turned into a scary teacher, basically forgetting his title as Chanyeol’s boyfriend.

Chanyeol decided that this was his least favorite version of Baekhyun. His boyfriend had numerous time scolded him just because Chanyeol can’t even remember the simple process of a cell breaking. Chanyeol was this close to be killed when Baekhyun knew that Chanyeol didn’t even know the function of log formula.

To put it simply, the past few days had been the time when Chanyeol questioned if this very person in front of him was his boyfriend or not.

Don’t get him wrong, because he knew Baekhyun was just being a supportive boyfriend. He was willingly to help him despite he also needed to study. So, Chanyeol was grateful. Except, he might hope Baekhyun could be more merciful to him.

The only thing kept Chanyeol sane between his study and his killer tutor was, sadly, Baekhyun himself. Chanyeol admitted that he was happy to be able to spend the time together with him even after school.

Like right now. They were in Baekhyun’s room, sitting on the floor covered by a carpet with a small table between them. They had been studying for almost an hour, and Chanyeol was slowly getting hopeless because the history exercise Baekhyun gave him was too hard.

Chanyeol teared his gaze from his book to the figure in front of him whose head hung low, focusing on his notes. He sighed deeply, resulting the boy in front of him raising his head.

“What’s wrong?” Baekhyun asked while blinking through his glasses which he only wore when he was reading.

Chanyeol shrugged, and his shoulder fell, “it’s too hard, Baek. How am I supposed to remember the years of certain persons died?”

Baekhyun rolled his eyes; a gesture which he repeatedly did for the past few days, “those certain persons were the kings of England. You should remember.”

“Can we take a break?”

“We just started one hour ago.”

“Baekkie~,” Chanyeol whined. “I’m really tired. I think my head’s going to explode.”

Baekhyun opened his mouth to argue, only to close it again after he saw the genuine tired eyes of Chanyeol. He knew that the tall boy had given his best these days. He surely didn’t like studying, and Baekhyun really hated that fact. So, the only thing he could do to make Chanyeol study was being a strict- tutor, forcing him to study. Sometimes he wondered if he was too harsh, but hey, he did that for his boyfriend’s sake. He didn’t want Chanyeol to fail on his tests, and he decided it was his task to help Chanyeol.

“Fine,” Baekhyun finally said, “we could take a break for 10 minutes.”

That made Chanyeol’s lips formed a big grin. Baekhyun could only smile at Chanyeol whom now lying on his back to rest his tense body due to the study session. Baekhyun took the initiative to approach the giant and sat beside him while the latter kept lying on the floor.

“How is it? Are you ready for the test tomorrow?”

Chanyeol lips turned into a pout, “I’m not really sure, but I guess so.”

Baekhyun tucked strands of Chanyeol’s hair behind his ear as he spoke, “as long as you remembered all the things I taught you, I think you ready.” He locked his eyes on Chanyeol’s trying to assure him with his smile, “you’re gonna be okay.”

Chanyeol also smiled and grabbed Baekhyun’s hand which hanging on his head, and held it dearly, “thank you, Baek. You’re the best boyfriend ever although you were scary as hell when you taught me.”

Baekhyun laughed, “it’s for your own sake.”

“I know,” Chanyeol put Baekhyun’s hand on his cheeks, and he closed his eyes for a mere second before he opened them again, “we’re going to Chung-Ang University together,” he said with full confidence in his voice and his eyes.

Baekhyun snorted, “of course, you stupid. I won’t let you go to different school with me.”

“Oh,” Chanyeol pursed his lips to surpress his smile, “possesive much?”

“Shut up,” Baekhyun hit him and giggled, “now get up. We should continue.”

Baekhyun was trying to get up from his seat to go to his original position only to be held again by Chanyeol by the wrist, “kiss me first or I won’t continue study,” Chanyeol gave him a look.

Baekhyun smirked, knowing what Chanyeol meant with his look. He was asking for his ‘reward’, the thing which Baekhyun constantly gave him everyday during or after the study session.

Of course, Baekhyun knew his boyfriend too well. And surely, Chanyeol will also get one today.


Chanyeol scanned the paper filled with bunches of math questions along with his answers for them. One last check, he murmured to himself before he re-checked his answers to all the math questions he had. That was what Baekhyun had told him; always check all of your answers before you collect your paper.

So Chanyeol did just what Baekhyun said for this one week. Math test was the last midterm test he had. Honestly, his legs and were itching to immediately go out from the class to celebrate the end of the midterm test. But one minute in class wouldn’t hurt, right?

After he was sure of his answers, Chanyeol took one last breath and whispered a low “please,” and got up from his seat to clean his desk and slung his bag to his back. He exhaled rather loudly as he walked to the front of the class to collect his paper. Please be good, he mentally said while he put his paper down to the teacher’s desk.

It was a rough week. He had beaten his off for the sake of the tests. He had been endlessly studying due to his lacking in almost every subjects. However, he was proud of himself because he could pass this, though he was barely breathing.

Chanyeol sent all of his gratitudes to his boyfriend. Without Baekhyun, he would be having a really hard time. He was always there; Baekhyun was always there to support him and keep him together. Different from the week before test, at the midterm week, Baekhyun wasn’t even near evil. He was a pure angel who poured endless support to Chanyeol. And he couldn’t be more grateful than this.

Chanyeol slowly opened the door of his class, not wanting to disturb some of his friends whom still struggled in the class, including Kris. He was welcomed by the sight of Baekhyun, standing in front of his class.

“Hey,” Baekhyun grinned, and approached Chanyeol, “how was it?”

Then the realization hit him. The mid term week finally over, and Chanyeol finally could breathe normally from now on, at least until the final test later, which still 4 months from now, and Chanyeol didn’t want to think about it yet.

“I answered all of them,” he threw his arm around Baekhyun’s shoulder. “What a miracle.”

Baekhyun laughed and nudged Chanyeol’s waist with his elbow, “say what?”

Chanyeol grinned, “thanks to you.” He pressed his lips to the side of Baekhyun’s head, “I wouldn’t get through it without you.”

“Yeol, we’re still at school,” Baekhyun said as he tilted his head, so Chanyeol’s lips could leave his head. “Let’s celebrate, shall we?”

Chanyeol’s eyes opened widely and sparkled at the mention of ‘celebrate’, “hell, yeah. What should we do?”

“I don’t know. What do you want?” Baekhyun said as he began to walk down the corridor.

Chanyeol followed him, hand still around Baekhyun’s shoulder, “anything. As long as it involves you.”

“What about studying?”

Chanyeol immediately stopped on his track and put down his hand, “seriously, Baek.”

Seeing a dumbfounded Chanyeol, Baekhyun laughed loudly, “I was just kidding. Hey, where’s my fun Chanyeol?”

Chanyeol replied with a scoff, “the fun Chanyeol is gone along with the midterm week.”

“You’re such a drama queen. It wasn’t that bad,”

“For you. For me, it was nightmare,” Chanyeol pouted.

“Yeollie,” Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol’s hand and squeezed it a little. “You did great, okay? Stop pouting like that. It makes me want to kiss you.”

Chanyeol would never understand Baekhyun’s ability to quickly change his mood. Who wouldn’t smile if your boyfriend said something like that to you. His pout turned into a grin, showing his shiny teeth, “a kiss would be really great.”

“You want us to get detention again or what?” Baekhyun pulled him to walk again. “Say, since you don’t have any particular thing to do to celebrate this jolly moment. I actually have an idea.”

Chanyeol put his arm around Baekhyun’s shoulder again, “what is it?”

“Jongdae’s play. This weekend.”

Chanyeol puffed his cheeks, contemplating the idea. It wasn’t too bad. Besides, he already said that he would do anything as long as he did it with Baekhyun, right? And Baekhyun walked beside him, his head looked up to him with his hopeful face, how could Chanyeol say no.

“It’s a date, then,” Chanyeol squeezed the president’s shoulder.


“Where are you going, hyung?”

Chanyeol turned his head around and found Jongin stood in front of his room, leaning at the door with an amused look. Chanyeol raised one of his eyebrows, “what are you doing here?”

Jongin shrugged, “there’s no one in my house right now. I’m bored.”

“Well, too bad,” Chanyeol took one last look to the mirror and adjusted his scarf a bit. “I’m going out now.”

“I can see that, obviously,” Jongin chuckled. “Your appearance screams date. You’re going with Baek hyung, right?”

Chanyeol glared at him, but before he could opened his mouth to say anything, Yura came from behind Jongin and butted in, “Whoa, Jongin. You can’t call Baekhyun with that nickname. Only Chanyeol could call him that.”

Chanyeol clicked his tongue, “that’s true.”

“He almost killed me when I called him Baekkie,” Yura grinned.

Jongin followed her, grinning to Chanyeol’s furious expression, “sorry, Hyung. It’s just that you always call him with that name, so I was used to it, too.”

“Do you want to die?” Chanyeol said half joking because he knew that Jongin was just playing around with him, which was right because the younger one was now laughing. “I’m going now. You can stay with Yura noona.”

“Aw, I’d love to stay with Jongin,” Yura patted Jongin’s head, and Jongin grinned. Then a second after it, Yura’s expression changed as she remembered what she wanted to say in the first place when she came to Chanyeol’s room. “Hey, Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol blinked. He noticed the change of face of his sister. That was the face which she always used when she wanted to tell something serious. Chanyeol hummed in response.

Yura her dry lips, “mom and dad are coming home in seven days.”

The silent filled the air. Chanyeol’s mouth hung opened for a mere second, surprised by the news Yura just delivered. Yura pressed her lips into a thin line while Jongin was gawking in surprise. Chanyeol gulped the nervous lump on his throat. He somehow knew what Yura and Jongin were thinking about right now.


“You and Baekhyun...”

“I’m going,” Chanyeol cut them off and he dashed out of his room, not wanting to hear the two wanted to say to him. He could deal with it later. Now he had a date to attend to.

Meanwhile, Yura and Jongin shared a knowing look after they looked at Chanyeol closing the door rather loudly.


Baekhyun tried to tightened the embrace of his coat with his left hand while his right hand holding a bouquet of flowers. He was standing in front of the Seoul Art Center, the place where Jongdae was having a play tonight.

He must say that he was pretty excited, both because of the play and because of the date he will have with Chanyeol tonight. He knew that his best friend was really fond of being an actor. Jongdae had been practicing day and night every single day for the past four months. And Baekhyun wouldn’t miss his best friend’s last play in high school for anything. Besides, he was the students council president, of course he would come to his school’s play.

Baekhyun now could see that some people had queued to enter the hall already. He turned his head to the gate, eyes searching for a certain tall figure. Chanyeol texted him 20 minutes ago, saying he was going to take off from his house. So, he should be here right now. But he was still nowhere in sight.

Just as Baekhyun reached his pocket to pick his phone to call Chanyeol, he could see the person he had been waiting for. Baekhyun let out a huge smile before he took a few steps, approaching his boyfriend, “what take you so long?”

Chanyeol took Baekhyun’s hand and linked it with his, “Jongin suddenly came,” he said simply.

Baekhyun crooked his eyebrows. He noticed the solemn tone on Chanyeol’s voice, “hey, what’s wrong?”

Chanyeol shrugged, “uh, nothing. It’s that for Jongdae?” he pointed at the flowers which Baekhyun hold.

Baekhyun nodded without even teared his gaze from Chanyeol.

Chanyeol smiled and rubbed the back of his neck slowly, “, I forgot to bring something for him.”

Baekhyun could clearly see that Chanyeol’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. He seemed troubled, “you okay, Yeol?” Baekhyun put the back of his hand on Chanyeol’s forehead, “you look sick.”

“I’m okay,” Chanyeol put Baekhyun’s hand down, and held it, “come on. The play’s starting soon, right?”

Baekhyun let himself being dragged by his boyfriend. He knew something was bothering Chanyeol, but he won’t force him to tell him.

After they entered the hall, which surprisingly really big for a school play, they were searching for their seats. Jongdae had specifically given them the VIP seats, so they immediately went to the front and looked for their name at the chairs. It wasn’t too hard to find the seats as they were helped by an usher.

As soon as the audience had sit comfortably in their respective chairs, the light eventually dimmed until it got totally dark. Baekhyun could feel Chanyeol began to relax beside him, and he kept the hold on Baekhyun’s hand.

“What’s the title of the play?” Chanyeol whispered, leaning toward Baekhyun.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes although he knew Chanyeol couldn’t see him, “are you kidding me? How can you not know the title of the play you’re going to watch in just one minute?”

Baekhyun could hear Chanyeol snickered. He was glad that Chanyeol could be more relax than the before. “Come on, you know me, Baek.”

“Butterfly Lovers. It’s about Chinese legend. I don’t really know much. Jongdae didn’t want to give me spoilers,” Baekhyun whispered back.

Baekhyun saw the silhouette of Chanyeol nodding, “and what’s Jongdae’s role in this?”

“Jeez, Yeol, be quiet, okay? Just watch.”

Chanyeol giggled, and Baekhyun felt his right shoulder became heavier before he noticed that it was Chanyeol’s head who was resting on his shoulder, “okay, let’s watch. The title sounds cheesy as hell. I can’t wait.”

“Yeah, it suits you,” Baekhyun smiled as he also rested his head on Chanyeol’s head. “Let’s watch, and please don’t be asleep, okay?”

“ I won’t.”

That was the last sentence they uttered to each other before the play finally started. The colorful lighting came from the stage. The powerful background music and the voice of the actors filled the room. The effects awed the audiences. Baekhyun was amazed by the play that he almost forgot about his best friend. Turned out, Jongdae came out only in some scenes. He played as Chen, the friend of the lead actor.

The story focused on the love story between Liang Shanbo and Xhu Yingtai which took place in Eastern Jin dynasty era where the both of them sacrifice their love in order to always together until the end. They met at school and fell in love. Unfortunately, when they decided to get married, Zhu’s parents already arranged for her to marry a wealthy man. They were forcefully torned apart. Liang got sick and died, resulting Zhu ran from her wedding to visit his grave. In despair, she begged for the grave to open up, and suddenly, the grave opened and Zhu threw herself to the grave to join Liang. Their true love made their spirits turned into butterflies which flied away together and never be seperated again.

Baekhyun gulped the lump on his throat as the lamps turned bright again and he saw the casts and the crews did the curtain call. He shed the tears at the corner of his eyes, not wanting Chanyeol to see him cry. But when he looked at Chanyeol beside him, Chanyeol was frowning.

“Why the ending was like that?” Chanyeol asked as he half-heartedly clapped along with other audiences.

Meanwhile Baekhyun clapped excitedly when he saw Jongdae was being called and took his bow, “what are you talking about? It’s beautiful.”

“I don’t like sad stories,” Chanyeol kept frowning. “They loved each other. Why just because her parents didn’t want them to be together, they didn’t get married.”

“It’s a drama, Yeol,” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “We should go to the backstage. We have to meet Jongdae,” he said as he pulled Chanyeol out from his seat and dragged him to the backstage, trying to squeeze the both of them through the ocean of people.

When they reached the backstage, Baekhyun quickly scanned the room to find Jongdae. Soon after he spotted him at the center of the room, he quickly approached him. Chanyeol trailed behind him, still with his sullen face.

“You guys come!” Jongdae yelled as he spreaded his arms wide to hug Baekhyun who was half-running towards him.

Baekhyun received the hug and patted his best friend’s back, “of course, we come. I’m not that heartless.”

Behind him, Baekhyun could hear Chanyeol cleared his throat, making Baekhyun grinned and let go of Jongdae’s hug. Chanyeol gave him a sour expression. It was clear that he wasn’t in a good mood, so Baekhyun decided to cut his talk with Jongdae short.

“This is for you, from us,” Baekhyun gave Jongdae the flowers, which the latter received happily. “Chen was really great.”

“Really?” Jongdae beamed excitedly. “I knew I was a big hit.”

“I said Chen. Not you,” Baekhyun mocked him, earning a smack on his shoulder. The two of them laughed, and somehow Chanyeol also smiled. “I really like the play. But, Chanyeol here didn’t really enjoy it.”

“Uh, why? I thought Chanyeol is a romanticist.”

“He is. But only to me,” Baekhyun answered as he pulled Chanyeol closer to him, trying to cheer the giant up although he didn’t quite get it why Chanyeol was like this since he arrived here. He rarely saw him like this.

Chanyeol smiled at his boyfriend’s gesture, but shrugged at the statement, “I’m just not a fan of sad stories. No offense to your play, Jongdae.”

“None taken,” Jongdae smiled. “Anyway thank you so much for coming and the flowers.”

“It’s nothing, really. So, are you going home after this?” Baekhyun asked.

“No, we have after party,” Jongdae answered.

Baekhyun nodded, “you must be happy now, right? All your burden had been taken away. You could sleep well tonight.”

Jongdae scoffed, “not really. How could I sleep well tonight if tomorrow the test results come out.”

Chanyeol who was losing in his own mind snapped back into reality when he heard what Jongdae just said, “what? what tests?”

“Our midterm tests, of course. What else?” Jongdae said as if it was the most obvious thing.

“It’s tomorrow? Are you serious?” Baekhyun joined in, also surprised by the news.

“You guys don’t know? Yeah, it’s only rumor between some students, but who knows that it’s true?” Jongdae confirmed.

For a couple of days, Baekhyun and Chanyeol didn’t say anything regarding the test at all. It was left behind them because they knew it was a rather sensitive subject, especially for Chanyeol. They didn’t expect that the result, if the rumor was true, will really come out really fast. At least not tomorrow.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol shared a look only they could understand. Baekhyun tightened his grip on Chanyeol’s hand, and gave him a reassuring smile. And Chanyeol, with thundering beat on his heart, gave him a nod.


Their future will be decided tomorrow. 






I know nothing about Korean education system. I made those things up to support the story line.

I hope I'm not getting the Chinese legend wrong. I got that from wiki though.

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


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161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!