Chapter 16

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband

Chanyeol felt beyond uneasy.

In fact, he felt like . He almost never felt like this, and he wanted to puke every time he took his breath.

He hadn’t talk to Baekhyun since the little incident and argument he had with him in the beach, which was two days ago. Neither Chanyeol nor Baekhyun tried to call or text each other.Chanyeol was actually waiting for Baekhyun to at least try to reach him and talk to him. But he got nothing.

On they way home from the beach, Baekhyun once again sat at the back, this time voluntarily, as if he didn’t want to go near Chanyeol. Most of them were sleeping, except Chanyeol who drove and Baekhyun who just listened to his iPod, but they didn’t share a word even once. Chanyeol was still trying to maintain his anger, and he honestly didn’t know why Baekhyun was also quiet. Maybe he felt guilty, Chanyeol thought.

When Chanyeol dropped all of them one by one to their houses, Baekhyun got out from the car at Jongdae’s house and said nothing, until Jongdae himself was confused why his friend stopped at his house.

After that day, Chanyeol spent his Sunday locking himself in his room and playing video games. He wanted to avoid Namjoo, but mostly, he wanted to stop thinking about why his phone hadn’t even rang and showed Baekhyun’s name on it.

He tried. Chanyeol tried so ing hard to live his day without Baekhyun, and dammit it was terrible as hell. He actually started to think maybe he was too harsh to his boyfriend.

Now that it was Monday, Chanyeol thought he would find Baekhyun but the latter was nowhere in sight, even in the cafeteria. He was just gonna go to Baekhyun’s class and rose up from his seat when Jongdae came to Chanyeol’s and his friends’ table at cafeteria, with loud footsteps and looking like he was about to kill Chanyeol.

Jongdae stormed off between Jongin and Kyungsoo’s chairs, and pulled Chanyeol’s collar, resulting the taller boy stood up, too.

“Jongdae, what’re you—“

“You seriously think that Baekhyun would do something that low?” Jongdae growled.

Chanyeol blinked and still didn’t understand what Jongdae was talking about.

“You said to the whole school that you’re his future husband, but you treated him like this? Well, you know what Park, you,” Jongdae pushed him hard that Chanyeol was now on the floor.

“Wow, Jongdae, stop,” Kris held Jongdae in the shoulder.

Jongdae slapped Kris’ hand off him and looked at Chanyeol again, “you’re lucky I didn’t know where your house is, unless I’ll go to your house right after he told me and I didn’t need to wait until today to beat the out of you.”

“Seriously, what are you talking about?” Chanyeol groaned.

Jongdae rolled his eyes and scoffed loudly, “you sure have a problem at listening, don’t you?”


Baekhyun zipped his bag pack close and slung it to his back. He adjusted it for a while before he turned his head to the window. It was raining outside, and Baekhyun silently cursed why it must be raining when the school ended and when he didn’t bring an umbrella.

Usually it won’t be such a problem like this since he could just run a little to the bus stop. But this time, his mother asked him to go to the supermarket near the school. So it meant Baekhyun needed to run much further, and sure thing, he’ll get wet.

He sighed deeply. Baekhyun was one of those people who never brought umbrella. And for the past month, every time it was raining, there will always be Chanyeol who he could share the umbrella with. But now they weren’t in a good term, and there was no way Baekhyun asked his stupid boyfriend to share the umbrella with him.

Baekhyun was just turning to his classroom door as he noticed Chanyeol was standing there. “Baek,” he called him.

The said boy tightened his grip on his bag straps before he took his step, approaching Chanyeol. The latter’s expression was unreadable to Baekhyun. It was like the mix of nervous, angry, and guilty. Baekhyun didn’t know, he never saw Chanyeol like this before.

“Are you avoiding me?” Chanyeol asked when his boyfriend finally stood in front of him, “you didn’t text or call me, you also didn’t come to see me in lunch break.”

“You didn’t do all of those either,” Baekhyun replied briefly. “Why I should be the one who reach you first?”

Surprised by Baekhyun’s challenging tone, Chanyeol gulped, “are you mad at me?”

Baekhyun sighed, somehow frustrated, “why are you so stupid, Chanyeol?”

He walked pass Chanyeol, only being grabbed by the younger boy, “can’t you stop leaving me alone clueless, Baek? Tell me what my faults are and stop avoiding me. Don’t just send Jongdae to beat me up.”

Baekhyun creased his eyebrows together, “I didn’t send Jongdae,” he turned to face Chanyeol, looking worried, “he seriously beat you up?”

“Well, no. Almost. But that’s not my point. He screamed at me about how I treated you. Is this about Namjoo?”

Baekhyun turned quiet. The mention of that girl’s name made him sick.

“Are you mad at me because I was mad at you? Baek, I really don’t understand.”

“You don’t need to understand,” Baekhyun snapped, looking sharp at Chanyeol’s eyes, “I just need you trust me.”


“Now if you could please let me go, I need to go shopping for my mother,” Baekhyun tugged his hand off Chanyeol, and once again, leaving Chanyeol behind.


Baekhyun started to think that maybe he was exaggerating things between him, Chanyeol, and Namjoo. But then everytime Baekhyun remembered how Chanyeol took Namjoo’s side rather than his, and he didn’t even believe in him, it made Baekhyun angry all over again.

He ruffled his wet hair because of the rain after checking the plastic bag he carried which consisted of some things his mother had ordered him to buy. Lucky that now the rain wasn’t too strong anymore, so Baekhyun could just walk casually.

He was walking slowly and deep in thought about how he should talk to Chanyeol. He really didn’t like being in a cold term with Chanyeol like this. And he realized how oblivious and dumb Chanyeol was, so it would take long if Baekhyun actually wanted Chanyeol himself to realize his fault.

Baekhyun sighed for nth time today, “how did my life turn like this?” he mumbled.

Just as he was about to turn to left, he heard a whimpered sound by a girl, a very familiar girl voice. Baekhyun snapped his head to the right and found Namjoo was surrounded by five boys who seemed come from different school since they wore different uniform with Baekhyun’s.

Namjoo was cornered and two of the boys had their hands on Namjoo’s shoulder and face. Any people could see what this situation was, and Baekhyun didn’t even spare a second thought before he ran toward Namjoo.

“Stay away from her,” Baekhyun yelled, and all of their heads turned to him.

Namjoo looked relief when he saw Baekhyun, and for a second, the boys looked surprised but they changed their expression quickly.

“What are you doing here, pretty boy?” one of them said, who was the only skinny guy there. The others were big and fat, and Baekhyun would be totally screwed if they got into a fight.

Baekhyun took one step forward, but the people in front of him didn’t even flinch. Only Namjoo who had a scared face, tried to loosen the grip of one of them. “I said stay away from her, let her go,” Baekhyun yelled again, trying to maintain his steady voice.

Namjoo looked helpless and for the first time since Baekhyun met her, he saw a sincere stare of hers. She was genuinely scared, Baekhyun could see. So, this wasn’t just about a simple hitting on someone in the middle of the road, Baekhyun thought.

“What if we don’t want to?” the skinny boy snorted. Baekhyun guessed he was the leader here.

Baekhyun eyed Namjoo who was only 3 foot away from him, but she was blocked by the boys. “Well, then I guess I’ll take her myself.”

Baekhyun dropped his plastic bag and immediately broke through the gang, lucky that they had their guard down. He grabbed Namjoo’s wrist and pulled her harshly by accident. If he didn’t do it fast then it would be not possible.

“Oppa,” Namjoo screamed in fear to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun was right. As soon as he pulled Namjoo, the gang was spread and surrounded them. Both of them couldn’t go anywhere but at least now Namjoo was on his hands.

“Oh you know each other? Who is he, Namjoo? Your new boyfriend?” the skinny boy looked furious as hell.

Baekhyun took one step backward. Namjoo behind him was clutching her hands on Baekhyun’s back. “I’m her friend. What do you want from her?”

“It’s none of your business,” the skinny guy ran to them and was about to strangle Baekhyun. But Baekhyun was fast. He quickly pushed Namjoo and moved aside, resulting the skinny guy fell to the ground.

Baekhyun gulped. Damn, that was close.

The skinny guy stumbled to stand up, and growled, “What are you waiting, er? Finish him!”

Baekhyun turned around to face Namjoo. He whispered and pushed Namjoo away from him, “Call police, and don’t go too far from me.”

“Finish both of them!” the skinny guy ordered his guys, and Baekhyun turned around again to face a pack of big boys, running toward him.

Namjoo’s eyes widened when he saw Baekhyun turned his back to her to try to fight four big guys. The boys were much bigger than Baekhyun. And although Namjoo could see that Baekhyun could actually fight, but the girl can see how Baekhyun was really struggling to fight four of them altogether.

Baekhyun was starting to lose his strength, because dammit, this guys could fight, not to mention they were bigger than Baekhyun. He turned his head when he heard Namjoo’s scream. “,” he muttered when he saw Namjoo’s hair was being pulled by the skinny guy and he threw Namjoo harshly to the asphalt.

Baekhyun ran to Namjoo and knelt beside her, he noticed that Namjoo was holding her phone and the screen showed she was calling 911, “Namjoo, are you ok—“

Baekhyun didn’t even get to finish his words as he was being pulled by a strong urge. Baekhyun shrieked in pain when he was thrown to the wall and his head hit the hard wall behind him.

, it hurt.

A glint of white light was flashing behind his eyes and Baekhyun could feel his vision turned blur. Baekhyun could hear Namjoo screamed when a pair of strong hands were wrapping his neck.

Baekhyun was tired. His chest was really hurt and burning when he tried to inhale. He thought maybe he was having internal bleeding. And he could taste blood, sweat, and rain in his mouth. His appearance was a mess and Baekhyun mentally cursed why there was no one around this area.

Baekhyun was just trying to control his breath when he saw the skinny guy was approaching him with a block of wood in his hand. Baekhyun truly didn’t know where he got that but that wasn’t the problem for now, because Baekhyun was totally screwed.

“Stop! Please stop! Don’t hurt Baekhyun oppa. I beg you,” Namjoo was crying and Baekhyun silently hoped that her crying could draw people’s attention, but it didn’t.

“This is why you didn’t intrude someone else’s business, pretty boy,” the skinny guy said with a smirk on his face before he raised the block of wood and swung it toward Baekhyun’s head.

And Chanyeol was the last thing that came to Baekhyun’s mind right before he felt like his head exploded.






what have I done..........................

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


Email: [email protected]
161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!