Paranoia: Till Death Do Us Part [Chapter 3]

Chapter 3: Tragedy
After buying what he needed, Siwon went back to his dorm, and went back to bed. Then all of the sudden, he felt something cold in his skin..
He fell asleep, and pictured himself inside a mansion. There's Yi Lin once again, and she was sitting with his boyfriend, Kang Ta, who looks exactly like Siwon.
Flashback, 1950.
Mom: Yi Lin, I do not approve of your relationship with him. You should just marry Hangeng instead.
Dad: Daughter, if you don't want to follow our orders, then I would no longer consider you as a part of my family.
Yi Lin: But mom and dad.. I love him.. how can you possibly pair me up with someone whom I don't love?
Mom: We've already arranged the two of you since you were kids, and you look good together. And besides, our company will merge with theirs.
Kang Ta: Sir, Mam.. I love your daughter.. and I can't live without her.
Dad: But can you provide her and your future children a wonderful living? Don't make me laugh. Love is not enough!
Yi Lin: Then so be it! Forget that I became your daughter!
Yi Lin grabbed Kang Ta's hand and she cried in front of him.
Yi Lin: Promise me, that you won't leave me..
Kang Ta: I won't, Yi Lin. You're the only one I love..
Yi Lin: Let's elope. I can no longer stand them.. I'll wait for you during night time..
Kang Ta: *kisses her forehead* See you, my love.
Yi Lin cried, and started to wait for him. It was such a heartbreaking moment for her.
End of Flashback.
Siwon: So.. that's what happened. They are like Romeo and Juliet after all.
Then another flashback appeared, and it was in Kang Ta's perspective.
Hangeng: Hyung.. leave Yi Lin to me.
Kang Ta: As if I would.
Hangeng: Why are you being so selfish? Do you know that she'll live a better life with me than you?
Kang Ta: What's so selfish? I'd rather be poor and be with her than to be rich and live without her.
Hangeng: Yi Lin.. if you really love her, you will set her free.
Kang Ta: Whatever you say, whatever you do, she's the one I love.
Hangeng: Even if Yi Lin would be killed if you continue to elope with her?
Kang Ta: What do you mean?
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great story! finished this in a day :D
KimHyunAe #2
Authornim...can i ask for ur help..
im scared of the background..can u change it...
It juz creep me so much..i wanna read ur story..but the background make me scared to push next show up first before the story..
can u change it please...
love u authornim..god bless u..
ainaasya #3
Chapter 1: The nim can you change scare mee huhuhuh
found this because of a friend!
i like the beginning so far.
surprise you have no other comments, but then looking at the dates... did you like reveal all the chapters or what?
anwyays, will catch up soon!!