Misadventures of a Fairy


It all starts when a fairy was knocked down to Earth..


❇ ▬ p l o t ; ▬ ❇


From a mythical, unknown planet lies a hidden secret that has not been discovered since its birth. That very special planet, invisible to the human eye from a telescrope, contains magic...al fairies! These creatures are just like humans, only with wings and magic. Not to mention evil is trying to bring them down.


Planet Earth, where all the normal humans reside. It centers on South Korea, where a group of six boys were just living their lives. They had school, extracurricular activities ( okay, not really... ), and daily hangouts. But what if one day... a fairy happens to crash on school campus in the middle of the night and those six particular boys were the only ones awake at the time? Will they be able to take her in and keep her hidden? Or will they have to help her fit in with the school? One thing's for sure, this fairy will be going on a wild adventure.


❇ ▬ c h a r a c t e r s ; ▬ ❇


► kwon daisy ( you ) ; A very cheerful and curious fairy with beautiful blue wings, you were always happy no matter what situation you're in. You can pick a fight, eat a whole buffet, and go on with aegyo for more than 5 hours. Your singing varies upon your mood. Karaoke is one of your favorite things to do, especially with friends because you like singing off-key and shouting into the mic ( who doesn't love to do that?<3 ). At the same time, you can get easily annoyed and you don't let people off easily when it comes to bothering you and your friends. You are an absolute ROCKER TOMBOY. Dresses aren't your thing but you still got the charisma. When you're not acting like a 5-year-old child.

► lee byunghun ( l.joe ) ; A blonde boy who has lived overseas, he is a fluent English speaker. He is the 'womanizer' of his group and attracts many girls but he is very laidback and doesn't speak much. His playful wink and luring smirk sends girls crawling towards him but he vows to not fall for any of his fangirls. He likes teasing his younger friends. But what's special about him is his piano and violin-playing skills, to which only his friends have heard. He has never fallen in love, gotten a girlfriend, or received his first kiss yet.

► son naeun ; Your roomate. She is very girly in style but has a similar personality to you. But she's more clumsier than you are, as she gets herself into situations where she almost exposes her magic. Yep, she is secretly a fairy just like you. She has bubbly pink wings and her reason for her stay on Earth is because she crashed on that very campus 2 years ago but never wanted to return.

► the rest of the teen top boys

► others ;


❇ ▬ t e a s e r s ; ▬ ❇


"Hyung, was that a meteor?"



", meteors don't sparkle."




"What is this place?"



"Uhmm.. South Korea? Ever heard of it?"



"South who?"



"Did you fail geography or something?"




"What did you do?"



"Nothing a little magic can't do!~"




*Why do I feel like I want to die..?*










"You can't stay on Earth.."



"Why not? I'm not causing any harm."

"You are."







"You can't fall in love!"






"Because you will lose your magic and you will no longer have access to your home planet."




"Hyung, she got kidnapped!"



"BY WHO?!"



"I don't know but her dress looks like something my grandma would wear."




"Make a wish boys, and say bye-bye to your puny little fairy!"




"I got all the magic I need right here!"




"You're in for a big surprise~"





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This sounds like such a fun fic…was it ever updated the deleted? The concept sounds so cool, and the quotes really had my attention…
WOW. Please update this X___X it sounds so good already~!
Interesting ! Update soon ! Can't wait to read this !