Battle of the Biases


"Which group do you like?"

"Have you heard of them before?"


I'm sure all Kpop fans have asked or was given that question a countless amount of times. Following that question is probably one of the most important questions in the Kpop fandom:


"Who is your bias?"


So, who is your bias? Do you have an ultimate bias that you would choose over any idol any day? Or do you have one bias per group?


What if you got the chance to interact with these idols in an everyday situation?  You would take that chance any day. But, what if four idols at once came to you in an everyday situation? You would likely go for all of them. But here's the catch, you can only choose ONE to interact with. So, here is your chance to find out your ultimate bias. Who's it gonna be?


Who is your ultimate bias?


"Battle of the Biases"

by chocolataee and TRUEbLuEFv



1) Every week, we will post a new poll.
2) By the end of the week, we will post the results and a possible one shot with the character, "YOU" , based on the scenario.

1) You must SUBSCRIBE and VOTE if you want an individual one shot.
2) Once you vote for your bias on a certain poll and you are subscribed to our fic, comment below saying, "I want a one shot with me and __(voted bias)__ for scenario #_."
3) The one shot may be written on your wall or PM.
4) We may not get to all of your requests, so please be patient if we don't write your one shot right away.


Happy battling!


Hello~ chocolataee here! ^-^

I am so ESS-EYE-TED for this fic. Partly because I get to co-write with an awesome author I met on AFF, TRUEbLuEFv. There is also one more rule for this fic and it is VERY important: PLEASE, NO FAN WARS! I really love this idea and I hope all of you will too. Please support TRUEbLuEFv and I by subbing, voting (upvoting and voting on your bias), and commenting (please comment about anything, including your indv. one shot request, we don't bite). 


We hope you have as much fun reading and battling it out as much as we have fun writing. :)


And do check out my fics:

"Masquerade '21":


"Promise (Beyond the City Lights)":

"Beyond Hello":


Check out TRUEbLuEFv's fanfics:

"Good Bye":


Sorry for my advertising asdfghjkl. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Thanks~ Love you guise~~~



Don't worry, more groups and artists will be featured on this fanfic as well as the ones on the main image. :)

Sorry we haven't been updating this~ we'll update as soon as possible. IF YOU WANT ONE SHOTS VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!


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Chapter 3: Voted! This is interesting :)
Chapter 3: subscribed! c:
ilabya3 #3