Is This Feeling Love or Hate?


This is actually a daydream I've been having, so it comes to me in bits and pieces. Its a bit random, so its labeled a crackfic XD. Hope you enjoy the randomness of my mind! Basically, its about Luhan (Lula) not understanding his feelings for Senra, while Senra straight out doesnt like him... At first ;).


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Chapter 12: Lol of course Luhans jealous :P
Chapter 11: Just reread this chappy..... You make up such weird names xD
Chapter 10: Such beautiful hickeys xD it wouldn't of happened if Taozi xaozi moved so I could sleep between Luhan and Suho xD
Chapter 9: I call sleeping in sahara's bed! XD
Chapter 8: Lol only 3 beds?! How the heck do they get twelve members in three beds?! XD
I'm just as lost in the story as you are. It's a daydream so I just write down what my mind wandered too... I don't even like Lula so half this story creeps me out. And spelling mistakes, well I never bother checking for those. I have too many stories going to worry about my spelling and awkward sentences
Dubiaku #7
Chapter 6: Sure don't want any "plages" around here. Why, it would be worse than catching the plague! Or should I say "kinda"?

I'm about to " the door" myself. But I'd definitely bat an eye. Of course, if he had walked toward the room and "shut" the door, he would then have walked right into it and banged his head. So ting the door was less painful.
Dubiaku #8
Chapter 4: Whose "making"? Does the making belong to Kris? Who are you referring to when you say "your making"?

"explain to me what going on there" - How would they know what is going on "there"? They would only know what is going on "here". Do you mean, "There, you can explain what is going on."?
Dubiaku #9
Chapter 3: "Limited addition"? LOLOLOL. Stop! You're too funny!

"Sprinting" down spiral stairs? That must be something to see, if your body can even do such a thing. Are you rubber?
Yeh, that Lula is just never far begin anyone. Never far originate anyone, either.
Dubiaku #10
Chapter 2: She has a "fully awake"? What is that, exactly? Why is the doctor asking her about her "fully awake"?

Why would you "begrudge" someone a simple nod? You may stop or agree with him begrudgingly, but you hesitate at the nod? Weird!

"Snuck"? Are you, like, 6, and live in a trailer with ignorant parents who never corrected your mistakes? You sneaked, right? But, into what "house"? You were in a hotel just a second ago!