Will You Be Alright?


Yesung, Siwon | YeWon | Angst, Drama | 2643 words | PG

WARNING: An open-ended fragment. 

Disclaimer: Work of fiction. I own only the story and the plot.

A/N: Inspired HUGELY by B2ST with their song 'Will You Be Alright'.  Credit for some dialogs goes to them.  Really in love with this song, have been playing this only song for some days already and not yet bored.
A/N: Written in the dawn for about 4 hours.  Perhaps this story is crazy and poorly written.  Because i just watch YeWon's interaction on SS4 DVD snd listening to the song too much i just HAD to write something about my couple.


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390 streak #1
Chapter 1: wuaaaah, that was intense! A lot of emotions

I need a sequel, open ending like this killing me inside T^T
(Hi. Lol, here I am again, rereading)
Chapter 1: My super cute Donghae.
Chapter 1: Noc NOOO!! Its not the end right? Right? How could u siwooon, u know it hurts both of you
And those question! It tore yesung's heart!
Aaa sequelll pleasee TT-TT
ELFonlyforSJ #5
Chapter 1: I hope this has a sequelllll. I want it to be a happy ending
Chapter 1: yesung!!! omg...

i hate siwon.

okay bye.
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 1: stupiiid siwon is stupiiid and I'm literally crying here :|
Chapter 1: It's such a heartbreaking story......
Siwon-ah, you shouldnt do that to yesung.. huks....
yewonlove #9
Chapter 1: no no no! its heartbreaking! TAT
why siwon being like this? why he hurted yesung?
yesung worried about him, but he just stay like that?! uh!
i know both of them were hurt but its all about missunderstanding i think.
i want sequel plz? i want see them happy as sweet couple.