
The Pretty One II

"So L.Joe, where were you from before you came to Seoul?" L asked. The sisters had gone into a gift shop and the boyfriends were left outside to wait for them. Small talk ensued.

"Gunsan." L.Joe shrugged, not making an effort to prolong his reply.

L eyed L.Joe, still not liking the guy. The affection and interest he initially saw in L.Joe's eyes when the latter looked at his girlfriend had significantly diminished, and hence his doubt and suspicion towards the guy was also reduced. 

However, he still thought it was strange how Chaekyung and L.Joe got together so suddenly even though they must have been been together for around 3 weeks and his protective oppa side still didn't like L.Joe just for the simple reason that L.Joe was dating Chaekyung.

"So," L looked at L.Joe. "Why did you suddenly come over to Seoul from Gunsan to study? And I heard that you're the same age as me even though you're in Chae's grade, why is that?" he probed.

L.Joe shifted uncomfortably and frowned at L. "What has that got to do with you?"

L was taken aback by the hostility in L.Joe's voice, even though he was aware that he was a tad nosy with his questions. He straightened. "I'm just concerned about where Chaekyung's boyfriend came from." he justified. "She's like my little sister, I'm just concerned over her happiness."

L.Joe felt something irk him from within and he turned away to hide his anger. "What gives you the right to worry about Chaekyung?" he spat, growling inwardly. What right did this guy have to question about the happiness of such a sweet adorable girl when he was the reason that caused all the misery in her life in the first place.

"What?" L gaped, shocked.

"I said, you should care about your girlfriend and I'll care about mine." L.Joe growled dangerously, stabbing his finger on L's chest. "Chaekyung is not your responsibility, you're not her boyfriend anymore. I am. You better get your facts right."

The girls emerged from the shop at this moment and L.Joe stormed over to Chaekyung, grabbing her hand and tugging her along. "Let's go princess."

Chaekyung looked back in confusion. "Where?"

"Just that shop. Don't ask questions, follow me." L.Joe pushed Chaekyung into another shop, turning to send a last glare at L.

Jaekyung frowned at her boyfriend and blinked in confusion. "What just happened? Why is L.Joe so angry?"

L looked slightly stunned. "I think...I think he might have been jealous right there."




"Yah what's wrong." Chaekyung whispered to L.Joe in confusion. The atmosphere during dinner was tensed as the two guys stared down at each other, both unwilling to barge.

"Nothing." L.Joe looked at her innocently. "Who said anything was wrong?"

"Did you and L oppa fight?" Chaekyung frowned. "What happened?" L.Joe looked at her and ruffled her hair. "I told you it's nothing. Don't worry princess."

Chaekyung looked like she didn't believe him but she didn't pursue further. L.Joe just poured more of his fries on her plate and told her to eat, sending a convenient glare in L's direction. L scoffed under his breath and frowned. He might not be Chaekyung's boyfriend right now but he was still her oppa, he had the responsibility to worry about her.

Chaekyung tried to lighten the atmosphere and she smiled at L. "How's your teriyaki chicken burger, L oppa?"

L gave an easy smile. "Want to try some?" he held out his burger. Chaekyung beamed and leaned forward to take a bite when L.Joe pulled her back and held his burger in front of her face. "Try mine."

Chaekyung blinked at him. "But yours is a fish fillet burger, I want to try teriyaki chicken." she pouted. L.Joe stuck a fry through her lips. "Just eat your own burger aish."

The meal carried on awkwardly as L.Joe was exceptionally possessive of Chaekyung and when the meal finally ended, all of them felt relieved. L was still hostile because he still didn't trust L.Joe, and the more concern L showed, the more annoyed L.Joe got and the more he wanted to show that he was Chaekyung's current boyfriend.

It was dark when they finished their fastfood dinner and L went to fetch his car to drive them all home. The three of them waited at the drop off point for L.Joe to arrive, with a few other teenage boys standing around waiting for a cab.

Their gazes naturally went towards the two Lee sisters and they looked at each other, wriggling their brows suggestively. The two sisters chatted easily and didn't notice anything wrong but L.Joe, being the guy, noticed the interested looks casted the girls' way. He immediately went to stand beside Chaekyung to stake his claim, slinging his arm around her shoulder and resting his chin on the top of her head. "Yah what?" Chaekyung looked up at him.

"Just stay put I'm tired." L.Joe murmured, his eyes fixed on the guys. They immediately realized that Chaekyung was taken and turned their attention to Jaekyung. L.Joe smirked in satisfaction and closed his eyes, feeling comfortable with Chaekyung leaning against him. Being mad at L was physically draining.

They didn't notice as the group of boys became more rowdy as they slowly made their way nearer. One of them took out his phone and looked back at his friends for encouragement as they willed him on. He stood in front of Jaekyung and rubbed the back of his head shyly. "H-H-Hi-"

Jaekyung backed away hesitantly but the boy kept coming nearer. "Junho yah! Why are you so shy, go nearer!"one of his friends pushed him closer.

The shove was too hard and all of a sudden, that guy toppled over and accidentally pushed Jaekyung onto the ground with him lying on top of her. Chaekyung jerked in surprise and L.Joe's teeth clashed together in shock when Chaekyung jumped.

Her eyes widened and she quickly grabbed the guy, flinging him off her sister with unexpected prowess and power. "Don't touch her!" she shrilled, clearly flustered.

L.Joe was about to calm Chaekyung down because it obviously looked like an accident, but what shocked him was Jaekyung's reaction. She was still lying on the floor with a pale expression, shivering and trembling so vigorously that one might have thought she was freezing.

Chaekyung immediately rushed to her sister's side in concern. "Unnie, unnie it's alright." she cooed soothingly, but Jaekyung didn't seem to take anything in.

The gang of boys were more than shocked by Jaekyung's reaction and they ran off at the first chance. L.Joe stood there, not knowing what to do. What on earth was happening? That guy accidentally fell onto her, it wasn't like it was intentional!

"Unnie," Chaekyung slowly moved to touch her sister. "Take deep bre-"

However the moment Chaekyung's fingers touched Jaekyung's arm, the latter let out a shocking shriek and recoiled back in fear. "ARHHHHHH! Don't touch me please, let me go!" Jaekyung waved her arms around blindly, shrieking and screaming. "Let me go!!! Myungsoo! Myungsoo where are you!"

"UNNIE!" Chaekyung shouted, trying to get her attention but it was no use. Jaekyung was too worked up.

A crowd was starting to form as they watched this seemingly mentally unstable girl shouting her lungs out. Some of them were already calling for the security and it was becoming a larger scene by the minute.

Thankfully, L arrived at the scene with his car at this moment. His eyes widened when he saw Jaekyung in hysterics and he quickly rushed out of his car, his face pale with worry. He stopped inches away from his love of his life and took a deep breath.

"Jaekyung, Jaekyung look at me." he murmured soothingly. "Look at me ok?"

Jaekyung screamed louder when she realized someone was so close to her and she wrapped her arms around herself. "Stay away from me! Go away!"

"Jaekyung." L repeated, his voice louder now. "Jaekyung, I'm Myungsoo. Your Myungsoo." He said every word clearly. "Look at me, I won't hurt you. Look at me, please?" he pleaded.

L.Joe watched as Jaekyung miraculously calmed down enough to lift her head. Her eyes met L's and reality clicked. She broke down and buried her head in L's chest. "Myungsoo." she whispered, crying. "Myungsoo."

"Shhh, it's okay now. Nothing bad happened. I'm here." L murmured into her ear while her hair. His heart ached when he saw her so disturbed by what he assumed was some guy getting too close to her comfort zone.

Just when he thought she was getting better.

L sighed softly and kissed the top of Jaekyung's head, letting out a slow breath. How he wished he could rewrite the past year if she didn't have to go through that incident.

He looked up and saw that L.Joe had shooed the crowd away, but the same bewildered expression still remained on his face. Chaekyung was sobbing silently against the pillar as she watched her sister break down, and L watched as L.Joe pulled Chaekyung into his arms gently.

L sighed softly. So much tears on this double date, but somehow they all felt closer.




L.Joe walked back into his small flat and flung himself on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

Too many things happened, too much information to process. After Jaekyung freaked out like that, it simply wouldn't suffice with a simple explanation that Jaekyung hated skinship.

They had gone to a quiet cafe where the Lee sisters and L spilled the whole truth which only the Infinite members and family knew about.


L.Joe closed his eyes and shook his head. He would never have expected, he never thought...he never...

He knew things like that happened in the world but he never thought he would actually run into someone who had gone through such an ordeal. It was shocking, the entire turn of events and the unexpected truth. L.Joe somehow wished he never found out because it tugged at his heart so much.

He finally realized why Chaekyung was so exceptionally sacrificial towards her unnie. Why she kept repeating time and time again that she would do anything to stop him from ruining Jaekyung and L's relationship.

L was the guy who had led Jaekyung away from the darkness. No amount of courtship could ever beat that.

She was right. Jaekyung and L were meant for each other. He took too long to see it.

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amicoolikethat #1
Chapter 33: It's 2024 😭
Omg it's been so long. Just came back to this website to check if this has been updated but sobs. I guess it'll never be. But thanks to this author for raising teenage me lol
amicoolikethat #3
Still no update 😢
Chapter 33: Please continue 🙏 😔😔😔
amicoolikethat #5
It's been years :(
Chapter 22: I just had to scoff. Heh, I came here for jaesoo couple so I guess I'll stop here since the story isn't even completed anyway :( I might die from curiosity if I continue
Chapter 20: L.joe is such a hypocrite lmao. As if he's not whipped for chae! And both of them are so dense i just wanna bump their head together
Chapter 19: Idc if I'm being mean but at least chaekyung know her place ( ̄ヘ ̄)
Chapter 16: Ahhh jaekyung really deserve everything the world. I kinda hate chaekyung at first, but I'm glad to see her changing into a better person