A Caged Bird From Joseon



A caged bird longs for freedom as it looks out through the window at its fellow mates soaring in the sky. 
But once the cage door opens does the bird dare to leave?
There's always a longing; a desire for something unattainable. However, once given the most desirable who's willing to grab it?
The bird becomes accustomed to the hermit life and will die out in the open. 
Kim Joonmyun is the son of the Prime Minister in Joseon and grew up in a strict environment. His mother made sure that he was as educated as the scholars at the Sungyeong academy if not smarter. He can speak his native tongue plus Chinese and three different tribal languages. He has interest in politics, astronomy and medicine. His father, on the otherhand, knew of his son's ill fate and brought him up like a daughter. Joonmyun exceeds in sewing, painting, and cooking. But no matter how smart or talented Joonmyun is, his dream is to explore the world and expand his knowledge. Instead he's been locked up inside four walls ever since he was born. 
The childless King is to send a peace offering to the Emperor of China and has no other choice than the biggest beauty, Joonmyun. Many have heard rumors that the boy's smile can make flowers bloom and his voice causes the birds to die from jealousy. The Prime Minister suspected that this day will come and heartbrokenly hands over his precious son. 
The witty and beautiful Joonmyun travels overseas to meet his future husband and enter a scheming harem to fight for survival. Who will Joonmyun meet and how will they change his life? Will he be able to adapt to this new lifestyle? Will the caged bird stay inside the open cage or fly away to freedom? 
The story of between a witty Consort, an arrogant Emperor, a beautiful Concubine, a courageous General, and a lovestruck eunuch. 


So I'm back with a new idea and this will be set in ancient time. Yikes! 

Also going to be a long-chaptered story. Double Yikes! 
Hope it'll be fun for me to write and not a disappointment to read. 


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2447 streak #1
Chapter 5: ahhhhhhh! how i wish this was continued! things were getting exciting... so many relationships entangling! very curious how this story would've turned out and who eventually ends up with who...
please update... please
luckydream05 #3
Chapter 5: please update... please....please
Krishooooooo XD
nano_nano #5
Chapter 5: awww!!!pleaze update!i'm curious rite now..
Chapter 1: pls pls plsss pls udpdate thisss !!!!!
Where are you? I miss this story so much, I hope you'll be back soon! >.<
noname022 #9
Chapter 5: waaa~~ yixing is not feeling well.. TT.TT please be strong...
and i really don't know who to ship.. krishan??sulay??KRISHO?? but i really want KRISHO.. haha
Chapter 5: uwaaa! i starting to dislike yifan here. i hope joonmyun can be with yixing! update soon!