The dying boy (DISCONTINUED)


There won't be a cover for this story :P

Enjoy the foreword! (I have nothing else to say so...)


"But doctor..."


"I'm sorry but we do need the money so I'm afraid we will have to cut him off."




"Like you said Sungmin he has no family so no one will pay his bills."


"But Kyu he seems like a sweet boy. I don't want to cut him off."


Kyuhyun sighed. "I know it pains me to but we have to do it. Our hospital needs the money. We can't let someone stay here for free."


Eunhyuk's ears twitched up as he heard Nurse Sungming and Doctor Cho talking.

Who is this boy they are talking about? I don't want him to die because no one can pay his bills. Not again.


"Go pull the plug Sungmin." Kyuhyun instructed.


"WAIT!!!!!!!!" Eunhyuk yelled startling everyone.


"What is it?" Kyuhyun asked.


"Don't cut him off. I'll pay his bills."


"Eunhyuk, you can't be serious. You don't even know this boy!"


"I don't care Doctor. This boy WILL NOT die and I will make sure off that."


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punkkid67 #1
Looking forward to reading the first chapter ^_^