No More

Pink Tape Multishots


Luna walks in, all smiles, with that familiar look crossing her face. She’s in love. Again. So soon? ‘Oh, please, stop it now, which guy is it this time? You were never interested before but now you go to church. Your blog is all about praising the Lord all day.’ Of course, she comes to me with the news first, shaking my chair as I sit at my desk and study for my next exam. 
Eventually, I give in and slam my pencil onto the dark wooded furniture, snapping the thin wood in half, “What is it Luna?” I say in a tired voice, exhausted from studying for so long. The energy pill isn’t fazed by my attitude and hops up and down like the Energizer Bunny, “Minho oppa asked me out!” And the next day, she’s preaching the Gospel to Krystal and Sulli about waiting to have after marriage like a pastor or a priest, yelling at Amber for going clubbing with Nicole and Jiyoung and getting drunk, and telling me off for using the “G” word in vain. ‘Your new boyfriend is a church oppa, right? I really, really, really can’t understand. You were an atheist but you have started this again.’ 
Luna doesn’t seem to notice the weird looks we’re giving her, that we know what she’s doing. ‘You fox-like girl, you fox-like girl. You’re a fox who completely changes whenever you meet a guy. You fox-like girl, you start a new love, how many months is this one going to last?’ Why do you always have to change everything about you whenever you start dating a new guy? People ask each other out because they like that person the way they are, not the way they change themselves. That’s not what love is about. I think that’s actually the first rule about love: Don’t try to change the other person. 
‘It won’t last another month, will it even last a week?’ Already, Krystal and Sulli are collecting bets from Amber and I when Luna steps out of the room on how long Minho and Luna will last together. Knowing Luna, I place my bet at one to two days tops. Amber goes for one to two weeks. ‘You fox-like girl, you start a new love again, you really can’t be stopped?’ Minho’s at least the fourth boyfriend of hers during the month of July, and it’s really getting old: the first night we meet him, at dinner, and then we’re dragged along on some of their silly dates, and then there’s the breakup. Don’t even get me started on the breakups.
‘What’s wrong? You don’t call me for over a month, but you ask if I’m busy these days, asking to see me. I don’t feel good about this.’ The day after our bets have been placed, Jungli runs into my room, the bets in hand, “Luna broke up with Minho. Just now,” they say in unison, turning to look at each other and giggling into the others’ shoulder. Krystal looks up from Sulli, “Oh, and she’s asking for you, too.” Crap. 
If there’s anything worse than the ever transforming Luna, it’s the aftermath of her breakups. ‘You say you broke up with that boyfriend because he was cheating. So is that why you called me? You always do this, don’t you even have a conscience?’ This time is the last I will go to Luna’s side to comfort her, I’m so fed up with watching her fall in love with guys that don’t love her as much as she does back that I can’t take another night letting her sob into me and keep me up late at night talking about him. ‘You fox-like girl, your love has ended again, thought you said this one was for real.’ Gently, I push open the door to Luna’s room, and the blond girl grabs onto me immediatly. 
“Victoria! It was horrid! Minho-” I put up my hand, silencing her. God, I was so done associating myself in her love life. She needs to it up and get her act together. ‘I won’t let you off easily anymore, I don’t wanna see you anymore. You fox-like girl, your love has ended again, have a nice life.’ 
I get up to leave when Luna pulls me back, hard, and cuddles into me, the soft crying turned to loud sobs that rack her small body. ‘But after seeing you cry, my heart hurts because we are friends after all.’ “Aish....,” I murmur into her hair, rubbing her shoulders, “he’s only one boy. There’s thousands out there, just waiting for you to pick them. Don’t let one break up get you down, it’s their fault they’ve disconnected with someone as perfect and as pretty as you, Luna,” I say, my usual pitch to calm her down after events like these. Luna looks up at me with big, leaky brown eyes and smiles. “You always know how to make me feel better, Vic,” she says, wiping her nose on her sleeve, “I love you. More than that stupid Minho jerk.” 
I giggle, my cheeks burning, “He doesn’t deserve your love, Luna. I love you, too.” 
Sorry for the crappy ending, ran out of inspiration :,( hope you enjoyed it! 
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angelbla #1
Chapter 2: ok luntoria! ok hahaha XD its not suit. amtoria was the best
Chapter 3: Mwaa, LunToria! xD

Well i noticed that we were often using shinee or exo for the boys for our f(x) fanfic, or it's just me? xD
Chapter 4: I almost cried, it's so sweet <3
Why the heol still no JungLi OR LunToria up?? I'm craving for them... T^T
Chapter 3: Yay! LunToria! Thanks, it's great!
Chapter 2: KYAAAA!! For me it was very JungLi-like!! Sooo cute being the shadow of someone hahaha xD <3<3<3

Waiting for more JungLi AND LunToria!!! <3<3<3<3