Recognition [Oneshot]


In a group of beautiful, talented, young women, Rebekah Kim strived for only one thing. The recognition.



After School is my bias group and Bekah is my favorite member. So after hearing about Bekah, I felt kind of  lost and afraid. Lost because Bekah is my first bias and the only person in k-pop that I ever stuck with. Yes, I am a fickle, fickle person. 

I'm afraid because I don't know how much After School will mean to me after Bekah leaves. I mean, every single member has their own charms and I love every one but Bekah will always be my number one. 

I guess that's the bad thing about falling for a group with a concept like the graduation concept. 

I found out about Bekah's graduation after having one of the worst days possible so as a way to vent, I decided to write. It's a bit awkward at some parts but I promise I'll revise it when I have time. I just wanted this up as soon as possible. Might be a ton of gramatical and spelling errors but who cares C; 

It's really not meant to be romantic or anything but you can take it however you want.

So please enjoy~ 




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Chapter 1: omg this made me cry and it was so cool how Bekah actually read this
Chapter 2: bekah read this.what if she found other fanfic that have ?god!
Chapter 2: wow, bekah read this.... I miss her so so much!!!
Chapter 1: Bekah read this T.T i saw this fic link trough Bekah's twitter retweet , this fic is beautiful *___* and i miss Bekah so much too x""
13 streak #5
Chapter 2: you're so lucky, bekah read this. lol she tweeted this too. congrats?
Chapter 2: So this... I had to pass it to bekah's twitter. Legit. I thought that this letter was so heartfelt it had to be read by the addressee <3
Ohgod.<br />
You are so amazing.<br />
I really really love bekha too, & when she left I was playing her song day after day ;____;<br />
This oneshot really struck me because I have to choose between leaving and staying for something very important in my life now, like Bekha.<br />
Thank you for this bby <3
ok lemme sob in the corner //cries<br />
bekah was an awesome girl, she's my super mega bias! i still can't recover and never listened to AS when she left.. Hope she's happy now! ^^ i miss her so much! ;_;