Reaching You


Andy finds his first female act for T.O.P Media, Lily. Follow as she tries to gain a name for herself in the tough kpop world and overcome her fears. And lets not forget the rest of Shinhwa who take her under their wings as well. Will her new life be worth all it is putting her through? UPDATE COMING SOON



It was after recording Shinhwa Broadcast when he spotted her. They ended filming until 6pm when they started at 3am. "Zomby, why did you stop?" Eric asked the group's maknae who was staring into space. "I bet he is just hungry." Junjin joked and waved a peice of kimbap near the younger male's face.

"Yah!" Andy said after he snapped from his trance startiling Junjin. "Why did you do that?" Junjin looked at the maknae and pushed Minwoo in front of him. "What were you looking at?" Minwoo

 asked slowly not wanting to get the anger that Junjin stirred. "Follow me." Andy simply said and walked to the direction the female was sitting. "Wait where are--" Dongwan started to asked but was silenced by Hyesung. "Listen" the vocalist said in a hushed tone.

The sound of a ukulele filled the air and as they got closer to the sound they heard a soft but smooth female voice accompanying it. The closer they got to the sound they noticed that there were a small group of listeners. They seemed so focused on the female that they didn't even notice THE Shinhwa standing near them. Not that they could easily tell it was them as they were disguised. The group listened to the female as she sung with soul and gave the crowd gentle smiles now and then through the song. She finished her song and the mostly crowd clapped for her while some went to shake her hand.

"Hyung." Andy said to no member in in particular. "Yeah," Eric answered figuring that the others must have thought he was talking to the leader. "I have to sign her." He said and smiled at his amazing find. T.O.P Media has just found their first female idol.


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Song, Mi Cha: 

- She is 24 years old. Micha is distant from her parents and feel the closest person to her is her elder twin brother, Minki, who allows her to work at his bakery to make rent. She loves to eat food and is known as a bottomless pit once you see her eat. When she was younger she gained a fear of physical contact with men, even simple handshakes make her fliched. Micha has the looks like an ice princess at first but she has bubbly personailty and laughs at even the most lamest of jokes. When she is nervous she becomes a clumsy nervious wreck, which some say adds to her charm. She knows how to play the ukulele, acoustic guitar and piano. She is also an ok cook but can out-bake almost anyone.






Andy: Hears Micha on the streets and has an instant pull towarda her voice. He recruits her into T.O.P Media and wants to debut her as soon as possible. He takes her in under his wing as almost a father figure.


Dongwan: After seeing Andy become serious about taking in a female idol and takes it upon himself to be almost a big brother to her. The other members enjoy seeing the two try to talk as no matter how serious Dongwan trys to talk to Micha to teach her about the idol world their talks always go into an awkward silence.


Minwoo & Junjin: The two seemed to have taken it upon themselves to make her laugh. They also like to act as bodyguards blocking other male idols and paparazzi from her. They even go as far as purposely embarassing their own group mates everytime they compliment the younger female.


Hyesung: He sees Micha as Andy's pupil and enjoys spending time with her. The two often gets into arguments when it involves cooking as she likes to use the members as guinea pigs and he feels she doesn't add enough seasame seeds into her cooking. He realizes later that he likes his solo time with the younger female and soon become jealous of when she spends time with the other members while he is on schedule.


Eric: He wants to be friends with Micha but in his mind he is failing at making her become close to him as he always makes lame jokes or shows his generation gap with her. Although she does laugh at his awkwardness and knows that he is a kind person. Eric is the first to become aware of Hyesung's crush on the female and uses this to tease his favorite member. But always trys to help him catch her attention. He uses this as a chance to spend time with Hyesung, much to the other's dismay.




Teen Top:

Micha's labelmates. They like to pop in on her from time to time and don't know of her fear of contact with males as she hides it well so she can make friends. 


[14/10] Copy and Pasted in the new chapter and the site won't let me fix it's look. so there is an awkward paragraph layout.


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 56: OMG! Hyesung is finally going to find out the truth? I think it's high time he gets to know it. I'm sitting at the edge of my seat. I can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
hyuu_hikari #2
Chapter 56: dumdumdumdumdum...... I also think Hyesung as her boyfriend have to know her condition and it was kind of cruel that only Hyesung doesn't know about this 'hiding' thing (at least other members know she's hiding) *sigh*
xHanax94x #3
Chapter 55: *few minutes later update* it's sinking in, and now I want to cry. ㅠ ㅠ </3
xHanax94x #4
Chapter 55: I just read this story in about 3 days....oh my gosh....this is hitting me really hard..I don't know what I'd do if I were in Mi Cha's heart's already hurting for Hye Sung.. :"( this story is amazing. <3
2034 streak #5
Chapter 55: That was an emotional chapter. /sobs/ wonder how Hyesung would react when he comes to know about it. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 55: tyvm for the update kumumu-nim =DDD
finally logging in again in aff after a long time xD
micha micha micha.... tsk... I kind of understand her worry but it's frustrating me to no end >_<
and also, hyesung still doesn't know? I mean how can... how is their relationship at this point?
2034 streak #7
Chapter 54: OMG! How did I miss this update? Can I expect a new one soon? Please let me know or else my head would burst.
Chapter 23: So happy that you updated
Cindyw_diaz #9
Chapter 53: Love this story!!!!!! TT
omg my heart