Loving Him


Pairing: Siwon x Yesung

Genre: Romance, Fluff, a tiny little bit of angst that you probably wont notice nor feel at all

Word count: 3188

Rating: PG-13 (kissing scenes)

Summary: Yesung fell in love with a certain Choi Siwon......as simple as that. But it doesn't feel that simple in reality for Yesung at one night when he thinks about his feeling for the guy.


Just a small sweet (I guess?) Yesung x Siwon oneshot story, taking place after Yesung came back from the training center~

Oh and Happy Birthday Nitha-unnie~ actually I've started writing this fic before your birthday but might as well dedicating this for you as a gift lol

I hope you like it<3 and all my YeWon shipper friends~ I love you guys ^v^

as well as all of you too~ (and really sorry for the lame title, I couldn't think of anything better to title this fic)


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401 streak #1
Chapter 1: I LOVE THISSSS~~~ <333
Chapter 1: Yesung falling in love is tooooooo cute for me to handle. Like goshhh, the way he shyly confess Siwon is too adorable. And, yes, Siwonnie is a great teaser to his hyung. XD And, he walked around with that Brown slipper and brought them in the sand-ground?? Poor Brown has to dive in the sand for a long time. teehee
jongwoontrash #3
Chapter 1: Gaaaaah! Thank you so much for this wonderful YeWon fic! I had it bookmarked. :P Siwonnie, what a tease. And Yesung was so cuuuuute. Gaaaah. YeWooooon~ <3
Cenya14 #4
Chapter 1: Aww cute story, i miss Yewon
cloudye0705 #5
Chapter 1: Just find this fic from google,,
Aigooo,,like your grammar,,simple and easy to catch,,
Chapter 1: Haha, this was so cute~ loved the ending with Jongjin. ^^
siwonie #7
Chapter 1: I got bored bc no one update their fic, so i just scroll down look for old yewon fic, and i found this fic!!
Omg it was last year and you post this fic on my bday and dedicate this fic for me! Agmajgptmjagtmj T__T i can't help but write down a comment once again, bc i feel happy that you post this fic as bday gift for me last year, thankyu (again) nay <3 T_T
and also yewon's scene, kissing under the moonlight aaaaaahh i miss your fics nay T__T when you'll write yewon again ;A;
Wasurenagusa #8
Chapter 1: OH! I love yewon soo soo soo very much. Lovely story i feel so warm now. thanks for sharing ^__^
charismavi #9
Chapter 1: aww..cute yewon moment...
flirty siwon, awkward yesung, n the ever supportive dongsaeng jongjin...perfect :D
Chapter 1: kkkk...i'm so glad to found this fic,flirty siwon and silly yesung look so perfect and jongjin's part is my favorite ^^