Why didn’t you kill me instead of her?

I want to see the truth…

Dear Jae:

I know that you have been receiving my letters, and I will continue sending them until you respond me.

I have many doubts, but the moment you answer I will stop sending them.

Because knowing just a piece of your mind and just a little hint of why did you kill her will make me sleep in peace.


Because you are still my brother.

Because I´m sorry for the things I shouted when I discovered you were the murderer.

Because I can´t hate you….because I know Odette wouldn’t be happy if I hate you.


So today I will go to her grave…

And leave her favorite flowers…

And I wish to know something from you so I can tell her about it.


She doesn’t hate you…she was a kind and heartwarming person…and you know that…


Do you remember the day you got lost in the forest?

Well…she was the most eager to find you.

Do you remember that she was bleeding when we found you?

She had fallen and her arms were full of scratches, but she didn’t care and continued looking for you.


So behave Jae….maybe you can get out faster and visit her.

I know you aren’t a dangerous criminal…


But as your brother I wish you can tell me truthfully….why did you kill her?

The love you felt for her was so big?

But if it was me the one, the obstacle for your love….

Why didn’t you kill me instead of her?


Yoochun…your brother.



Yoochun put the letter on his night table and turned off the light.

He sat on his bed and hugged his knees.

He seemed like a little kid swinging back and forth.

He was at his parents’ house, the house that was beside the one that once was Jaejoong’s house.

While everyone was enjoying their college’s vacations on the beach or clubbing,

he decided to visit his parents and found some answers.


Jaejoong was silent. Not even a single response to his letters.

Jaejoong was never silent with him. Maybe with Odette, but he always opened his heart to his brother.

His brother…because Yoochun still considered Jae his brother.

Because their brotherhood was there since they were born.

Because they were soul mates…but now Yoochun felt empty.


What was going on in Jaejoong’s mind when he killed her?

He knew that Odette loved Jaejoong...as a brother…

Maybe as a brother, she loved Jaejoong more than him.

She was always worried for him…as if he was a really fragile person.


Yoochun laid on his bed.

Maybe that was his error…to think that Jaejoong was stronger,

because the latter always protected him…when in fact Jaejoong was fragile…


Jaejoong didn’t tell Yoochun if he had ever confessed his love to Odette…

Also he never blamed Yoochun when he told him that Odette loved him.

But…Yoochun felt…felt the hurt look in his brother’s eyes.


‘But if it was me the one the obstacle for your love….

Why didn’t you kill me instead of her?’

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tanyaav #1
Chapter 6: Awwww, this is so sad but it is a really beautiful story! I hope that you make a sequel about what really happened. Keep updating!!!
mitralisa #2
very very good. tanx for this fic.
m0zarts0nata-- #3
oh my TT^TT
oh my god! did jae shot himself? gaaaaah!<br />
why so sad? ;______;<br />
many unanswered questions everywhere!!!
it's sad but it's such a beautiful story...<br />
<br />
Jaejoong, I kinda used to hate him because well, he was just toopretty, but I guess that's part of his charm eh?<br />
Yes! Jae~ I KNEW you couldn't have done that, just misunderstood, and confused about love, love, such a weird thin, makes the world go round... and it also made yoochun's world go round, right?
aww...thats a cool mysterious story^^~~its good^^
No!!! is jaejoong going to kill himself?<br />
yes, yoochun does seem like a nice brother, trying to help jaejoong out and all...<br />
If jaejoong does kill himself, then I guess yoochun will be like one of the crazy poor people on the street, always drunk because they've lost everything...<br />
You kept me smiling and crying at the same time with this chapter, good job!