Chapter 7

Who Are You?

20 minutes have passed



Jay and the girls had been waiting for Rain to return.



Victoria: hmm~ where did Rain go?

Jay: I saw him walking into the forest

Krystal: and you didn’t say anything?

Jay: he should be able to take care of himself right?

Krystal: but he’s been gone for a while now

Jessica: we should go look for him

Luna: I agree

Jessica: which way did he go Jay?

Jay: *points* that way



The group turned to the direction where Jay pointed to and walked. They walked for 3 minutes and finally found Rain. He was walking towards them slowly with his hand on his chest. Jessica became suspicious and walked a little faster.



Jessica: what happened?

Rain: I was attacked by a masked person

Jay: what was this “masked person” wearing?

Rain: the person was wearing a white mask with a green hood

Jay: was it an assassin?

Rain: no, it wasn’t

Jessica: how do you know?

Rain: that masked person was the one who ran off

Sulli: well are you alright?

Rain: yea, I’m fine

Amber: did you get beat up badly?

Rain: no, he got me in the chest but it’s not that bad

Luna: was this person good?

Rain: OH yea~ they were good. This person must have had to have some kind of special training to be able to keep up with me

Jay: *small chuckle* and why’s that?

Rain: he moved fast and did everything so strategically. I was trained by some of the best and even I had a bit of trouble fighting this person



Jay then turns around to chuckle to himself. Rain noticed it but just decided to ignore it.



Rain: we should head out now

Amber: yea

Victoria: all right, let’s go



The group then started walking in the direction to YG. After a few hours of walking, they finally made it to the entrance to YG. The group saw many people just walking around as they were making their way through the crowds.




Jay: so where do we go from here?

Rain: to be honest, I really don’t know

Jay: …

Krystal: well~ do you think…




Taeyeon: what was that?

Sulli: sounds like someone’s in trouble!

Jay: well lets go see what it is~



The group then ran towards the sound of the voice. They followed the sound of the voice into an alley and saw 5 girls getting pinned against a wall by a group of guys. One of the guys were getting too close to one of the girls so Jay ran towards them with his sword in his hand. Rain saw Jay running and immediately took off after him with the girls following from behind.




Male 1: huh? Hey~! It’s him!

Male 2: haha! Well would you look at that, Rain’s here too

Male 3: along with those other girls


Jay: *looks closer at the guys* huh? IT IS!

Tao: hehe~ you guys were lucky to get away last time

Chanyeol: but this time, you won’t get so lucky

Rain: What are you guys even doing here?

Suho: Zico didn’t need us today so we’re just doing whatever we feel like doing

Amber: so you waste your time disturbing the peace?

Suho: is there a problem with that?

D.O.: *steps closer to the girls* we just simply want to be friends with these girls

Jay: *swings sword at D.O.* They obviously don’t want to be friends with you guys!



D.O. quickly pulled out his sword and blocked it. D.O. quickly stepped away as Rain and the girls pulled out their weapons. As they pulled their weapons out, so did the group of guys.



Rain: you guys really want to do this?

Lay: HAH! Why not?

Rain: if you insist



Rain swiftly ran towards Lay, swinging diagonally at him. Lay blocked it, but was quickly knocked down by a kick from Rain. Lay quickly got up and started to swing his sword at Rain. Luna then shot a Power Shot at Chanyeol, causing him to fall backwards. Chanyeol quickly got up and ran towards Luna. Luna began shooting Fire Balls at Chanyeol but he just swiftly dodged them all. Chanyeol was getting closer and closer so Taeyeon decided to help Luna. Taeyeon told Luna to stop shooting and swung her Bamboo Staff vertically at Chanyeol. Chanyeol held his sword out horizontally in front of him and blocked it while Tao ran up to Taeyeon, swinging his sword at her. Tiffany saw this and quickly hit the sword out of his hand with her Naginata. Tao just stood there with his hands in the air. Luna then took this chance to charge up a powerful spell. Luna held her staff in front of her and a blue aura formed around it. Jay then ran towards D.O. with his sword ready to swing. Suho quickly ran to D.O.’s side with his sword ready to defend. Jay just swung his sword horizontally at both D.O. and Suho. Suho stood still to block the attack while D.O. moved to the side, landing a good hit at Jay‘s arm. Jay backed away a little, holding his arm, as Jessica ran over to him. Jessica then started swinging her Blizzard Sword at the two guys but they quickly backed away.



Suho: Careful D.O.~ If that sword pierces through your skin, even just a little cut, your done for

D.O.: got it

Jessica: you alright Jay?

Jay: *holding his arm* ah~ it kinda hurts but I’ll be fine



Jay and Jessica were looking at each other for a few seconds until they heard some footsteps. It was D.O. and Suho running at them. The two guys jumped in the air and swung their swords downward at them. Jessica closed her eyes as Jay moved in front of her, holding his sword up. Before D.O. and Suho could hit Jay, Krystal ran in front of Jay and used the Force Field spell and pushed D.O. and Suho away.



Jessica: *opens eyes* K-Krystal??

Jay: *smiling* Heh~! Thanks Krystal

Krystal: *smiling* your welcome. *glares at Jessica* your welcome too

Jessica: huh? Oh, yea~ thanks Krys

Krystal just giggled. Luna then faced her staff at Chanyeol and shot out a huge, electric, energy ball. All Chanyeol could do was hold his sword in front of him and hope that he could hit the energy ball away. As the ball of energy got close enough for Chanyeol to hit it, Baekhyun, Sehun, Xiumin, Kris, and Chen ran over and hit the energy ball away.



Chanyeol: heh~ thanks guys

Kris: no problem



Victoria, Sulli, and Amber then prepared themselves and ran towards the group of guys until a voice was heard.



Voice: Stop!!



Everyone then turned to see 2 guys standing near the alley entrance.



Jessica: *smiling* WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!?!



Jay, Rain, Sulli, Victoria, Luna, Krystal, and Jessica all smiled and were relieved to see the two men.



Xiumin: heh~ never thought we’d see you two again

Luhan: *grins* it’s nice to see you guys too

Kai: *pulls out a Two-Handed Hammer* you guys up to no good again?

Chen: tch~

Kai: *grins* I’ll take that as a yes



Luhan then pulls out a long, thin sword.



Kris: Hah! You two seriously want to fight us?

Tao: haha! Its kind of upsetting that we wont have time to fight

Chen: you guys are pretty lucky that we gotta head back to Zico right now

Rain: Heh~ didn’t you guys say that Zico didn’t need you guys today?

Sehun: yea~ but we wanna stay on his good side. We don’t wanna get kicked out of his group like Luhan and Kai did

Jessica: *looks at Luhan and Kai* “like Luhan and Kai did”?



Luhan and Kai just stare at the group of guys. Jay, Rain, Victoria, Sulli, Krystal, Luna, and Amber turn towards Luhan and Kai as well.



Krystal: *to Kai* what does he mean?

Baekhyun: OH! So they didn’t tell you?

Jessica: tell us what?!

Chanyeol: hah! Well I’d like to stay and tell you but we gotta go. SEE YA!



And with that, the ten guys ran off and jumped onto buildings. The five girls that were cornered then let out a sigh of relief. Once the ten guys were out of sight, everyone put their weapons away. Tiffany and Victoria then decide to walk up to the five girls.



Victoria: are you girls ok?

Girl 1: yea~ we’re fine now

Girl 2: thanks to you guys

Tiffany: what are your names?

Girl 1: my name’s Hara

Girl 2: im Seungyeon

Girl 3: im Jiyoung

Girl 4: my name’s Nicole

Girl 5: and im Gyuri

Tiffany and Victoria: it’s nice to meet you all



The rest of the group then walk to the girls.



Rain: do you girls not know how to protect yourselves?

Gyuri: yea… no, not really

Krystal: are you girls from here?

Gyuri: no, we’re from DSP

Sulli: what are you girls doing in YG?

Seungyeon: we came here looking for a man named Se7en

Rain: “Se7en”? for what?

Gyuri: we were told that he could teach us to fend for ourselves

Jessica: is there no one in your village that can teach you?

Gyuri: no

Nicole: no one knows how to fight from where we’re from

Hara: we were sent to learn from Se7en so we can defend our village from the Ice Beast

Jay: “Ice Beast”?

Gyuri: that’s just what our people call it. No one really knows what it’s really called

Luna: does it attack DSP a lot?

Jiyoung: it does

Seungyeon: the population in DSP gets smaller and smaller every time that thing attacks

Jessica: we’re sorry to hear that

Gyuri: that is why we NEED to find this Se7en person

Luhan: well~ Kai and I know where he is

Everyone: REALLY?!?!


Luhan: should be fine right?

Kai: it’s on you if something happens

Luhan: it’ll be fine… I hope

Gyuri: where is he??

Luhan: follow us, we’ll show you where he lives



The group follow Luhan and Kai out of the alley and onto the sidewalks of the big town of YG.



Tiffany: *to Luna* so~ who are these two guys? Friends?

Luna: yea. We met them a while back

Sulli: they helped us get out of a sticky situation

Amber: tch

Taeyeon: *whispers to Victoria* what’s wrong with her?

Victoria: she doesn’t like them very much

Taeyeon: ooh~ okay



As everyone was walking, Krystal starts to slow down a little. Jessica saw Krystal walking behind with her head tilted downward and decided to go see what was up.



Jessica: something wrong Krystal?

Krystal: I miss Mom and Dad

Jessica: … yea~ … I do too

Krystal: *looks at Jessica* you think we’ll see them again?

Jessica: im sure we will

Krystal: I hope so. I miss my friends too

Jessica: these people aren’t your friends?

Krystal: my REAL friends Jess. These people are but they aren’t the friends I~ hung out with.

Jessica: so what your saying is~…

Krystal: this all has to be a dream or something. How else would you have been able to fight back against that Sandra girl when we first got here? And how else would I have been able to dodge and block all of CL’s attacks? Jess, we don’t know how to fight. And me, using magic?!

Jessica: okay~ you’ve got a point

Krystal: I know I do

Jessica: well what about that necklace?

Krystal: what necklace?

Jessica: the one you got before we came to this world

Krystal: …

Jessica: Krystal?

Krystal: I found out it was gone when I woke up in the fields. The day we got here

Jessica: hmm… maybe if we had it, we could possibly go back home

Krystal: so your saying that we should look for that necklace?

Jessica: that’s exactly what im saying

Krystal: but what about the others? And this “war” that’s coming?

Jessica: hmm… I don’t know. We’ll just have to see what comes up

Krystal: *looks down*

Jessica: guess we’ll just have to stick with the others for now. Think you can do that?

Krystal: *sigh* I don’t think I have a choice

Jessica: *giggles* you don’t. *looks at the group then back at Krystal* c’mon, lets catch up to the others

Krystal: ok



Jessica and Krystal then walk faster to catch up to the group.



Jay: *looks back at Jessica* why were you two so far away?

Jessica: *smiles* no reason. Krystal was just getting a little tired is all

Krystal: yea~ just a bit, but I’ll be fine

Jay: haha ok then



Jay turns back to the front and continues walking. The group walked pass a few houses till they met up with a house by itself, surrounded by trees.



Luhan: well, here it is

Seungyeon: this is the place?

Kai: yup

Gyuri: why the trees?

Kai: umm~ I don’t know

Rain: well we should try knocking on the door

Jay: yea



Rain walked up to the door with the group behind him and knocked on it three times. The group sat there for a few seconds until Rain started knocking again. Rain was about to turn around till he heard a voice come from behind the door.



Voice: who are you?

Rain: I am…

Gyuri: My name is Gyuri. My friends and I just simply want to ask for your help

Voice: how many of you are out there?

Rain: there are 17 of us

Voice: why such a huge group?

Rain: we need all the help we can get

Voice: …



The door soon opens. On the other side of the door was a man with a sword. The guy was dressed in blue jeans, white shoes, and a black t-shirt.



Man: you people aren’t gonna attack me are you?

Victoria: No

Gyuri: like I said we “simply want to ask for your help”

Man: …………. C’mon in



The group walks in slowly while the man puts his sword down. Jessica was the last one in the house and so she was the one to closed the door. Everyone walks into the living room and just stand around while the man walked over and sat down on a couch.



Man: what are your names?



The group introduced themselves and waited.



Taeyeon: and are you Se7en?

Man: yes I am. How did find my place?

Hara: *points to Luhan and Kai* these two showed us the way here

Kai: *whispers to Luhan* remember, it’s all on you~~

Luhan: shh

Se7en: *looks over at Luhan* I assume you’re the one who decided to bring them here?

Luhan: y-yes

Kai: *quietly talks to himself* I told him not to do it~

Se7en: *sigh* oh well … *points Rain* you

Rain: me?

Se7en: yea~ you need to move faster when your in an up-close fight

Rain: what are you talking about?!



Se7en just grins and points to a glass case.



Rain: no way~



There was a mask and a green hood in the case.



Se7en: your movements were a little slow

Jay: Rain, is this the “masked person” you fought with in the woods?

Rain: y-yea


Rain: why did you attack?

Se7en: cause I know what you guys are up to. You guys are planning to save some workers from JYP and take down Zico

Rain: so what?!

Se7en: had to see if you actually had a chance against Zico

Rain: tch~

Amber: how did you know his name?

Se7en: wasn’t that hard really. I poked around here and there and eventually found out his name…… let’s see here, *points to Rain* you guys need my help on taking down Zico, correct?

Rain: yea

Se7en: *looks at Gyuri* so what do you need?

Gyuri: we need you to…

Jiyoung: *pulls Gyuri back and whispers* hey, why don’t we just ask these people and Se7en to take out the Ice Beast for us?

Gyuri: *whispers* cause we’d be asking for too much

Jiyoung: doesn’t hurt to ask does it?

Gyuri: *looks back at Se7en* we need your help to slay a beast

Se7en: and what “beast” are we talking about?

Gyuri: ever heard of the Ice Beast?

Se7en: the Ice Beast eh~? What’s that ugly thing doing this time?

Gyuri, Jiyoung, Hara, Seungyeon, Nicole: YOU KNOW ABOUT IT?!?!?!

Se7en: yea, of course I do

Taeyeon: how do you know of this “beast“?

Se7en: I’ve had my problems with it before

Taeyeon: ooh~

Luhan: why didn’t you take it out?

Se7en: wasn’t able to. Darn thing ran away before I could finish it

Kai: man~ well we gotta stop it once and for all

Se7en: HAH! Good luck with that


Se7en: it’s icy body is tougher than steel. I couldn’t even put a scratch on it

Rain: so how did you manage to get in a position to kill it?

Se7en: that’s simple. A room filled with a million heaters

Jay: I thought you said it was tougher than steel?!

Se7en: I never said it could melt. It’s whole body is made of ice. If you melt ice, you get water right?. Therefore, that should finish it off

Gyuri: how will we be able to do that?

Se7en: umm~… sorry, is it alright if we talk about this after we eat? Im kind of hungry

Krystal: *whispers to Jessica* I am kind of hungry

Rain: sure. We’re all hungry

Se7en: all right then. If some of you don’t mind, I could use some help cooking dinner

Victoria: sure, I’ll help

Luna: I will too

Tiffany and Taeyeon: we’ll help too

Se7en: alright then. Lets go to the kitchen. Everyone else can just~ hang out in here till we finish



Victoria, Luna, Tiffany, and Taeyeon then follow Se7en into the kitchen. A few seconds later, the only sounds that could be heard from the kitchen were the sounds of pot, pans, and food sizzling.

A few minutes passed by and food was finally ready.



Luna: alright guys, food’s ready

Krystal, Sulli, Amber: YEA!!



Jessica, Luhan, and Jay just laugh. The group then walks into the kitchen to see five delicious meals on the table.

After finishing the food, Se7en then decides where to have everyone sleep.



Se7en: hey~ it’s getting kind of late. Mind if we all talk in the morning?

Gyuri: umm… sure~ but we don’t have a place to stay

Se7en: I don’t mind having you all here

Jessica: you sure? There are a lot of us

Se7en: haha don’t worry, I don’t mind. Now, I’ll just go set up the beds



Jay, Rain, Luhan, and Kai’s beds were set up in the living room, Jessica and Krystal were put in the same bedroom with two small beds, Victoria, Luna, Amber, and Sulli were put in a bedroom with one big bed, Tiffany and Taeyeon were put in a bedroom with one regular sized bed, and Gyuri, Seungyeon, Nicole, Hara, and Jiyoung were put in a bedroom with one big bed and one sleeping bag. It was starting to get late so everyone decided to get some rest. There were two couches and two sleeping bags in the living room.



Jay: so~ who’s getting this couch?

Rain: why don’t you? You haven’t gotten much sleep today so you deserve to sleep comfortable

Jay: oh, okay then. Thanks



Jay then lied down on the couch and soon fell asleep.



Rain: *to himself* now to run for the other one



Rain turned towards the other couch and saw Luhan and Kai looking at it. All three ran for the couch like there was no tomorrow. Rain pushed Luhan aside and was quickly tripped by Kai. Luhan and Rain both got up and saw Kai on the couch.



Rain: darn~ looks like you get it

Luhan: *walking towards a sleeping bag* you better sleep good then

Kai: *smiling* Oh I will~



In the Jung room, Jessica was walking over towards a nearby table so she could lean her Blizzard Sword on it. Krystal was laying down on the right side of the bed and decided to put her Crystal Wand on the floor next to her. Jessica walked back to the bed and hopped onto the left side of the bed.



Krystal: I sure hope we get to go home soon

Jessica: same here. But let’s try to get some rest ok?

Krystal: *sigh* ok

Jessica: k, good night Krys

Krystal: good night Jess



And within a few minutes, the Jung Sisters were asleep.









Hey~ kinda felt like i haven't updated in a while so i here it is, Chapter 7. This is the longest chapter as of now (i think) ... i hope u guys enjoyed it :P

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abezface #1
Chapter 6: awsome update soon please i like this story
RFShip9389 #2
Chapter 1: cool opening :)