The Promise to Endure


In which Kyuhyun makes certain things clear and makes a promise and Yesung decides that Kyuhyun is a sneaky bastard.



This is a story I never wanted to write.

The last story of the continuum or atleast it is the last I plan to write for the concievable future.I had no plans of a return, but I refuse to let Yesung leave us without closure in the continuum. Its very obvious with this story will deal with, even if I wish I never had to write something like this.

Lets all be strong Clouds. Lets be strong for our Cloud Prince.


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390 streak #1
Chapter 3: wuaaaaah, I don't regret reading this fic, it's so fantastic! amazing! you're really a great great great writer! <3
390 streak #2
Chapter 2: oh gosh, you gave me a heart attack!

Kyu you bastard! You're so smart! damn you! XD
390 streak #3
Chapter 1: #gasp

break up? why? **immediately click next chapter button**
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 3: Loved the intensity of this fic....!!! And they are still together !!! Kyusung are blessing all of their shippers in 2021...They are absolutely adorable <3<3<3
lov_fan_Y #5
Chapter 3: Y yo aquí en el 2020 aún disfrutando del Kyusung 🎈💙
Gracias pir escribir historias tan hermosas. Lloré pero también sonrei mucho.
Chapter 1: YulSung! Yaaaaaah! Thanks for that! Another one of my biases in SM written here, after Lay now I have Yuri! Thankkkkkyouuuuuu
Chapter 3: I'm so freakin happy he's coming back this year! This fic sent me on an emotional roller-coaster (and took hours to read cause it was so long, but worth it ^_^). First I wanted to slap and hug Kyu cause he was being possessive but a sweetheart at the same time. Then I wanted to kill Yesung at the end of Chapter 1 when he said let's break up, because gosh dang it Kim Jongwoon I'm not taking that s*** from you anymore >: /.

Then when Kyu addressed the whole Yesung viewing him as a child thing, I was quite curious as to the response, because it's true, Yesung does baby him excessively. I'm glad to know that he does see Kyu as a man, cause that's just a relief honestly, or I would have had to smack him more. Kyu's ramble for telling Yesung he understands was just hilarious and I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the part when Kyu comments on the sweaters Yesung wears, and Yesung childishly replies their designer lol (it was like he was having a Heechul moment).

Sometimes I just wish Yesung would understand that people love him more then he knows, and he doesn't need to push them away for them to be happy because they are happy with him, just as he is. But I suppose that's just a characteristic of Yesung they have to work through in their relationship. Now please excuse me as I fangirl because - KYUHYUN CALLED YESUNG HIS BOYFRIEND!!!! XD I spazzed at that part because it just came out like second nature, and even though it was odd, Yesung accepted so easily. That's a huge step for Yesung- acceptance. Now Yesung, accept that you have no one but Kyuhyun and you two will grow old and die together, no matter how many times you 'break up' *glares*.

Sorry for my rambling. I really enjoyed this fic, so thank you so much for taking the time to write it for readers like me to enjoy. It was nothing short of brilliant, and you made this Kyusung shipper extremely happy. : ) *Gives virtual cupcake with sprinkles*
this cracked me up and awww kyu :)
Yesung was amazing
camacchiato0620 #9
Chapter 3: babyKyu can handle his jealousy...yayyyyy ^^

chapter 2 really crack me up..
baby Kyu wanna killed Yesung...actually, that was pretty amusing...LOL
i'm agree with Kyuhyun...Yesung is a gullible idiot.. OTL
but they're so sweet...i love this couple more and more <3

chapter 3...OMG!!!!!!i'm almost screaming when Baby kyu said that Yesung is his boyfriend...i'm so happy... *sobs

thank you for writing this fanfic. I will always waiting for your fanfic ^^ it's not a goodbye, it's a see you later...
I wanted to finish the three chapters before commenting (yes, it took me that long). I read the last words this morning before my exams, but now I don't remember what I wanted to say. X)

So, hmm... First of all, a really big thank you for the effort you put into this story because it's truly A-MA-ZING. I had that giddy feeling all along while reading, that indescribable... Thing, too light to be excitation but... It was as if I was, err... Exulting ? (With a big silly smile on my face) Ah, I don't know. I was just so moved. And happy. *wipes tears of joy*
And I'm saying that, even if Kyuhyun tried to strangle Yesung. ^^
That was really sweet too, strangely. Poor Yesung, but he deserved it a little, making Kyuhyun through hell with his idiotic break-up ideas.

Kyusung really is so beautiful. That's what I told myself many times while reading.

I'm almost sure things would have happened like this, too. You managed to describe their different sides so very acurately.

... I feel like I should be saying a lot more things but I don't remember. =( And I won't have the time to read it again any time soon, I'm sorry. ^^'

I'm happy you will still be there. (I guess I misunderstood earlier)

Really, bravo, and THANK YOU Midnight.