Li Jiaheng

Teardrops In The Rain


America, 2010

The crowd cheered as Jiaheng scored, ending the game and making their school the winner. The team rushed to him, carrying him on their shoulders. He grinned from ear to ear as he raised the trophy in the air, which gleamed in the sunlight.

They were still celebrating when a girl from Jiaheng’s class pushed her way towards him, “Jiaheng!” she called. Jiaheng turned to her curiously, as he wasn’t one of those people who snub others in spite of his popularity. “Your father’s here!” she said breathlessly, tired from having to run from the main campus to the school gym.

Li Jiaheng’s face literally glowed from the girl’s words. “Fu Qin?” he said excitedly. It was out of the blue for his father to come here to America just to visit him, since he splits his time working in China and Korea. He thanked the girl, excused himself from his still celebrating classmates and made his way to the showers.

‘This day couldn’t get any better’ he thought, his mind still reeling from the team’s victory and his father’s unexpected visit.

How wrong he was.


On his way to the dorms, a lot of people congratulated him. He thanked them all with a wide smile on his face.

When he reached his room, he decided to check on his reflection on the window adjacent to his room’s door. A tall but well-built boy stared right back at him, his dark eyes b with excitement and his lips were curved into a huge grin. Satisfied with his appearance, he turned back to face the door. Smiling to himself, he turned the knob and rushed inside.

“Fu Qin!” he said excitedly.

The man turned, and Jiaheng’s face fell.

It wasn’t his dad.

“Assistant Kim” he said. The man, Assistant Kim, is Jiaheng’s dad’s personal assistant. He had always been, as long as Jiaheng could remember, and had also been Jiaheng’s father figure.

‘That’s why people thought that he’s my dad’ Jiaheng thought.

The man bowed respectfully. “Young Master” he said. He raised his head to look at the boy in front of him and smiled. “You’ve grown a lot. And good game.”

Jiaheng grinned at him.” Uhh…yeah…and thanks!” Then he frowned. He shifted uncomfortably, squirming a bit. Assistant Kim noticed his discomfort.

“Is there something wrong, Young Master?” he asked.

Jiaheng blushed. He didn’t want to sound like a little kid, but….”Uhm, where’s Fu Qin?”

Assistant Kim bowed again. “I’m sorry Young Master, but Mr. Li is a busy man. He has a lot of meetings to attend to.”

Awkward silence.

“But Mr. Li would be happy to hear about your victory, Young Master.” he continued upon seeing the boy’s disappointed face. There was no need to tell the boy that his father wouldn’t give a damn even if he were the school council president, let alone the champion in a basketball tournament. That would simply crush him.

Assistant Kim pitied him. Jiaheng’s mother died when he was seven. He was with her when it happened. Jiaheng himself barely survived, but his mother unfortunately didn’t.

It was an accident they said. Only that it really wasn’t.

From that day on, Mr. Li ensured that his only son and only heir would be the only person that he would trust. He decided that he would only have the best for his son. The best education, the best clothes, the best of everything. He was taught by the most brilliant teachers, he was schooled and is currently studying in one of the most elite schools in America, and he was always surrounded by guards 24/7, for Mr. Li had dreaded the fact that his enemies would try to take his only heir’s life. And he wouldn’t have that.

In other words, Li Jiaheng grew up to be a lonely child.

Not that he hadn’t had friends, sure he talks to his classmates, just no one really close enough.

Of course as he grew up the security around him began to lax a bit. His father had him enrolled in Martial Arts classes, where he met his best friend, Huang Zitao, son of his father’s Head of Security. The boy might be quiet and shy, but when he fights, he turns into a beast.

At first, it was a bit awkward between the two of them, but soon enough, they became close, with Tao teaching Jiaheng martial arts (mainly Wushu) and Jiaheng teaching him Korean, even though he has a funny accent that had Jiaheng rolling around in the floor laughing and Tao threatening to beat him up. But as soon as they had started to become friends, Jiaheng had to leave for America.

Well, there goes his first friendship down the drain.

And to top it all, Mr. Li had become a perfectionist. He gave his son every material thing that he wanted, but he was strict when it comes to his education. He wanted his son to always be on top. He even donated buildings to the school where Jiaheng studies, just so he could ensure his son’s position as number one.

Not that Jiaheng’s stupid. No. He’s brilliant. “Way beyond his years” his teachers would say. Excellent in his academic studies, fluent in four languages (four!), and good in sports. Also add his wealthy background and good looks, and there you go.

In short, Li Jiaheng was the epitome of perfection.

Well, nearly.

If Mr. Li thought that he had given his son everything, he was wrong. Dead wrong.

For he had forgotten to give him two of the most important things that every child craves: a parents’ love and attention.

As earlier said, Mr. Li is a very busy man. His wife’s death made him realize how powerless he is. That he must have more power and influence so that people would fear his name. And he didn’t care if his other job is highly illegal. What only matters to him now is power.

If someone did come to knowledge about it, they were either paid off or silenced.

Mr. Henry Li had become a beast. A power-hungry one at that.

In less than 3 years, his business expanded. And in that span of time, Mr. Li had almost forgotten that he has a son. A son who celebrates his birthday with only the serving staff and his grandmother by his side. A son who cries at night because of nightmares. A son who only yearns for his father’s love and attention. True, Mr. Li makes sure to send a very expensive gift with a computerized card wishing him a happy birthday, but unknown to him, that is not what Jiaheng wants.

“Sooo….why are you here?”

Assistant Kim snapped back from his thoughts. He looked at the boy standing in front of him. He looks a lot like his father, but he has his mother’s eyes.

One of the reasons that his father can’t bear the sight of him. He reminds him of his deceased wife.

‘How could he manage to smile brightly despite of his sad life?’ Assistant Kim wondered to himself.

“Mr. Li asked me to check on your current condition, Young Master” he said.

Jiaheng nodded, satisfied. At least his father cares even if only a bit. He enjoys the little attention he could get. He decided to push his luck a bit. ”Hey, do you think my father would allow it if I visit Korea for some time? I really miss Mimi.” he said.

“Ahh…I don’t think now’s the right time Young Master” Assistant Kim said.

Jiaheng frowned. “Why?”

“Because she’s here. The Madam.”

Jiaheng’s eyes rounded. “Her? What is she doing here? I mean-“ Jiaheng cleared his throat, embarrassed that he forgot his manners. “I mean, the Madam’s here?”

“Mr. Li instructed her to check on you, Young Master.”

“But I thought you-“

Assistant Kim bowed apologetically.

“Never mind.” Jiaheng sighed. Then suddenly, he went to his closet, dragged his suitcase outside, carried it to the bed and opened it. He went back to his closet, grabbed some clothes, and began dumping it inside.

“Young Master? If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing?” Assistant Kim asked, confused.

“I’m going with you guys.”

“I beg your pardon, Young Master?”

“I said, I’m going back with you and Madam. Back to Korea.”

“But Young Master, you can’t go back-“he was suddenly cut off when Jiaheng handed, more like threw, his suitcase at him. Assistant Kim staggered with the weight. It was damn heavy. Jiaheng himself is carrying a huge alpaca stuffed toy under one of his arms, while the other is carrying the trophy.

“Let’s go” Jiaheng said. But before he can even open the door, a pair of hands stopped him.  He turned around and faced Assistant Kim. ”What now?” he asked, a bit annoyed.

“You can’t go back Young Master” he pleaded. When he saw Jiaheng’s frown deepen, he sighed. Guess he has to tell the truth then. “You can’t go back because… Mr. Li had been hospitalized.

Jiaheng eyes widened. Then he blinked. “Oh…” Then his eyes widened again. “Wait, what!?!”

Assistant Kim nodded. “There was too much stress concerning about his work. He passed out from too much pressure.” he explained. “But he’s alright now, just resting at the main house.” he assured.

Jiaheng relaxed. ”Oh…I see…”

Assistant Kim sighed with relief. Safe.

But he was too early to celebrate.

“….then all the more reason for me to go back then.” Jiaheng said. And before Assistant Kim could stop him, he was out of the door and running in the corridors.

Assistant Kim stood there, dumbfounded. Jiaheng was halfway through when he came back to his senses.

“Aish! That kid!” Assistant Kim exclaimed, forgetting to call him Young Master. He shook his head, muttering to himself about stubborn kids and raced after the boy.

“Young Master, wait!”


Song Ah-Ri sat waiting on the car.

She had instructed Assistant Kim on to check on Li Jiaheng and to see to it that all his needs are fulfilled. She rolled her eyes and sighed. ‘Seriously. His father spoils him too much’ she thought. ‘Making me act like a nanny to babysit his own son. I deserve better than this’ she continued spitefully.

In Li Jiaheng’s eyes, Ah-Ri was his father’s second wife, and his stepmother. But he doesn’t treat her like one. True, he treats Mimi, Ah-Ri’s daughter, like his little sister, but he treats Ah-Ri like a complete stranger, and Ah-Ri is completely fine with that. Not that they hate each other, they just don’t want to stick their noses into each other’s business. They are completely content with their relationship like that.

Unknown to Jiaheng though, Ah-Ri is paid by his father to act like his mother-figure after having an argument with Jiaheng’s grandmother, who thinks that Jiaheng needed someone who he can look up to.

‘Well, it won’t certainly be you, Henry’ she had said. ‘You’re always away. Jiaheng needs someone who cares about him’ Henry had asked why not her, since she is Jiaheng’s grandmother, but she only shook her head. ‘He needs a parent.’ Was all she said before ending their conversation.

Assistant Kim’s arrival snapped Ah-Ri from her thoughts. Rolling down the window, she leaned out and asked, “How is he?”

Assistant Kim bowed slightly, an apologetic look on his face “Well….Madam…” Then he stepped aside, revealing the person behind him.

Ah-Ri’s eyes rounded.

There stood Li Jiaheng, carrying a huge alpaca stuffed toy and a trophy. He gave a casual wave and said “Yo! Wassup?”in English. Then he walked forward and suddenly opened the car door, nearly causing Ah-Ri to fall out. Luckily she caught herself just in time. She cleared ,” What are you-“But she was rudely cut off when Jiaheng shoved his stuffed toy inside the car, forcing Ah-Ri to scoot to the other side. Jiaheng followed inside, shutting the door. He leaned over on the still open window.

“Assistant Kim, sit on the front and let’s go.” he said.

Assistant Kim nodded and sat on the front. Jiaheng rolled the windows up. Then he turned to look at Ah-Ri. She stared back at him. None of them backed down from the staring competition. After what felt like ages, Ah-Ri spoke.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she said, her tone icy.

Jiaheng shrugged. He wasn’t afraid of her. “I just want to go back home for a bit.” he said. “And besides, I heard father’s been hospitalized” he continued.

Ah-Ri shot a glare on Assistant Kim. He turned around slightly, looking guilty. She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. This wasn’t part of the plan.

Oh well. Not that she can’t do anything about it, as Jiaheng is one stubborn child.

“Where to, Madam?” the driver asked.

She looked at the boy beside her, but he had already shut her off, his ears stuffed in his headphones, the volume turned up high. He was facing the window, looking bored.

She sighed again. She was gonna get it once she got back. Damn it.

“The airport. Let’s go back home.” she finally said.



Yeah, I's boring -_-"

Sorry for being such a pathetic author.

Thanks for those who have the patience to read:)

Comments are much appreciated!Thank you^_^











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I was going to put this critique as a Private Message, but your profile was set to private, so I'll just post it here:)

1. Please add spaces between punctuation marks like the period, comma, or semicolon. It's proper grammar and proper grammar helps make your story look much more polished:)

2. This sounds A LOT like the drama "I Miss You" starring Micky Yoochun, Yoon Eun Hye, and Yoo Seung Ho. You could be inspired by the drama, but if your fic's plotline follows the drama's too much, you're looking into unoriginality:/

3. I'll enjoy the story:) it doesn't sound bad♥