
My Mind's Eye
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March 11th, 2014






Stacie woke up to Jessica’s feet in her face.


She almost screeched aloud in protest and was going to angrily throw the legs off of her when she saw the rather sweet looking position the two other girls were in.


Smiling mischievously at the sight, Stacie quietly slipped off the side of the bed, going straight for her purse next to the coffee table. She took out her phone and stealthily moved back towards the sofa-bed where Jessica and Tiffany still lay in deep slumber.


Stacie knew Jessica had always been a bit of a messy sleeper and the blonde photographer had somehow gravitated towards Tiffany sometime during the night. She now lay in a half-diagonal fashion along the bed. Half-diagonal because her torso was curled up and her head was pillowed on Tiffany’s smooth stomach. The blonde’s head was turned upwards and facing Tiffany’s direction while her legs were pointing up towards the right corner of the bed, where Stacie’s head had been just moments before. Almost like a question mark.


Tiffany, on the other hand, lay as a person should lay in a bed. Straight.


The youngest girl’s loose t-shirt that Jessica had lent her had ridden up significantly during the night and the young ballerina was now showing off a rather toned and milky smooth midriff. Jessica’s blonde hair lay sprawled all over the younger girl’s exposed stomach. The young girl had one hand resting on Jessica’s left upper leg, her slender fingers following the contours of Jessica’s thigh and curving inwards, caressing the silken skin of Jessica’s inner leg, rather dangerously close to the apex as Stacie was delighted to s

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Chapter 46: Waiting for a new update 🫡😊
1189 streak #2
Chapter 1: I wonder how this is gonna go
Chapter 44: Hot jeti XD i love it
Chapter 39: They might tease each other a lot, but they surely care a lot about each other. This kind of friendship is just too— cute and rare? They support each other in every steps is something that I have to mention, because it is a very heartwarming.

I don’t think I believe something like soul mates too, but I do believe that there will be someone for each of us. Soul mates is like— whatever you do, wherever you are, you will always get the chance to meet this person, hence I think it’s kind of impossible, in a way.

Anyway, thank you for the update, author-nim!
Chapter 38: This chapter makes my heart flutter! Every single gesture, even the most simple one makes me smile! The development of their relationship is not rushed, that’s what I like— it’s going steadily yet sweeter. Surely my new favorite chapter now, though I do love all the chapters! Hehe.
Chapter 38: this chapter warms my heart... the simple interactions between them are so moving.
as much as possible they don't seem to want to rush their relationship, but it's impossible huh☺️
Thanks for ur update☺️
Soneisa #7
Chapter 3: This is interesting 🤔
nancyuti #8
Chapter 37: I'm waiting for ur next update thornim...thanks
Chapter 33: There u go sica.... That's all what tiff needed from u☺️