Prank Gone Wrong.

April's Fool Went Wrong

EXO M wanted to plan something out for EXO K on April's fool day and they were thinking hard on what to do. All of their ideas seem like it had been used before and EXO K would figure it out easily. They were all seated in a circle in the living room of their dorm.

Suddenly, Kris snapped his fingers and he went into the his room to get the laptop out. He typed something and a browser popped out. He smirked and turned the screen over to s. They squinted their eyes and leaned in to have a closer look. "Guys, this is it. The mansion in the woods no one ever stepped into after World War II."

Xiumin and Chen frowned, glaring at their duizhang. Luhan along with Lay gulped, "Seeing the picture is scary enough." Luhan whispered to himself.

"Are you for real, Kris? You do have an idea what's living in there, right?!" Xiumin hissed and Kris shrugged.

"Those were just rumors, I wouldn't believe them easily."

Chen glared at his ignorant leader. "Hyung, rumors don't just surface when there is no roots to it. Rumors come around because something led to it."

Tao scoffed. "Oh come on! What can there be in that stupid mansion?! People spread rumors to make others scared. There are no ghosts!" Tao sided with his duizhang.

Both Korean members averted their glares over to Tao. "You have no idea what you're saying, take that back." Chen growled lowly.

"Oh come on! Loosen up a little, Hyung. There are no such thing as ghosts." Tao patted Chen's back and the latter shoved his hand away.

"Those 'things' living in there are not ghosts, Tao. Ghost can't hurt you, they can't harm you in any way. They are only able to tease you. Those 'things' in there are a definition of 'living demon'." Xiumin warned.

Luhan and Lay gulped, looking over at the members who were arguing. To be very honest, they were afraid of the mansion after just looking at the picture.

Kris rolled his eyes and folded his arms. "Tell me more." He spat sarcastically.

"Those rumors you heard from other people about a girl killing herself in the mansion is not true. They're just ants compared to the whole story.

The mansion was built by the Hwangs, Korea's wealthiest household at that time when the western culture influenced Korea, which explains the design of the mansion. The Hwangs believed that they had a curse on their household and they could only have males. In their history line, there was no female. That was until their beliefs changed. Hwang Mi Young, a girl was born on the August 1st. They believed that it was god who sent her to them. They treated her like she was the treasure of the family.

They heard from a 'witch doctor' that if they married Mi Young off before she turned 18 years old, the family would be blessed with many females. Madam Hwang had always wanted females in the house because there were too many males and she was desperate to marry Mi Young off. Less than a day of hearing from the 'Witch doctor', Madam Hwang married Mi Young off to the Nams. Like them, the Nams had many males but no females at all. It was a mistake for Mi Young to marry 'Woohyun', Nams' son as the 'Witch doctor' didn't tell them that they had to find a family full of females to marry Mi Young off.

A year after the marriage, Mi Young gave birth to their first child in the mansion. Everyone had expect the baby to be a female but when they saw the baby, they were shocked. Even Woohyun and Mi Young who saw their child called the baby a 'demon'. The baby had no eyes and nose but only a mouth. It had three arms and one leg. When they check for the gender, they didn't know what to call it as it had no ual organ. Thinking it was a mistake, they went to see the 'Witch doctor'.

The 'Witch doctor' explained the things she forgot to tell the Hwangs and called the baby a demon too. They had to get rid of the baby because it would bring shame to the house. So they burned her baby when it was still alive. It died and everyone was relieved. However though, everyone in the mansion said that they could hear the baby crying in pain at night and it only stopped when Mi Young was pregnant once again.

Everyone was happy, thinking that Mi Young could once again, bring a female into the family. When she gave birth though, the same thing happened except the baby now had a nose and one arm less. They killed the baby once again and the thought of having another baby would become a normal human occurred in their minds and they told Mi Young to get pregnant again.

Of course as a mother, who wouldn't love their baby that has been in their tummy for nine months? Mi Young was tired of killing her babies but the thought of a demon in the house scared her. After the third attempt of having a normal baby, the Hwangs gave up and locked Mi Young together with Woohyun in a room, calling her a bad luck to the family. They told her that if she could bring them a normal, healthy baby girl, they would let her out.

The cries got louder and louder every night in the mansion when Mi Young wasn't pregnant. Two years later, Mi Young finally gave birth to a healthy baby. Except, it wasn't a female. She lied to her family saying it was a girl and she was let out. When the family found out that the baby was a boy, they locked her and Woohyun back into the room once again and took the baby boy away. A few years after, the boy grew into a young kid and he found out that his mother along with his father had been locked up in the room. He killed all of the family members in the mansion before he set his mother and father out of the room.

Mi Young went into the hall and she made a curse all over the mansion. The bodies in the mansion were being grabbed away by dark shadows and she killed her family together with her. When someone went into the mansion, screaming and shouting could be heard in the mansion and the person who entered, never came out." Chen shivered at the thought of not coming out alive.

Everyone went quiet before Tao and Kris burst out laughing. "Nice try, Chen but try harder." Kris laughed.

"Oh~ I'm so scared!" Tao mocked and rubbed his arms.

"Believe it or not, what I said is true." Chen growled.

"Okay, okay." Kris raised his hands in the air. "Let's just say I believe you, okay?" He stopped laughing and set his hands down before looking at all the members. "You coming?"

He waited for an answer but no one replied. Tao was the first to reply and he slung an arm over Kris' shoulders. "I am!"

Luhan and Lay exchanged glances and thought of the same thing, 'What if it's true?' But they didn't want to be left alone in the dorm tomorrow after hearing Chen's 'story'. "We're coming too." Lay spoke out and Kris nodded.

All the members waited for the two Korean members' reply as they stared. "Fine, we'll go. Only because we're worried." Xiumin said.

"Hey Kai!" Luhan smiled sweetly.

"Yeah?" Kai replied while still staring into the mirror.

"I'm holding a party tonight, wanna come?" Luhan glanced behind him where all of EXO M members are and bit his lips. He had lost the bet and had to ask the members of EXO K out.

"Sure." Kai answered.

"Great! And ask the members to come too." Luhan smiled and Kai nodded before Luhan smirked and left the room.

"You're holding a party here?" Suho looked up to the mansion in front of them.

Luhan laughed nervously and nodded his head, "Yeah! Come on! Let's go!"

Luhan walked and Suho stopped s from moving. "Hold on, where's EXO M?"

"Oh! They had schedules so they couldn't come." Luhan nodded his head once again.

"You're not playing with us, right? Holding a party here seems weird, it's so deserted and quiet." Suho stated.

"Nah, I wouldn't be that free!" Luhan swatted his hands and left into the mansion.

"I'm watching you." Suho whispered and followed in.

Once EXO K was in the mansion, the doors behind them closed loudly and Tao along with Kris snickered when they saw EXO K jumped a little. "Awesome!" Kris and Tao hi-fived one another before going into the mansion from behind to get ready.

"Why is there no one?" Chanyeol asked as he looked around.

"I invited only you guys." Luhan answered as he went into one room. "Feel free to look around!" Luhan shouted from one room.

D.O, Sehun and Baekhyun swallowed their saliva. This place looks creepy as hell, who would want to organize a party in here?!

"G-guys, I really don't like it here, it's cold and it's summer now, there's no aircon in here too." Chanyeol moved closer to Kai.

Kai scowled and pushed Chanyeol away. "Don't be a baby! Man up! I think it's cool." Kai smirked. "Let's see who's fooling who." Kai walked off to explore the hall.

Suho shrugged and went into the room where Luhan went into a few moments ago. "Luhan?" He called. "Luhan?" Suho called once again when he couldn't find Luhan anywhere. "I knew it." Suho sighed and went out of the room to where the members were gathered. "They're somewhere around the house."

Baekhyun looked at his leader and asked, "So what are we going to do now? Can't we just leave?"

Suho sighed and shook his head. "We have to find them first and tell them we're leaving or they'll wonder why we are." He called Kai over and they stood in one line. "We'll split up to find the members of EXO M. I and Kai will go together, D.O, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Sehun, you guys will go in a group." They all nodded. "Okay, let's go." Kai and Suho walked off.

The group of four went up the stairs and walked down the corridor. The lights suddenly started to flicker and Chnayeol moved closer to D.O, the both of them hugging one another as they walked down the corridor. They felt that something was terribly wrong with this mansion.

Lay and Xiumin looked at one another. "Did you play with the switch?" Xiumin asked and Lay shook his head. "That's weird.. why are the lights flickering?"

"Who cares, let's just do our thing." Lay said and wore his wig, sweeping dust away from his white long dress. Xiumin shrugged and wore his wig too.

"Chen?" Baekhyun called. "Chen, are you there? Don't play anymore, we wanna go home now."

A cold wind blew past and the four members shivered. A small faint voice whispered into Baekhyun's ear. "I still wanna play.." Baekhyun snapped his head back and glanced at the scared members behind him.

"Did you guys just said something?" They shook their heads.

Baekhyun thought that maybe, he imagined that voice in his head and he shook it out. They continued walking when one door down the hallway slammed closed.

"AH!" Chanyeol shouted and jumped on D.O. "W-what was that?!"

"Maybe it's just them playing, let's go." Sehun walked towards that direction and they followed.

Chen and Luhan bit their lips to stop themselves from laughing. As the four continued to move their way nearer and nearer to where Chen and Luhan were, Xiumin and Lay creep behind them, ready to scare them.


"AHHHHH!" Chanyeol shouted and jumped, turning around.

"HAHAHAHA! YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE!" Lay laughed as he clutched his tummy. A round of laughter followed down the hallway and Lay shut his mouth, looking back.

"What was that?" Baekhyun asked.

"I-I don't know." Lay stuttered. "Luhan? Chen? That isn't funny!" Lay shouted.

"We didn't make that laughter." Chen and Luhan said as they came out from their hideout.

"Then who was that?!" D.O asked, afraid now.

"Maybe it's Kris and Tao." Luhan swallowed, answering, hoping that his answer was true.

"Let's just find them and get out, this place is getting really strange." Sehun spoke calmly although he felt scared as well.

As they all walked down further to find Kris, Tao and the two other members of EXO K, things got really strange. The lights then turned off on it's own. This time though, Chanyeol squeezed his eyes closed, not wanting to see anything as he held onto D.O.

"It's alright, maybe the fused went out, that's all." Xiumin tried to assure them but he knew better than the others what this meant. It meant that the 'demons' in this house were kind of pissed out.

Baekhyun felt a tap on his left shoulder and he turned around. "My name is not Kris or Tao.." That faint whisper came again and he had goosebumps all over his body. He became furious at whoever was playing with him and snapped his head back. "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" He shouted at the members angrily.

"What's wrong with you?!" Chen asked.

"Don't think I don't know one of you is still playing around. It's not funny so stop it!" Baekhyun turned back around and started walking faster.

"Don't go..." A voice said down the hallway and everyone stopped.

A white figure went pass their eyes in front of them and they frowned. "Tao? Is that you?" Lay asked.

After that incident, Xiumin, Chen, Luhan, Baekhyun, D.O, Chanyeol and Sehun gathered in the hall and they started counting themselves.

"Where's Lay?" D.O. asked.

"Yeah, where is he? He was right behind me just now." Chanyeol said as he looked behind him.

Right at that time, Tao along with Suho and Kai came down from the stairs and met the rest there. Suho who noticed one member missing scrunched his face as he counted them and noticed Lay was missing.

"Where's Lay?" Suho asked.

"He was right behind me just now but I don't know where he is." Chanyeol answered.

"What about Kris?" Sehun asked when he noticed there was only three of them.

"He said he wanted to use the toilet." Tao replied.

"Let's wait then." All of them sat on the floor in a circle.

They started to feel sleepy when they heard banging noises from above them and some footsteps. The footsteps were slow before they became fast and they could hear two people running. The footsteps then came to a stop and wind started blowing strongly.

Baekhyun opened his eyes when he felt someone behind him and he turned around just to see something fly pass him. "I SWEAR SOMEONE WAS RIGHT BEHIND ME!" Baekhyun shouted when he became more than scared.

They all sensed something was dearly wrong but chose to believe that it was Kris and Lay who ganged up on them to play a prank.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE LAY! COME OUT!" Suho shouted, angry.

"This is not a game.." A voice whispered from above. The members looked up to see who it was. They saw no one, it was all dark. "You came.." A round of laughter sounded. "You made us pissed.." The voice paused. "You are going no where!" The voice hollered.

Suho and Kris appeared on the top of the steps, panting. "WE HAVE TO GO! THERE'S SOMETHING IN THIS HOUSE! IT'S REALLY PISSED!" They both ran down with Suho behind.

"There you are! Let's- AH!" Suho gripped onto his shoulders where some blood were flowing out.

"What? What's wrong? What happened?" Chen asked, concerned.

"There's no time to explain! I was in the toilet and this girl, she came up to me. She said no one is to leave this place and everyone has to die with her. It's her 100th year anniversary and she wants all of us to join her in this house! We have to go!" Kris ran towards the members and stopped when he was in front of them.

"YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" Many voices roared at once. "You are joining me and my family!" A female voice said. All the doors and windows slammed closed and it made a loud sound within the house.

"GO!" DON'T LOOK BACK!" Suho shouted as he pushed all of them towards the exit, the only door that was still opened.

That laughter came again when they were near the exit and the exit door slammed closed too. "You are going with me!" That female voice said loudly from behind them and they started shaking from fear. "AND YOU!" A horrible figure with no eyes and nose appeared behind Suho, making all of them gasped. "YOU ARE COMING WITH ME FIRST!" A bunch of dark shadows came and grabbed onto Suho's hands and legs, dragging him away. The members all had quick reaction and they held onto Suho as well but eventually lost as their strength wasn't strong enough.

"SUHO HYUNG!" They all shouted as they ran towards him.

"DON'T MIND ME! GET OUT NOW!" Suho shouted at them as he got into the darkness.

Kris cursed. Why didn't he listened?! Now their prank became a reality. To prevent more members from getting grabbed, he hollered, "OUT! NOW! GO GO GO!" Kris ran into a window and broke the glass. The glass shattered and fell to the ground as all the members raced towards him.

However though when they were about to climb out the window, a figure appeared in front of the window and laughed. "Not so fast." They saw the mouth smirked before they all out. Their bodies got dragged into a room where six young kids were along with their parents.

"It's meal time, kids." The mother said. "Dig in." She smiled sweetly at her children and they ran to where all the bodies were before ripping it apart, having their delicious meal after a hundred years because no one came over to the house. Finally someone decided to come and give themselves up. "After this, we can all die in peace." The mother said to her husband. Her husband nodded and kissed her.

"Well done, my wife." The husband looked over to where all the ripped and bloody bodies were. "These fools, coming here for April's fool day just to die in the end."






I KNOW! THIS WASN'T SCARY AT ALL! T.T IT WAS MEANT TO BE! BUT MY INTERNET.... GRRR! AND ALL THE IDEAS WERE GONE! I typed this out while blanking away so if it , I'll apologise. I might do a new chapter, a better one if you guys really want a real horror story. But.. yeah, that would be over April's Fool day already x.x

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I'm reading the comments and its making me scared.

authornim I'm scared *sobs*
Omg nooooo I read this like a million times and every time I'm like "OMFG A DEMON" tyen "OMG ITS REAL??!!" and then "NOOO SUHOOOOO" then "YES KRISEUS YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO CHENCHEN"
Right there is like, NO chance of me getting any sleep now é_è
Missfaceless_exo #3
Chapter 3: How can you say it's not scary author-nim? I wonder if I want to continue to read this story or not when you update the new chapter......kyahahaha. Nah, just kidding, I will continue. Hope you update soon author-nim
Chapter 3: ... *faints*
I have this weird habit of making stories into "films" in my head as I read them ... I kinda wish I didn't do that for this. Ok, scrap that - I REALLY REALLY REALLY wish I hadn't done that.
Kris ... Aish you should've listened to Chen and the others ... Suho ... T_T noooooooooo poor exo ... *wails*
its like, afternoon and I haven't even had lunch but I got this feeling I'm still gonna have nightmares when I go to bed. O_o
wow DAEBAK authornim this is GREAT!!!!
Chapter 3: Well,that did me a favor of not sleeping O_o
exoxo0408 #6
Chapter 3: You said this wasn't scary at all???!!! I almost fainted reading it. Anyway, awesome story and hope you will update for the next chapter
kinda reminds me of 48 Hours lol awesome story anyway!!
Awesome story! :)