Chained to Love


It started with the little things, 

"Don't spend too much time with your friends" "Make sure you don't stay out late"

Taemin had an easy time coping with this. After all, it was just Minho's way of being affectionate and showing he cared.

And then, it began to happen. Restriction after restriction, to the point in which Minho would not let Taemin outside their room except to eat, let alone outside to play in the sunshine.

And that's when it happened....Taemin had had enough

Sometimes, running from love, is how you save it.


So I have been reading alot of 2min Fanfics lately, and so I've decided to try my hand at one, I just don't know if I want to write one that is M rated or not......Please comment below and let me know


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 1: The hand cuffs were a little creepy but love a happy ending!
Bannana_milk #2
Chapter 1: Write a sequel pls!