Being A Robot



Being a robot.

Three words and three words only.

I hate it.

I just can’t use that emotion I’ve always wanted.

And now I’m just abandoned; alone in this world.

What am I supposed to do?


Taemin is only a young boy robot. He was that scab his parents wanted to flick away once the time was right. And the time had come. Ever since he was a little boy, Taemin had been cursed, a curse put on him so that he could never love again. His heart had been turned into metal, only made up of wires and mechanical pieces.
His parents despised him. A lot. His little brother had always been the shining star in their eyes. So as soon as he won a place in scholarship, his parents left him in Seoul. Living alone, with his heart cold and longing, he meets his new neighbor, a bright and bubbly girl, who splashes colour into his dull life.

Could she finally be the one to paint his ticking grey heart red?


Lol, I created another story...
Even though I'm such as lazy author -.-"
Anywho, enjoy and no plagarizing! :)



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Chapter 2: awwwww!!!! pls update!!!!