Lee dong hae, first guy

sttt... i'm a playgirl


Its my last year on junior high school.

Lee dong hae, my seatmate. I don’t know why I like him, maybe his handsome face, I love it when he smiles, its cute how he laughs, maybe his smartness, maybe the same hobbies.

He really kind to all the girls, that what I don’t like. For example, when exam its not just me that he give the cheat sheet, but another too.

I wanna be the one, the special one.

But he even doesn’t realized that make me jealous .

“ you look annoyed, something wrong? “ he ask me confused that I slightly annoyed from break time.

Actually, when break time, I catch donghae laughed with Jessica in the school canteen. I feel hurt, fear that donghae will like that new student. From the first day Jessica transfer from London to our school, I feel that donghae show his interest to her like teach her maths, lend his notes and my bad luck that Jessica sit behind me.

“ say it, you sick? “ ask him. I pretend that I didn’t hear him and put my chin on the desk.

Donghae stop asking, but actually I want him to concern bout me. He go out and leave me alone in the class. I put my books to my bag with teary eyes.

He doesn’t care to me anymore! I don’t wanna go to school anymore.

When I come home, I tell my dad that I don’t wanna go to school tomorrow. He ask me why, I said I’m bored and he really angry to me cause he’s the man who think that study is important.


Today, my dad accompany me to school and talk to my teacher. I’m really embarrassed this morning.

“ why your dad come to school this morning? “ donghae ask me curious, I ignore and leave him from class.

He chase me and grab my wrist, spun me around to face him.

“ you don’t know how it feels like when you ignore me! I just feel so paranoid, all day I’d be thinking ‘what have I done wrong?’ “ he said frustrated

I see student around looking at us. Gossip will released soon, he’s a kinka for God sake!

“ what’s wrong?” he shout to me.

“ its hard to answer the question ‘whats wrong’  when nothing’s right “ I said calmly

“ you look hurt, I hate to see that “ his voice softened.

“ you’d always say that you hate to see me hurt and you hate to see me cry. So all of those times that you hurt me, did you close your eyes?” I really angry and leave him again.


Noone POV

Jihyun’s room

SHE is laying in bed with door locked.

The curtains are drawn and the light’s off.

Sad movie is in the dvd player.

An empty tub of ice cream is on the floor next to dozens of crumbled tissues.

She’s got her music blasting so loud.

So no one can hear her sobs.

Her fingertips are smudged with black from wiping a way mascara-stained tears.

She’s replaying their last conversation,

Thinking I’ll never get him back~


Donghae’s room

HE is sitting on the edge of his bed with door locked.

The curtains are drawn and the light’s off.

Starcraft is in the xBox.

The controller is laying on the floor, right beneath the spot where he nearly punch the wall in his own frustration.

He’s got the music blasting so loud.

So nobody can hear his cries.

His hair is a mess from running his hand through it and he’s replaying their last conversation,

Thinking she’ll never get me back~


End of POV



“ crybaby “ shindong oppa tease me when he come to my room

“ I hate when my eyes get red and everybody knows I’d cry “

“ lee donghae? “ he ask me.

“ yeah, that ing fishy lee donghae! I swear to my holy hermes bag that I will cut his brown hair till bald! “ shindong oppa chuckled hear my answer.

“ you really like him don’t you? “

“ I just don’t wanna lose him like I lost all my credit card “

He just smile and hug me tightly.



Holiday finally end.

Along holidays, we never meet or talk each other.

First day at school after holiday, donghae give me surprise.

“ here “ he give me teddy bear

“ white flag, don’t mad at me anymore “

I accept that, not because the doll really expensive but its because I miss him so badly.


Actually, donghae’s confession not sweet like in romance novel.

I remember that one day, he catch other boy ask me out. He really angry at me.

“ you should ignored him! He even not handsome like me! “ I smiled, yeah his big ego.

“ when other boy ask you out, tell them that you have a good looking and smart- boyfriend! “

“ I have? “ I ask him curious.

“ yes you have! ME! Here, happy valentine “ he said again and give me chocolate.

“ but valentine is tomorrow? “

“ yeah, I supposed to confess to you in white day, but that stupid boy ruined my plan “

I smile and kiss his cheek make him blushed.

“ its you, its always been you. All this time, I love you, I guess I realized at that moment that I really did love you. Because there was nothing to gain, and that didn’t matter “

Finally he confess to me.

“ you know that feeling when it feels like your stomach just did a front flip? Well, you give me that feelings “ I said to him .

he leaned his face to me and that night, I get my first kiss in front of my house.

I don’t need kiss in the rain like in the movie that I always want.

I just need him, that’s the beginning and an end of everything.



From : HAEndsome fishy

‘ happy second valentine Ji,

I love you, that’s my secret.

No hearts, no pretty drawings.

No poems or cryptic message.

I just love you '  

                                                        -your y donghae


Well,its our second valentine.

Actually, we enter same high school but different class.

“ message from donghae? “ ask Nari, my best friend.

“ how’d you know? “ I ask her

“ your stupid smile explain that “ she answer

“ nowadays I feel like he’s avoiding me “

“ really? “ she curious

“ but this afternoon we have a date “ I cheered up again and Nari rolled her eyes.



“ I want to be an architect and I’ll make our house like this “ donghae point a picture of spain-italian house.

“ what do you want to be? “ he ask again

I though to myself, be what? I don’t know yet what I want to be. Maybe his wife, yes I wanna be an architect wife. He just smile.

“ you can be anything you want, you have many talents “

Silent feel the air till he broke it

“ tomorrow, I move to Osaka “ he whisper and I frown, confused.

“ my dad have business in there, so.. “

“ can’t you stay? “ I cut him off, panic, shock, confused.

He looked away.

NO! I cried silently.

I finally did it.

I stared at him with tears of confusion,hate,love and hurt building in my eyes.

I finaly must let him go..

I smiled and stand up, he took my hand and kiss it slowly and keep trembling.

“ I don’t know when future will lead us together again, but I will stop loving you, when apple fruit grows on mango tree, on the 30th day of February “ he whisper in husky voice

I nodded and leave him.

Leave my future.

Leave my laughter.

Leave my first love.

Lee donghae… goodbye~




I WISH I CAN FORGET YOU like I forget everything I’ve studied mere seconds before an exam.__SJH





author's note :

here's lee donghae oneshot, other member will released soon

and i dont know yet who's next, really need advice-_-

lot of grammar mistake, butidontgivea

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vanessanesangtae #1
Chapter 3: Update please :3
Chapter 3: Hmm maybe siwon??hehhhe and than eunhyuk :)