Damn It

Touch of Fear
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(The Sunday before, when Sehun received a call from his father)


Feeling a little anxious, Sehun turned the doorknob to his father's bureau room, that was in the Oh mansion as well. The strange feeling didn’t want to disappear; it increased even more as he stepped into the room that was filled with the scent of documents, papers and bills. His father sat at his work desk, several documents lying in front of him.


“Come here,” Mr. Oh demanded with the usual authority in his voice. He put away one of the documents and opened another one. Suspicion growing inside of Sehun, he hesitantly walked to the desk, halting two meter in front of it. “What are the news about, if you don’t mind me asking, Father?” he then finally questioned. He was trying to sound polite and well-behaved to avoid his father's dismay, as, lately, he realized that if he didn’t do as the elder man demanded, he'd have quite a few problems.


“You'll be studying abroad,” Mr. Oh said in a tone that, ironically, could have been used to talk about a trivial topic as the weather.


It took Sehun several seconds to process what he'd just heard. He then pressed his lips together in an attempt not to shout at his father and first listen. He knew that acting rashly wouldn’t get him anywhere in this situation. However, he couldn’t stop himself from mumbling, “But I don’t intend to do so.” He firmly looked his father in the eyes. His face wasn’t showing his shock and anger, but his hands behind his back that were clenched into fists did so.


“Sehun, I haven't called you here to ask you if you intend to do so or not. I only informed you,” Mr. Oh replied coldly, looking through his documents again. “Things have already been arranged. I had a contact of mine that arranged a place for you in an excellent university in Germany.”


At the mention of the foreign country, Sehun frowned, and the anger increased upon hearing that his father wasn’t concerned about Sehun's opinion on the topic in any way. “Father, you can't just decide about such an important matter without considering my opinion. I don’t intend to leave this country,” Sehun sternly said.


“You don’t understand yet. Son, I won't argue about it because there is nothing to argue about. It's been decided and tomorrow you're leaving.” “I haven't even finished school yet!” Sehun raised his voice. Although he knew that such a simple argument would never stop his father from getting what he wanted and that anger would only evoke equal anger from his father's side, he wanted to spill any argument he could think of.


“So? Still, there's a place for you. It's hard to get accepted at that university, and you were lucky the upcoming semester has one free spot. My contact had to put effort into it, so don’t ruin the chance,” Mr. Oh emphasized, but his gaze remained on the documents. “It's the Mannheim University, and you will study there for one month, scheduled.”


Mr. Oh raised his chin and looked in his son's eyes. “Don't do it halfheartedly. It's an important chance, so use it properly. You can – no, you will – learn a lot about economics at that university as it is excelling in economics and business administration.”


The way his father's eyes were boring into his made Sehun feel so little. Those demanding eyes that were seeking perfection, that were expecting excellence – they pressured Sehun, especially since he knew that this was a chance not to be wasted. He knew it was of importance, but his whole being was against it.


It was just not the time to go to a different country. But Sehun knew it was useless to argue with his father. As the older male had said, things had been decided, and Sehun had no say in it. He had no say in it to begin with. Maybe, the irrational part of him suggested, you could run away and hide somewhere until tomorrow. He himself knew that such a childish plan would never get him anywhere. Running away would only result in his father's anger, and he didn’t want to think about what his father could threaten him with.


Silently gritting his teeth, he turned around and walked away in heavy, slow steps. “You will receive further information from my secretary,” he heard his father say as he reached the door. How much Sehun hated that things would always go according to his father's preference, making himself no more than just a puppet.


Having closed the door to the bureau, Sehun fastened his pace to leave the building of the mansion. He needed to get out, now. After a few minutes, he found himself in the yard of the mansion. It'd been three weeks since he last stepped in this mansion, as two months ago he'd decided to live on his own. He preferred his apartment over this big mansion, as no one was home anyway. His father being here today, was a real exception. His mother was usually either out with her friends, enjoying the advantages of being part of the elite of this country, money-wise; or on business meetings to expand the Oh Hospital line. His younger brother was attending a boarding school in Britain, and his older brother's whereabouts had been unknown the past two years. Publicly, his older brother was said to be very sick and therefore residing at home, but in the Oh household everyone knew that the said male had run away from home after constantly having had disputes with their parents. So the oldest son was no longer a possible heir for the hospital line, leaving Sehun and his little brother as the only ones.


The youngest Oh member, though, had always been a rather difficult child to deal with. Constant fights at school, and generally the high usage of violence in his daily life, had made his parents decide to send him to a boarding school abroad. Far away so he couldn’t damage the family's reputation. Therefore Sehun was the only possible heir left – no, he was the heir.

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58 streak #1
Chapter 2: Oh no! Falling in love with the prices at the school ain't good, especially if they are one of the Kings. This turn of event swill either make Ara more protective or create a small break in their otherwise tight bond.
58 streak #2
Chapter 1: Ara doesn't want to crash her sister's happiness but she will find out herself when she goes to the school and sees how her sister is treated.

An exciting start!

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qinwang #4
amazing story
905 streak #5
Chapter 6: What is their mother works for his father's company?
But she already got fired so.. don't think so
905 streak #6
Chapter 5: I was thinking about the calm before the storm thingy and even author said that xD now that was funny
905 streak #7
Chapter 4: i was holding my breath :)
905 streak #8
Chapter 4: i was holding my breath :)
905 streak #9
Chapter 3: and it's kai! xD i'm worried about her.. it's really a 50-50 chance whether those kings would be good or bad
905 streak #10
Chapter 2: she's in love with kai im guessing?