
Touch of Fear
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“… And don’t pressure yourself too much.” Sehun's eyes widened at what Ara whispered, and he could feel warmth rush through him. A kind of warmth so different from the burning heat of the fever, a gentle one. A smile tugged at his lips upon realizing what an effect such simple words could have on him. To Sehun, though, those weren't just simple words. He'd never been told not to pressure himself too much. Ever since he was small, his parents pressured him to be the best in everything because they knew pressure would drive him on, and it did. But at the same time, pressure was such a terrible suffocating feeling that evoked a kind of fear, that was hidden in the depths of Sehun's heart, making him feel miserable at times when he thought he couldn’t do it. Pressure was why he'd been skipping sleep to read all those books, thus worsening his already bad condition as he'd been sick, and now resulting in lying here, half-dead in his bed with a high fever.


So, to him, those words – even said almost inaudibly – were special.


All of a sudden, he could feel it rush through his body, prickling in every part of his body. There was just this terribly strong urge growing inside of him. A desire that wanted to get a hold of Ara and never let her go again.


Before he knew what happened, his feet had already brought him to the door and his arms already reached out, wrapping around Ara's body. Her small frame was perfect for him to hug, his arms fitting around her neck perfectly, and his lips at her hair that scented to wonderfully like raspberry. “Don't leave, please,” he found himself saying into her hair. Part of him, the rational and realistic part was yelling at him to stop this and go back – the coward that was afraid to crush the core inside Ara's little house. But that part was being dominated by his emotional self, love and desire.


“I won't leave,” he heard her whisper softly, and he smiled.


His arms around her tightened a bit, pulling her even closer. Her body – in comparison to his – felt cool, easing the burning fever in him. Almost like salve for a burn. Indeed, that was what Ara felt like to him. “Thanks,” he mumbled, chuckling. “Thanks for everything.”


There was a long silence, only filled with Sehun's heavy and Ara's soft breathing. Then, all of a sudden, he could feel his lips burn … burning with desire, and within a blink of an eye he'd turned her around, and his flaming lips sought for ointment on hers. And when he could feel her cool lips against his, it felt as if an inferno triggered off inside of him. It was strange, as this burning inferno wasn’t uncomfortable at all, unlike the fever. This one was just … amazing. Maybe, it was because this was the feeling of desire, that he didn’t mind the burning sensation in him.


His dominant part had been awoken; he barely noticed his lips' movement in the delirium. However, even if he was being delirious, he knew none of these actions were insincere. It was just the fever took away the rationality, got rid of the caution, and let out the beast of desire.



Only when the heat inside him cooled down after what felt like an eternity, his rational self slowly found back, and showed it by pulling away from her lips – his arms remained wrapped around her. When his gaze fell upon the dazed expression on Ara's face, cheeks and lips reddened and slightly out of breath, he was tempted to meet her lips once again, but he held himself back. However, the clear eyes that were gazing up at him caused his rational self to disappear yet again. And his lips accidentally let three particular words slip out, his mind hadn't intended him to speak out. “I love you.” In one breath, those words were said. Brief, but the male could see how they etched themselves into the girl's mind when her eyes widened.


“S-Sehun-” the girl halted, unable to think of what to say. The fact that she'd been able to say his name was already wondrous, considering how much of a mess her mind was at the moment.


It was then when his emotional self finally lost control over him, when the delirium lost its effect, and his normal self had complete control over his body. “I – Ara – just …” he couldn’t even get out a single proper phrase without stuttering as he let go of her body as well. It took him so much willpower to calm down and for the time being ignore the girl's shocked face.


He needed to be careful about what to say next. Should he just brush it off as the effect of him being drowsy? No, Sehun thought, almost a bit too determined. It was almost as if this little faux-pas caused him to realize how much better he felt, having said it. It already happened, so why bother to cover it up?


He'd already taken the risk; he was already standing on the edge of a cliff, so why would he stop?


“I'm sorry for surprising you, but I'm not taking it back,” he said with an almost sheepish smile – he didn’t know how much he already looked like a child with his bed hair and reddened cheeks. “Just give me your answer when I'm fit again,” he said. Sehun chuckled at himself. How come he sounded so calm and confident, when on the inside part of him was regretting to have acted so rash?


He looked at Ara, whose eyes were still wide and lips and cheeks were still red from the kiss, and the cautious part of him just wanted to tell her to forget what happened, to ignore it, so they could continue as whatever their relationship had been before. But that part was being subdued by the feeling of love.

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59 streak #1
Chapter 2: Oh no! Falling in love with the prices at the school ain't good, especially if they are one of the Kings. This turn of event swill either make Ara more protective or create a small break in their otherwise tight bond.
59 streak #2
Chapter 1: Ara doesn't want to crash her sister's happiness but she will find out herself when she goes to the school and sees how her sister is treated.

An exciting start!

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qinwang #4
amazing story
905 streak #5
Chapter 6: What is their mother works for his father's company?
But she already got fired so.. don't think so
905 streak #6
Chapter 5: I was thinking about the calm before the storm thingy and even author said that xD now that was funny
905 streak #7
Chapter 4: i was holding my breath :)
905 streak #8
Chapter 4: i was holding my breath :)
905 streak #9
Chapter 3: and it's kai! xD i'm worried about her.. it's really a 50-50 chance whether those kings would be good or bad
905 streak #10
Chapter 2: she's in love with kai im guessing?