Kyuhyun's Exciting Winter Break (and the Cause to Jongwoon's Endless Headache)


Jongwoon and teenagers don't click. Especially the type of teenagers who have no type of respect for their elders. Especially teenagers named Kyuhyun. But karma is a , and Jongwoon gets his awfully bratty nephew to live with him for a few weeks as his brother runs away to a romantic vacation with his lover boy. 

Kyuhyun loves to poke his nose into things, Jongwoon's things to be exact. When Kyuhyun realizes Jongwoon's neighbor happens to be an ever-so-famous movie star (no surprise there, Jongwoon does live in an awfully expensive neighborhood), who might just have his eyes set on Kyuhyun's dear uncle, well...

That's where the fun begins.



When Jongwoon opened his door that morning, he did expect the chilly wind that hit his face, but he definitely did not expect the familiar bored and tired face of his nephew. Before even getting a better look to make sure it was him, the taller boy marched past him into the big apartment.

"It's freezing," the boy with a curly, shabby mess for hair, lanky limbs and a childish pout on his face commented, almost angry. Jongwoon raised his eyebrow. Not even a hello, then.

"Hi, Kyuhyun," Jongwoon offered, but it didn't come out nearly as cheerful as it was maybe intented. Understandable, though. It was eight in the morning, it was Jongwoon's day off and he hadn't had his morning coffee yet. He was planning on using his day on absolutely nothing, and his carefully made plans seemed to be completely ruined now that the seventeen year old was in the house.

"Hyung," Kyuhyun nodded. He set his backpack onto the ground, and only now Jongwoon noticed he was even carrying one.

"Why... that?" Jongwoon pointed at the backpack, still blinking the sleep away from his eyes.

"My stuff is in it," Kyuhyun said like it was the most obvious thing on the planet. "Because I'm... staying here?" Jongwoon blinked again, then closed his eyes and groaned out so loudly that Kyuhyun's face twisted in worry. "Are you okay? Is my presence causing you physical pain?" his tone was heavily sarcastic, but that was nothing new. "Dad said you're okay with this, though. And it's not like I can come home anymore, you know he and Youngwoon- hyung left this morning." Jongwoon knitted his eyebrows together. So this was the favor his brother had been asking for that one night.. That night when Jongwoon was drunk. Out of his mind too, he only knows he promised to do something for his hyung from the text message he received next morning.

Thank you so much for doing this for me!! And Youngwoonie thanks you too~~ ;)

"That sly little...," he cursed under his breath as he walked into his kitchen, Kyuhyun hot on his heels. The youngster plopped himself onto a kitchen chair and dug his phone out, already tapping away a text to someone. Jongwoon walked to the counter to start fixing himself a pot of coffee. Which he needed, desperately.



someone should stop me from starting new fics LOL

i'm going to try and post this tomorrow mkay?

lamest title of all time i will think of something better later lmao;;;

also thanks for the subscriptions and comments!


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401 streak #1
Chapter 14: Rereading, still got a broken heart coz there's still no next chapter button 😔
401 streak #2
401 streak #3
Chapter 10: what? some lame ? It's good! Scratch that! It's great! LOVELY! Wooooooow! XDDD
401 streak #4
Chapter 6: Kyuhyun and his little crush towards Sooyoung was fantastic! Love it!
401 streak #5
Chapter 4: I manage to read until this chapter. I'm falling in love with this story! I love how Siwon casually asked Kyuhyun if his uncle was single LOL And the way Jongwoon hold that cucumber just.. LMAO!!!

And finally, those conversation that Sungmin, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun had about Jongwoon was hilarious! I can't stop laughing right now!

Eniwei, I love Kyuhyun wasn't the third wheel or er for YeWon hihihihi... I read toooooo many story about Yewon and Kyusung, I love both of them. Damn, in fact I love stories with bottom Ye! XD

Can't wait to read the other chapters!
leezsha #6
Chapter 14: dear heeeeebum~ just visiting coz i miss your stories a lot...............i hope you're well!
Chapter 14: Wow~ I hate that I have already reached the last chapter of this. My dear, you need to update! This story is so great and I'm super curious to know where things go. I absolutely love the development of characters in this~ they are all so perfect and realistic in my mind. I found myself laughing aloud several times throughout random chapters. And Ryeowook is just too damn cute! Yahhh, I so want the KyuWook to work out in this, haha. And I've never even read a fic of those two before! See what your writing is doing to me?

But of course, the YeWon is absolutely beautiful. I was dying in laughter during the chapter when Siwon showed up at Yesung's place without a shirt on and Sungmin was there. xD

I understand that life is busy and it's not always easy to update~ but I hope that you some day do continue writing this! Take care. ^^
Chapter 1: I've only read the first chapter of this fic and I absolutely love it so far. Can't wait to see what happens next . <3
JinseiNoAkki #9
Chapter 14: I love this so much. This is damn near perfection and I love the pacing, I love the Yewon, and everything is just brilliant.
It's funny, sweet and insanely cute <3
You're the best, thanks so much for this gorgeous gem of a fic!
Please update soon XD
nighcloud407 #10
Chapter 14: love yewon interaction <33333